Welcome to the AAS Waffle Journal Blog

The AAS Waffle Journal is based on an idea from LAuRA (who was the second person to make an entry in the book) and set loose into the world by Gadget17. They both wanted a way to see it develop even if they never saw the actual book again.

We're hoping that as people receive the book and make their entries, they'll make an electronic record and arrange for it to be added to this site. It would also be good to keep track of where in the world the book is, so we can look back through the blog entries and see how many countries it's been to.

This is your blog, Wafflers, let's see what we can make of it! :D

November 23, 2003

All About Symbian / Mobitopia Meeting

Friday 28th November 2003

All About Symbian is having another of it's regular Pub Meetings for everyone who visits AAS. Be you a CEO, a tech head, an interested reader, or even one of the admin staff, you'll find a warm welcome, friendly conversation, and a good night out.

As usual, we'll be in the function room of the Dover Castle in central London (details below)

Due to popular demand, this will be our first Pub Meet on a Friday night - so it should be even busier than normal!

The pub meets are relaxed social events, giving you the chance to meet up and talk with various people. Our last meet saw the pub bursting at the seams with excitment, so you'd be a fool to miss this one.

The AAS Team should be arriving at the pub for 6.30pm. We hope to see you there!

What's Going To Happen? Click Continue reading "All About Symbian / Mobitopia Meeting" to find out

Continue reading "All About Symbian / Mobitopia Meeting"
Posted by Gadget17 at 02:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

November 19, 2003

I have the Journal :)

I've just received the Journal from Ghostdog in Macedonia, so I'll get my entry and Ewan's completed before the AAS pubmeet next weekend.

Posted by jadeviper at 10:40 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

October 28, 2003

LAuRA's Journal Entries

As I received the journal I tried to figure out what landmark in Finland could compete with the London Eye. Finlandia hall? Sibelius monument?

Continue reading "LAuRA's Journal Entries"
Posted by Laura at 05:55 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

October 25, 2003

Gadget17's Journal Entries

The Links has been blurred so you cant use until you have the book.

To just view the Journal at BookCrossing.Com go to AllAboutSymbian Journal

Continue reading "Gadget17's Journal Entries"
Posted by Gadget17 at 05:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

How did AAS Journal Come into being?

After viewing Bookcrossing.com which was mentioned by LAuRA in an earlier post, I was entigued by the EuroBookCrosser's Diary #1 and during a chat with LAuRA decided to set-up an AllAboutSymbian Journal.

At posting of this message has already been from UK to Finland and is on way to Macedonia! (Well will it go next???)

If you receive the book you can add something in writing about yourself, poems, or whatever you wish to pen.

Also you can add Photos, Pictures or clippings like a scrap book! (i've added a postcard and some clippings from 7650 manual and box (from first 7650)).

To start off with will be sent to Mods, Long term (At least Year) and high posting (250+ posts) members of AAS.

If you would like to get book, send me (Gadget17) a PM and will add you to list, and don't forget to add your details to the BookCrossing.com journal log!

Posted by Gadget17 at 01:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

October 24, 2003

3 Word Story

This is a story from the http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/forum/ 3 Word Story Thread.

This is here as a Recap but please realise that may not make 100% sense, as we are a Mad Bunch!

The Story So Far Again with Thanks to Laura for first part

Continue reading "3 Word Story"
Posted by Gadget17 at 10:33 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Swamp (pt.5)

And the Chaos Continues...

Continue reading "The Swamp (pt.5)"
Posted by Gadget17 at 05:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Swamp (pt.4)

What will happen in this installment of The Swamp?...

Continue reading "The Swamp (pt.4)"
Posted by Gadget17 at 04:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Swamp (pt.3)

And for more madness click continue.....

Continue reading "The Swamp (pt.3)"
Posted by Gadget17 at 03:38 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Swamp (pt.2)

The Story Continues .....

Continue reading "The Swamp (pt.2)"
Posted by Gadget17 at 02:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)