October 24, 2003

The Swamp (pt.5)

And the Chaos Continues...

Clutching the near-fatal wound on his sie, he walked over to JV and helped her to her feet......she wasnt in a good shape but the amour protected her sufficiently. she looked worried of state he was in and offered to treat his wounds, but he refused...."take care of them, they fought valiantly" he spoke in a horse voice, pointing at the fallen animals. There was no time to tend to his wounds, he was determined to find laura....or die trying.

He dropped to his knees and shouted as loud as he could....."I'DRASSGILL!!!" then he fell flat on his face, unconcious and a pool of blood forming beneath him. It was cry for help to his people, they were his last hope now.

Jadeviper turns the unconscious elf onto his side and makes a crude battle dressing for the wound in his side. Packing is and binding it tightly to stop the bleeding she leaves him - his other wounds can wait.

Walking around the swamp Jadeviper sees dead and injusred animals. A few like Anwar have escaped unharmed. The wounds are mainly lacerations - almost like teeth and claw marks of huge beasts.

Jadeviper stops and looks up, sensing something. She reaches for her mobile but it doesn't ring. She can feel Laura reaching out to her with her mind. Jadeviper almost cries with relief - Laura's alive! And she does have some elvish powers. That will make rescuing her a little less impossible...

Laura is gazing around the room, out of the window, along the walls of the castle building... making clear mental remarks on every aspect of her surroundings. She hopes that the images in her mind would be transported to Jadeviper, whom she feels is still following her thoughts. She also listenes carefully. Everything up in her tower seems quiet but from the basement below she can hear loud noise, like a bunch of drunken sailors... or worse... drunken monesters... Perhaps they would get themselves too drunk to defend the castle, should anyone come to her rescue. Or perhaps this is all just part of a carefully designed trap...

Laura can do no more at this moment than to keep her mind clear and open to images flowing to and fro.

Jadeviper closes her eyes and sees another place as clearly as if she was there looking around herself. She must be seeing through Laura's eyes. She sees the window with the sheer cliff face below, hears the noise of the revelling monesters.

The only problem is that she's seeing from Laura's point of view, which means she has no idea where the castle is... if she could only discover that, then Laura's as good as rescued.

Suddenly there was bright flash of light that lit up the campsite, even when it was daytime....then it began to receed till it dissappered.
Gathered there was the 7th Sanctuary Battalion of the Royal Guard. They had recived their kings call to arms and they included over 2,000 infantry troops, a full heavy artilery compliment and 50 air support vehicles.

The general ordered the medics to attend to the king and injured. They promptly began to heal the animals and even revive the dead ones, but Orophin was in a worse shape that it looked and needed more special attention......they carried him off to a medical van where they had the equiptment they needed.
The general walked over to JV that was being healed......."he will be alright, he just needs rest. in the mean time my men will survey the area for the princess. if you have any info that could help us, dont hesitate to tell us."

"She's in a castle somewhere by the sea. The window is unguarded. I was going to attempt to find her on Tembo, the flying elephant, but now you're here with the air force..."

Jadeviper slumps a bit, exhausted and able to give in to it now reinforcements are here.

Hours pass, and the boozing in the basement just gets louder and louder. Laura is leaning on the open window and letting the evening breeze cool her face. Sun is about to set and the stars are coming out. Laura cannot recognize the formations but she finds consolation in gazing at them. She remembers another time when she was looking at the stars with Jadeviper and... well, she just cannot get Orophin out of her mind. Why did it all have to end like this?

Further out on the sea she notices a peculiar twin beacon. Like a double star it shines there, as if it was trying to comfort her with its light.

Jadeviper senses Laura's mind again and closes her eyes. She sees the sky, about as dark as it is here, and the constellations...

"She's not far away... let me try and work out the direction"

The elves wait patiently, knowing better than to question her while she concentrates.

Jadeviper opens her eyes and looks up at the sky then closes them again to compare the patterns where Laura is held captive.

"She's east of here, but not very far... maybe even just where this river flows into the sea. There's a good landmark - twin beacons to the north-east. She can see them from her window."

Jadeviper hopes the elves can get to her soon.

The geogaraphivcal analyst ploted the land marks into the computer..."sir weve got the location. it 10 miles due east of here in the old Alcatraz dungeon.".......the general smiled and turned to his waiting troops...."ok men, let move out...".............."wait!! not without me you're not" a deep voice belowed at the general.
the general and the troops all bowed down...."of course not you majesty"
Orophin walked out, his green eyes glowing and agolden aura surrounding him. His face was filled with anger as he walked to a clearing and stood......"Laura we are coming" he sent a psychic message to her.

He turned to face the army, then his aura became larger until it engulfed him completely in light......the earth shook and then there was a deafening roar. A gigantic red dragon stood there, its wings spread ....."lets go!!"

The general snapped himself out of his awestruck....."you heard him men, lets kick ass!".......the men yelled in reply...."WOOOHHHAAA!!!"

Jadeviper shrinks into the shadows, keeping well out of the way and comforting the animals. She hugs Anwar to her as she sends her hopes with the elves on their mission.

The army flew off (elves remember, can all fly) to the target. Orophin spoke mentaly to JV..."i'm going to need you there later, be prepared for my call"

The army arrvied at the dungeon, then took there positions, hidden away in the dense but small forest surrounding the building. The plan was for Orophin, now in his elf form again, to walk straight in the front door and confront mosquito. The troops will await a special order from him to attack....but only when he has safely secured Laura.

Orophin was know wearing his battle uniform, it had a special type of amour built into the clothes so it seemed he had none. He also carried a considerabely large sword on his back (Devil May Cry - PS2).
He took a deep breath and knocked on the large door of the dungeon..."damn this place wreaks of booze!!" he said i low voice, as he held his nose waiting for a reply.

A signal is getting clearer in Laura's mind. She can hear a roaring sound, wind blowing, powerful army getting closer. She knew they were coming for her rescue, but she felt very small in the process of all these events and she wished the great battle would be over soon.

Orophin sensed her thoughts....."you are not small...you are a big part in this....just ask JV" he smiled metally..."it will be over soon"
"Now what taking this guy so long......ahh, screw it"....he pulled the door off its hinges and headed into the main chamber where the bug was sitting stroking a black rat.
"Hello Mr Bon...err...Anwarunya, weve been expecting you"

Jadeviper senses Laura's disquiet and tries to comfort her mentally, even though she's not feeling so composed herself right now.

"This moment, I've been waiting for it too long Anwarunya." Mosquito said that trying to keep his composure and hiding his surprise at the sight of his rival

Mosquito thought to himself, the damn guards let me down. I'm gonna fry their asses. How can they leave the front gates unguard. Now if I can win some time and distract the elf, maybe one of the guards will rememeber to execute plan B.
Mosquito was hoping the elf didn't understand his real intentions so he said: "Yo came to save Laura, huh? Do you think that you can take my soon to be wife without a fight?"

"Do yo think I have no back-up plans for situations like these?"

"answer me?"

Mosquito said that while his hidden hand pressesd on the High-Risk Alarm botton. This botton send electric signals to the minds of all his troops who were coming out of the basement and surrounding the poor non-suspecting elf.

The bug's beasts try to jump Orophin, but he reacts quickly and slices them into dust......the bug get up and warns Orophin that he will kill Laura if he doesnt stop.......Orophin tell him not if he kills him first.
Orophin jumps on the table and raises his sword....the bug squeals and maore of its beasts try to jump Orophin, but he dispaches them with ease.

The bug trys to run up the stairs to get to Laura but Orophin cuts his left leg off and tells the fallen bug that if he retreats he will spare him......the bug turned to smoke and appeared downstairs, ordering more of its beasts to attack. Orophin creates a majic wall to block them off, then he runs upstairs to Lauras cell. He breaks the lock with his sword and rips the door open.
He smiles and them blows a loud whistle.........in the forest below the troops move out of their hiding places and storm the castle, fighting the beasts......the airbore troops and heavy artillery bombard the giant graboids out side the dungeon.

"Shall we leave!?" the elf smiled at his princess and flew out the window with her in his arms. he gave a quick thoght to JV, to tell her to wait at a specific safe spot away from the maelstrom to pick up Laura.

Laura says 'yes please' and then she passes out and won't wake up until the next morning. But she is extremely relieved and happy.

[quote="Orophin Anwarunya"]The bug's beasts try to jump Orophin, but he reacts quickly and slices them into dust......the bug get up and warns Orophin that he will kill Laura if he doesnt stop.......Orophin tell him not if he kills him first.
Orophin jumps on the table and raises his sword....the bug squeals and maore of its beasts try to jump Orophin, but he dispaches them with ease.

The bug trys to run up the stairs to get to Laura but Orophin cuts his left leg off and tells the fallen bug that if he retreats he will spare him......the bug turned to smoke and appeared downstairs, ordering more of its beasts to attack. Orophin creates a majic wall to block them off, then he runs upstairs to Lauras cell. He breaks the lock with his sword and rips the door open.
He smiles and them blows a loud whistle.........in the forest below the troops move out of their hiding places and storm the castle, fighting the beasts......the airbore troops and heavy artillery bombard the giant graboids out side the dungeon.

"Shall we leave!?" the elf smiled at his princess and flew out the window with her in his arms. he gave a quick thoght to JV, to tell her to wait at a specific safe spot away from the maelstrom to pick up Laura.[/quote]

LMAO. Shit man, why did you have to cut my leg? I will be one legged for the rest of my life in the swamp?! Do something to fix that man? You're the elf with the magic. Turn back time or something.

Mosquito, having one of his legs cut, and all his useless monesters some how mysteriously defeated, decides to disappear forvever into oblivion utill..........Who knows.....Maybe he'll come back again.

The elf kisses the lips of his princess...."rest my angel!".......he drops her off with JV and flies of back to the battle.

He arrives at the dungeon to see that more of his army has joined in from his world and where gaining groung.
The bug on the roof of the dungeon looking horrified as his beasts were being mowed down.

Orophin landed on the roof, looking very smug, he scraped his sword on the ground making a screeching noise....the bug held his ears in pain.

"now its just you and me, bug!!" the elf raised his sword..."dont bother looking for her, you wont find her now.....the transfer is now complete, she is immune to you evil magic"........the elf laughed almost as maniacally as the bug would.

The bug complained about its leg, and still vowed to return......then it dissappeared into smoke......"ahh, quit whining! you are an insect, the leg will grow back!!".............the elf flew down to congratulate his troops and promissed them round of larger and 15% pay rise.

And so it is dawn and the sun rises. Laura wakes up from her semisleep - semiunconsciousness. She had fainted partly because of sheer exhaustion, partly because of the overload in her head. She had yet to master the new powers she had been given. At the moment she had trouble knowing which images in her mind were her own true memories, and which ones were secondary perceptions of somebody else and the battle last night had been such an awesome flow of quickly evolving events. But she had time, she knew JV also had experienced similar problems when she had been learning to use her powers. For now she was just happy to be... well where exactly was she? She looked around but the place did not seem familiar. 'I need to know if everyone is safe... let's see if I can find Jadeviper'.

Laura finds Jadeviper with the animals, making sure that the injuries are healing well. Jadeviper looks up and smiles as she hears Laura coming.

"Hey, how are you feeling? If you're hungry I can get you some breakfast."

Jadeviper is aware of the need for both of them to keep busy until the elves return.

'I'm fine, exellent in fact' Laura replies, 'it's like a dark cloud has been lifted and I feel so much easier even breathing. And yes please, breakfast sounds great.'

She walks over to Anwar, who is notably happy to see her too. All 100 kg's of the "cub". It's poking its head at Laura and purring. Laura scratches him under the chin and under the belly and behind the ears and the animal is extatic. There is a special bond between them.

'I think I will need to take it real easy for the time being, I'm still feeling a bit dizzy with all these images in my head. I'd better practise these powers somewhere where it is peace and quiet' Laura explains her plans for today to Jadeviper.

Jadeviper hands Laura breakfast and a tub with something for her lunch. Jadeviper also has things to do today. A lot of head-clearing and meditation - the elves still aren't back and she's trying not to worry.

Laura was practising all day with her new abilities. After clearing her mind from the disturbing memories of last night, she had gone to see the chimps. They had sufficient amount of intellectual activity but it was qualitatively different enough for her to easily be able to differentiate their thoughts from her own. She was amused to see how concrete their thinking was, mostly limited to things like a tree, a leave, sleep, water etc. Some chimps are know to be able to rise to a more abstract level, to understand and think in terms of mine, yours, yesterday and away, but not these fellows. They were care-free, understanding only the bare essentials in life.

Laura tried to focus on her training, but couldn’t help wondering what had happened to Orophin. It was perhaps due to her yet unrefined skills, but she could not feel him and it made her a little worried.

Orophin was now heading back to camp, he had assited in demolishing the dungeon and he escorted his troop home. He thought about the events of the past day, and he addmitted it was scary but very amusing....especially when he whooped ass!!

He was now a few meters from the camp and he could see smoke rising from the spot....he took a deep breath...."mmm, smell like JV is cooking up a storm again!!". his mind went to Laura, he wondered how she felt of her new powers and identity.......being an elf has its perks, and the fact that she was soon to be.........Orophin stopped....he pondered on that thought........"queen!!"....."i wonder if she would accept!"....."has this ordeal changed her feeling"............he felt the anxiety wash over him, he was nervous......"never leave what you can do today for tommorrow! i will have to take the plunge."........grrrowl!!!....."after breakfast!" he smiled as he heard his stomach complain.

'Hey, Orophin glad to see you' Laura turned around smiling, but he was not there. She had sensed his arrival prematurely (so much for the use of practising, she still does not master her new skills!).
But it did not take long for her to see Orophin for real, as he rushed to the table few minutes later and started eating as if he had not seen food for a week. Laura went up to him wanting to make sure he was alright.

Orophin was enjoying the meal, the fight had left him with a large appetite and he was also feeding for two...[huh?!?]......{the dragon, silly!!}....[oh!!]

"Oh i'm ok, just abit hungry" he took a sip of his orange juice....."what about you? how do you feel?".....he looked at Laura attentively, he wanted to know how she was feelikng, how she was taking to her new abilities. He was happy to see she looked okay, but he wanted to hear her say it to him.

Jadeviper is relieved to see the elf return in one piece, but senses the need for him and Laura to talk. She hopes that with Laura's new powers they finally both say what's on their minds...

Jadeviper prepares celebratory drinks, just in case.

’I’m feeling fine, thank you’. Laura looks Orophin straight in the eyes and smiles. ‘I just need some time to get a grip on these new powers, I don’t want to pass out on a critical moment again’ she says with a laugh. She then talks about her experiments with the chimps and amusement spreads on Orophin’s face when she describes all the peculiarities she has learned about the chimp psyche.

What she does not tell him, is that while she’s been training with the animals, she has also been thinking a lot about Orophin and his responsibilities as an elven king. Now, more than before, she is aware of the risks involved. She is wondering if it indeed would be better for Orophin to marry someone from his own people, someone who has been born with the powers and would be much more capable in using them. Laura still feels so clumsy and fears that her lack of experience might prove fatal one day. No doubt there will be battles in the future as well. But Laura’s heart just won’t listen to reason. She cannot bear the thought of him leaving and marrying someone else.

But none of this she tells Orophin. She just smiles and cherishes the moment when he is finally there, safe, smiling back at her. (Even if Laura was more skilled with her new abilities she could not read Orophin’s mind. Elven kings have extra protection against mind intrusions and only certain emotions can be scanned. So she has no idea what Orophin is thinking at this moment, she needs him to tell her).

'I thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting me out of there' is all she can say. 'Both of you' she adds, turning to Jadeviper.

Orophin was still laughing inside about the chimps, he jsut remembered the short discussion he had with that chimp at the party........"oh, the party!!" he remembered that he neede to apologize to Laura and set things straight.

"Laura, i want to apologize for what happened at the party" he stood up from his chair took her hand........"there was a misunderstanding of my words, and that is understandable"...."thats why i want to do this the elven way"
He held on gently to both her hands, then he closed his eyes.....the lf was opening up his mind to her, so she could see how he felt........it was what elves did to make courtship less of a hassle as in the human world.

He spoke to her in his mind, smiling...."do you see?"

Holding on to his hands Laura entered Orophin’s mind, and his emotions surrounded her. Misunderstandings were corrected and fears wiped away. Orophin had no difficulty in reading Laura’s thoughts as she replied ‘yes, I do see’.
Then she opened her eyes and smiled too.

Jadeviper senses the surge of emotion. "About bloody time!" she thinks to herself, smiling broadly. She starts putting the finishing touches to the celebratory drinks.

Orophin felt very relieved, he couldnt stop smiling as he looked into her eyes. "So, what happens now?" he asked, having never had experience in matters of the heart.....but he was so overwheled by her emotions, all he could think of was to kiss her.....but he stayed calm on the outside.

JV was just wacthing the two, with a bucket of popcorn and diet coke. the animals had all gathered round beside her enjoying the spectacle.

Laura almost laughed out loud, the mighty king looking so confused in front of her. 'The human custom would be to.... krmhmmm... kiss...' Suddendly she didn't feel like laughing at all anymore. Orophin's hands were holding her so close now...

Orophin embraced her, not wanting to let go, he wanted to remain like tat forever.............but he knew she needed to breathe too, so he pulled away gently, smilinng at her.

"Well, it looks like we have an audience. Oh, and drinks too" he smiled at JV, amazed at her uncanny hindsight.

She didn't want him to let go either. But she knew this was not going to be the last time for them to hold each other. She smiled at JV, blushing a bit, and took the offered drink.

Jadeviper wraps her arms around the two dolts and hugs them both tightly. "I thought you two were never going to be honest with each other about your feelings!

"So, what happens now?"

He was just about to answer when suddenly his samsung videophone watch began to beep...."hold on sec JV!".....he walked off and and talked to his wrist for a while.....he was very animated, which made it difficult for the other person since his hand moved too far away to hear sometimes.

He finished the call and walked back to the ladies......."um...sorry 'bout this but i have to leave for a couple of days....monarch duties call!".....he hugged JV and gave Laura a deep kiss....he almost forgot what he was supposed to do after it.........then he floated off into the air....."i wont be long. Laura will tell you our plans JV.......be good!!".
He then boarded a waiting transport craft and it promptly sped off into the horizon.

Jadeviper watches the transport craft shrink to a tiny dot on the horizon. She turns to Laura and they exchange quizzical looks, then dissolve into fits of giggles.

"I should have known things wouldn't run smoothly in this place!" Jadeviper giggles.

"So, what are these plans?"

In another reality far far away Laura sits thoughtful at her pc. Summer vacation is over and she finds it increasingly difficult to divide her attention between work and the tale. She is reluctant to let go of the dream but it may be inevitable. Today however, is Saturday, and she logs in…

… finding herself together with Jadeviper. ‘The plans… well…we must wait until Orophin returns but I have a hunch on how things will develop from now on’. She describes the elven tradition of a longish engagement period which is meant to test the suitability of the engaged couple. A tradition also humans might find useful. The length varies depending on the differences between the couple and in this case, Laura being a newbie elf, an absolute beginner, and Orophin being the king, highest of the highest rank, the trial period could last for years. Elven years that is, and Laura finds it difficult to translate it to the swamp time. In every case it will be a considerable amount of time, even a few months maybe. Laura doesn’t mind, actually she is relieved to find that she was not expected to be able to take on her responsibilities as a queen just like that, instantly. She will have this time to learn to master her powers and to adapt to elven identity.

‘So you see JV, in the weeks to come you probably won’t be seeing much of me here since I’ll be in the elven kingdom. Maybe by swamp December the training will be over and I can return. You can come and visit us, naturally’, she adds as she sees the sad look on Jadeviper’s face. ‘And… well… in actual fact Orophin has not even proposed to me yet, not in words, this is all just something I sensed in his mind’ she says blushing. Laura is unsure in what way elves do their courtship, maybe they don’t use words at all. But she would find out if her hunch was correct when Orophin returns.

In a computer room far ar away, Orophin logs on and is sad to see that Laura will not be a constant presence, but he understands the pressures of work all too well. He wonders if there would be more stress when he ties the knot eventually....."Oh well, just wait and see!!"

In the elven kingdom, Orophin conversed with his mother on the past events and his future. She made it clear that it was rare for a human to be queen of the elves but its not forbiden. It would take a few years of engagement before its finalized, and being almost immortal, that can be a while.......but she added that since he picked his bride and the people approved, it wont take too long.
Orophin smiled and hugged her, he always felt reassured with his mum's wisdom.

In a messy livingroom cluttered with toddler toys, Jadeviper is also sad that things may quieten down a little here... but maybe it'll mean she will feel more able to abandon her PC more often to do housework

Jadeviper keeps herself busy in the swamp, tending to the animals and slowly clearing up the damage caused by Mosquito.

Laura was helping Jadeviper with the animals and at the same time mentally saying goodbye to them. The meerkats had grown into a big happy family, with several generations already popping up and down in their own funny way. The deer would also be fine, now that Mosquito had been vanquished Laura was not worried about new deer hunting parties. Especially difficult for her was to leave Anwar and she fought back tears as she scratched him behind the ears and below the chin. ‘Wild animals were better off in the wild’ she tried to tell herself and besides, her absence would only be temporary. At least she hoped so.

Orophin was arranged for Laura transport, he made sure there was utmost security involved. "hey hey...no sleeping on duty.....youre gonna carry a precious item!!" the elf snapped at a guard that seemed exausthed from all the specific arrangements the king was making, everything had to be perfect.
Orophin gave it the once over, then gave the order to depart. The journey would take about one hour, thus giving him time to put the finishing touches to the welcome party.....for a king, he was very hands on.

Laura stepped in the transportation capsule. She was desperately trying to locate Jadeviper, but for some reason she had disappeared in a critical moment. Laura would have wanted to wait but the driver was very persistant; they would have to leave immediately or the schedule would be ruined. 'What schedule?' Laura tried to ask, but got no intelligible reply (hmph... typical public transport employee...). Maybe she would still have a chance to see her in the elven kingdom before she would start her training in the secluded part of the elven citadel.

Orophin looked his watch, he still had half an hour.
he stepped into the busy kitchen, cooks and ravens allover the place, he was looking for the head-chef he had called in especially for this event.

"Hey JV!" he smiled and gave er a hug..."i'm so glad you acceted the invite, this wont be anything without you".....a sly grin formed on his face..."Laura will be shocked to see you here."

Jadeviper looks up from the sugar flowers she was making and smiles.

"Well, we couldn't just fade off into the sunset while Laura disappears for the duration of her training. She deserves a big send-off."

There's certainly going to be enough food to feed an army.

Laura arrived at the elven kingdom. She would have liked to take a sightseeing tour to look around since she had never been there before, but all that would have to wait. She was rushed to the castle main entrance and escorted to a huge hall. Her luggage was taken up to the ivory tower, where she would be spending the following months. Laura was about to follow the porter, when she heard someone call out her name. She stopped and turned.

"Surprise!!"...everyone chimed out in unison. Orophin and JV walked up to Laura and each gave her a hug....."Welcome to Va'lis, your new home" Orophin took her to the balcony, where she was met by waves of applause from the crowd below.....up in the air there was an airforce flypast with colors of the rainbow trailing behind each plane.
Orophin gazed at her as she took all this in, he smiled...."Theres more to come my dear"

Laura was speechless, gasping for air. A lump was developing in her throat and she was afraid she would burst in tears... when instead she suddendly burst into laughter. Tembo was flying behind the airforce, doing somersaults and trumpeting with all its might, and it was such an hilarious sight the crowd spontaniously cheered.
'What more can there possible be?' she asked - but Orophin did not reply.

Bedazzled Laura entered her chambers in the ivory tower and closed the door behind her. She would come out only if something important came up.

The stranger walked in and looked straight at the dormant jukebox at the far corner. He lifted a coin and flicked it into the jukebox.....it suddenly sprang to life with music.

The shodowy figures that filled the room started moving and a chorus of voices filled the room, like nothing had happened.

"hey Mosquito, nice place you got here" a voice chimmed out through the din. "Thanks joolsvern. come have a drink on the house"

The stranger stood at the doorway....he smiled as he gazed at the room with his golden yellow eyes.

Jadeviper begins to wake, hearing music coming from... somewhere...

Laura lifts her head from the books she's been studying. Music?? It's been so quiet for months... She's tempted to get up and find out what's going on, but decides to wait for a while. There are lot's of new people in the neighbourhood, with tractors and all. Maybe they're just fooling around. She continues reading...

Jadeviper materialises next to Laura, and they wait patiently to see what transpires

The stranger walks through the crowd and a clear path is created, if they knew him.

As he got to the bar, he looked around the room.....he was looking for someone......his steely eyes peircing the huddling mass of bodies.....they where laughing, talkind about all manner of things....it was like a community, waffling away.

His gaze locked on to a dim lit corner of the room...the swamp trees wound their way into that corner.
Standing there where two figures, hiding away, looking very cautious of the activities. His smile was sly and his eyes glinted....."ive found you" he whispered.

Laura smiled and brushed Orophin's cheek with a light touch. 'Nice to see you, it's been a while, eh? But it's not December yet. What brings you back with us? Did you get a vacation from handling the state affairs?'
She was giggling at first, happy to see him, but then looking more closely at him she notices... 'You look tired, is something wrong?'

Laura was sending JV her worried thoughts... yellow eyes...what did that mean?

Jadeviper felt Laura's nervousness, and sent back reassuring thoughts to her. "Give it time" she thought.

eep! story jump!! anyways........

"i'm the king, i can take breaks anytime i want" he remarked smugly, but soon sank and frowned abit...."who am i kidding, i snuck out!"..........he was expecting a reasuring hug. he noticed her nervousness but also calming thought being sent to her.

He glanced over to his fav wood elf and sent her a thought...."thanks JV, for looking after her"...he smiled

The morning drew in, and the perpetual "happy hour" of the swamp bar continued unabated. the walls of the bar faded away into the mornig light as bar turned al fresco.

Laura wrapped her arms around Orophin and gave him a long warm hug. She was a bit shy with all the people around, but maybe they weren't paying attention. She wanted to ask more on what was wrong but she knew that Orophin would tell them when he was ready.
After letting go of him, she took a couple of steps back and turned to watch the others waffle away.

Posted by Gadget17 at October 24, 2003 05:30 AM | TrackBack
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