October 24, 2003

The Swamp (pt.4)

What will happen in this installment of The Swamp?...

He was lost in her eyes, lost for words, he felt abit uncomfortable.....{the nail?}....[yup! its the nail]......"oww!!" he reached down and pulled out a piece of graboid nail still lodged in his thigh from the battle. He looked up at Laura..."well, thats a keeper...." he smiled and fainted, as brave as he was, he didnt like the sight of his own blood......{shame!}...[hey!! hes a sensitive guy!]....{huh! sure he is!}

Jadeviper hears Laura's cry of alarm and leaps to her feet. Seeing Laura standing in the pool, she grabs her bag and runs to her. She gasps as she sees the water blue with elven blood and the slumped form of the elf (no less attractive in unconsciousness). She quickly checks his vitals signs and determines that he's weakening from blood loss. Taking a firm hold round his chest, she pulls him out of the pool and lays him gently on the bank. The wound is immediately obvious. Taking a piece of gauze from her bag, she quickly checks the wound for foreign bodies and then pinches it closed, pressing hard with the gauze. Beckoning Laura, she asks her to sit with Orophin's foot in her lap, keeping his leg elevated and keeping pressure on the wound while she gathers herbs and plants.

Jadeviper scurries off, muttering under her breath "Bloody magical creatures... know nothing about mortal wounds... pulling out the nail! that was the only thing stopping the bleeding..."

Laura gazes down at the insensate form as she tries not to think about the wound beneath her hands. She takes this opportunity to have a really good look at the changes in the elf while Jadeviper is gone.

Jadeviper returns, making a lot of deliberate noise to announce her arrival. She sets a small fire and busies herself preparing decoctions and poultices.

JV's return wake Laura from her thoughts. She had been carefully observing the elf and doing that much more intensively than just to keep an eye on his vital signs. 'I'm so glad you're here' Laura says to her friend with a sigh of relief, 'I would have been totally helpless here alone and Orophin might have... oh, I don't even want to think about what could have happened...'.

Berating herself for not replenishing her stocks after treating the lion cub for similar injuries, Jadeviper gets to work making willowbark tea for pain relief and a comfrey poultice with a good pinch of salt to ward off infection. Pounding some moss to release the iodine, she adds a few drops to the mash and sets it to one side to cool. Coming next to Laura now, she slowly lifts her hands from the wound. The bleeding has slowed to a very slow trickle, which is good. Taking some cool salt water, she slowly washes the wound, trying to peel away the soaked gauze without disturbing the clotting blood underneath. When that's done, she applies a thick layer of the confrey paste and binds it with a clean bandage.

"He'll probably heal much faster than a human, so I'll check on him in an hour or two. In the meantime, would you mind sitting with him in case he wakes, keeping him cool and keeping that leg elevated?"

Feeling rather exhausted, Jadeviper goes for a lie down, and possibly even a short sleep.

Orophin felt a tingling....{spidey senses?}...[no!!]....on his left leg, it felt painful and at that point he opened his eyes. He looked over at his leg saw it was bound in some natural bandage, then he he smiled when he saw who was supporting the wounded limb. He sat up, clutching his painful head..."wow!! i hope you got he number of the truck that hit me" he laughed acknowledging the massive headache he had now....."Thanks!" he placed his hand on Laura's then looked over to where JV was resting..."dont know what i'd do without you two".

He looked at the wound, composing himself, he removed the dressing to reveal the now completely healed skin...no scar even. He saw the shock on Laura's face and he proceeded to explain......."it ok really! we normaly self heal very quickly, but at my point of dvelopment...the dragon thing and stuff...we are very vulnerable before the process if complete. normaly we are not supposed to engage in dangerous stuff during this time" he grinned nervously knowing that his mother had warned him about that fact.....{naughty naughty!!}....[hehe! too right]

Laura was relieved to see the grin back at Orophin's face. He was still holding her hand and she was just about to say something when the earth started to tremble and then there was a flood of water pouring over them. 'Iiik, what the heck is this?' she screamed. Earthquake and monsoon rains? No, it was Tembo again. It had snuck in (well, elephants can't really sneak, hence the trembling of the earth...) and had decided they needed a proper shower. Once it had emptied the trunk it gave a joyful trumpet - it was so happy to see Orophin healthy again. Then the big animal filled its trunk with water again and started to lumber along at Jadeviper's direction. 'There will be more screaming in just a second' Laura anticipated with a laughter.

The ordeal with the graboid was now behind them and the species extinct... or was it? Jadeviper has tossed away the nail and it now lay hidden under thick ferns just outside the camp boundaries. There, out of sight, the regenerative process had already started. Graboids have in their DNA sequence the codes needed to regenerate the whole beast from the tiniest bit of flesh or bone tissue that's left. The process is slow but steady. Depending on the size of the tissue matter left it may take days or weeks but eventually the beast always reappears.

A sleepy voice can be heard roaring from al directions:

"I'll be back. I'll spread havoc in here. I'll be back with my graboids, dragons and 666 monesters"

"Enjoy your peace now but prepare for my return"

"I will stop at nothing until I take the woman I love"

"I will never leave the swamp princess alone. never"

Then the voice gave the most ugliest laugh in the world:


Off course no one knows till now what this voice was and where it came from. I think now everybody was just wondering: "Could it be? The gnat? Could have mutated into a giant gnat?"

Jadeviper squeals as Tembo wakes her up with a cold shower. Leaping up and running out of range, she rubs her eyes and sees the elf sitting up, laughing with Laura. Pleased that he seems well, she sorts herself out. Peeling off her wet clothes, she walks over to the pool and calls to Tembo. With a happy little trot that makes the trees tremble on their roots, he joins her and starts squirting water at her while she quickly washes. Reaching into her bad for a towel, she dries off and dresses in a dry outfit. Joining the others, she glances at Orophin's leg as she sits down, startled again by the healing capacity of the elves. Taking a wide toothed comb from her pocket, she begins the long process of detangling her hair.

For a short while Laura felt uneasy... like a cloud passing and temporarily shrouding the sun she suddendly felt chilly... and the bushvelt breezes... what did they say? She shuddered, and then the feeling was gone. She looked at Jadeviper combing her beautiful hair and at Orophin fooling around with Tembo and she was completely happy again.

Jadeviper sees a dark look pass across Laura's face and feels rather than sees the tremble pass through her. Then in a heartbeat, it's gone. Jadeviper says nothing, but will think on this at length as she continues to do battle with her hair.

Orophin still in his trunks, was playing with tembo, tossing him in the air like a baby....{gah!!}...{boy, is he strong!!}....[amazing!]....Tembo enjoyed the game. Orophin felt a slight chill, and what sounded like a deranged cricket, he dismissed that but not the cold. He dropped the elephant gently and summoned up his usual clothes.

JV had finished with her beautiful locks and was now preparing a meal in her amazing way, he looked forward to that and Laura was siting, looking at him. The thoughts of before came flodding back, he wondered what to do, how to ask.

'A disco!!' he thought...."A disco party. We need a party to celebrate our return" he remarked excitedly to the women. They looked at him abit confused.

'A disco... but of course' Laura's face then lightened up. 'Great idea. The chimps that I trained long ago - for the sanctuary opening that never happened, remember? - can serve as our house band' she went on explaining. Since then the chimps had developed a genuine sound of their own, a kind of etno chill out style and the group had been named Zwampy Lounge orchestra. 'ZLO can play while we sip the drinks at the bar, and Orophin, you can provide more music from your mp3 collection' Laura suggested. 'This is just perfect, don't you think so too JV?'

"Excellent idea!! A chimp band, what more could one need!!"....he walked up to Laura, kissed her forehead and smiled.

Jadeviper just smiles, already planning an extensive cocktail list. With her knowledge of herbs, her mixtures can be quite.... potent

Laura went straight over to see the chimps. The band was delighted at the idea of getting to throw a gig at the swamp. Chimps however are not the most organized of creatures and their music sheet were all over the place. It took some time to get the program together. Not many of the chimps are actually able to read music, they just pretend to look at their notes while in fact they play purely by ear. They want to look professional however, that's why they always have their music stands and the sheets in front of them. Most of the time the music indeed sounds good and the occasional disharmonies just make the sound interesting. When Laura had helped them prepare the program and they had started to tune their instruments, she came back to Jadeviper who was already experimenting with the coctails. 'Hmm, green... are you sure it tastes good?' Laura asked suspiciously although she knew JV's expertese in herbs.

Jadeviper smiles at Laura "It's supposed to be green. The ravens are a great help bringing me ingredients. I heard the chimps practicing, they're sounding really good. You've done a fantastic job with them".

Jadeviper takes another pitcher and starts pouring liquids from unmarked dark bottles full of herbs, flowers and roots.

Laura sits down and lets the chill-out music carry her thoughts away. She is a bit worried since she doesn't really have a proper evening dress (the Dolce & Gabbana was lost when the swamp disappeared earlier) but she hoped the elf would not mind. The night was getting darker and she felt slightly nervous in anticipation.

Jadeviper, satisfied with the drinks for the party, joins Laura, startling her out of her reverie. Laura smiles, but the smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. Jadeviper has been aware of a slight tension since the reappearance of the elf, but chooses to say nothing at this time.

Wiping her herb-stained hands on her equally-stained clothes, Jadeviper looks a little sheepish. "I don't think we can go to a party dressed like this! I think I'll go and see if Orophin can help us out - unless you'd like to go?"

Laura glanzes over at Orophin's direction. He seemed to be busy preparing the digital sound system, mp3 player with wireless speakers for the surround sound ('I wonder if he uses bluetooth or wlan' Laura half-heartedly ponders). She was desperate to talk to the elf, desperate to know if he still remembered, if he still cared... but at the same time she was timid and shy and scared. The last time she had tried to talk to him he passed out in her arms, goddammit. 'No, I think it's best that you go and ask him. Can I have a taste of some of your drinks in the meantime, please?' she asks, hoping the herbs might sooth her nerves.

Jadeviper pours Laura a tall glass of a pale lilac liquid, adding a handful of crushed lavendar petals to calm and relax her. Adding a few ice cubes, she hands the drink to Laura and then sets off across the swamp to talk to the elf.

Coughing gently as she approached, he turned and smiled at her, though she noticed a flicker of disappointment and saw him look over to where Laura sat.

"Laura says the chimps are in fine spirits for the party, and I've finished making up pitchers of cocktails. I was wondering if you would be able to help us with our outfits... the amazing dresses you whipped up for us before were lost in the absence of the swamp, and we're looking a little tatty."

Jadeviper looks hopefully at the elf and smiles.

"doh!! i forgot about that. of course, no problem" he lifed his hand, poinnted to the far end of the campsite and there appeared a small building made out of the surrounding shrubery and earth. "there you go! its a changing room equiped with whatever a lady would need and a walk-in wardrobe that will stock any item of clothing you desire" he smiled when he saw the joy in their faces..."it may look small, but if youve seen Dr Who's Tardis, well you'll see what i mean".

He returned to the sound system, he was setting up a peerless 200gb mp3 player to the wi-fi enabled speakers and woofer. The dj turntable was computer controlled, it had a UI that even chimp could spin fantastic tunes from. The discoball was connected to the visualisation system, which meat it emitted ambient colours according to the music beat.

"We're gonna bang it up!!" he exclaimed excitedly, wipping the sweat of his brow. He looked up and saw a stream of ravens coming and going, he looked down to the bar JV had setup, mixing all sorts of cocktails....."I think have a drink!!"

Then Phreak enter the party area!
This looks kinda cool!
Sure you've got enough hardware to run all those mp3'z? Looks good!
Phreak buys a round of drinks to the people already there..
Then suddenly...

'Hmmm, what should I wear now.... this is the female heaven and hell all in one, anything to take, so much to choose from' Laura was thinking out loud in the changing room (she had never been good in making desicions). Finally she decided upon a small, almost black dress, not pitch black but with a tint of brown making it softer in colour. It was still in striking contrast to her blonde hair that had been burnt even blonder than before by the hot summer sun. The dress left her tanned shoulders visible and the hemline was just above the knees, not outrageously mini but sexy enough. She was pretty pleased with her appearance as she tied a ribbon in her hair as a finishing touch.

Jadeviper's cocktail had apparently worked, since Laura felt totally relaxed. She loved to dance and the august night, warm and soft, would certainly give the perfect ambience. She decided to live it up, no matter what, and enjoy herself. 'Hey JV, I know the music isn't quite right but could you teach me the ceilidh' she called at her friend.

...Then suddendly she realized there was somebody new at the bar. 'Hi Phreak, nice to see ya. Sure I'll have a drink, thanks. What brings you in these parts of the world?'

Orophin sipped his cocktail, 'headbanger' JV called it and apply named he thought. "gurk!!" he choked on his drink, he was caught out by the sight of a smallish bald man sitting at the bar. He settled down and decided to say hello, but he was cut off by what he could only call sheer beauty. Laura was dressed to nines and she looked amazing as she sat at the bar greeting the stranger.
He walked over to both of them..."hello mate, welcome to the party" he shook the man's hand. "You look great Laura" he smiled and thought that that was the understatement of the year.

The music played on throught the night, the live chimp band had played a rendition of 'Summertime' by Will smith albeit in their rather unique chimp voices. It was now time for the slow songs by the dj, 'Kissed by a Rose' by Seal was the pick. The animals on the dancefloor had amazingly started to pair up they where enjoying themselves.
Orophin gazed at Laura...."Would you do me the pleasure being my w...dance partner?" he bowed his head smiling with his right arm outstreched.....he was worried there for a second since something was almost said prematurely, bt he dissmissed it for now and awaited her answer.

Jadeviper looks at Laura over the bar, radiating calmness, support and reassurance { in much the same way as Guinan in another universe... } and not imperceptibly to her. Pouring another drink for Phreak, she watches the dancing couples with a smile on her face, though her inner thoughts turn to Peter, wondering where he is and if he would have asked her to dance if he'd been here...

Laura nods her head and takes Orophin’s arm. She glances over to Jadeviper and sees her smiling approvingly, reassuringly, as they start dancing. Laura had been a Seals fan ever since his debut album years ago, but even if it had been Engelbert Humberdinck playing, she still would have loved to dance with Orophin. He had changed his usual elvish clothes into an extremely well-tailored suit (Armani? Boss?) and Laura appreciated the gesture. With the exception of his pointed ears, nothing gave away his elven origin and status, making it easier for her to act naturally.

As one song ended, they danced another, and another. Laura could feel the muscles in his shoulders, back and neck underneath the fabric with her hand. And since they were both sweating a bit she could feel the heat from his body and smell his odour. Her emotions were overwhelming her, but she tried to stay calm.

‘Tell me Orophin’ she said, struggling to keep her voice light and the tone casual ‘when you stayed the year with your own people, you must have met dozens of beautiful girls who are now eagerly waiting for your return. Did you already find your queen among the elven folk?’

:evil: Somewhere far away in the dark undergroud world, mosquito is making his final plans to ruin everything for these two love birds. :evil:

"huhuha! :evil: "

Again that strange sudden chill. Laura could not understand what was this cold hand that seemed to grab a hold of her heart for a second, and then release and disappear. She tried to look at Jadeviper to see if she had felt it too but it was already too dark and she could see her face from the distance. She knew however, that JV had developed some skills in extrasensory perception, and she trusted she would warn them if something was to threaten them.

Orophin smiled at Laura's questions, he wondered when that would come up..."i have to be honest and say yes. elven women renowned all over the universe for their bewitching beauty and there are many potential brides lined up for me by the elders" he stopped dancing and placed his hand on the side of he face and lowered his face closer to hers ..."There are very few human females that can compete, but i believe i've found one of those few"

The sultry tunes of Barry White echoed into the night, the other guesta....dwarves, sprites, fairies, ravens and the other enchanted creatures of the swamp were in full swing. The dwarves especially loving JV's cocktials, maybe a little too much.

Meanwhile, just in the outskirts of the swamp, in a dingy shed, a dark figure worked restlessly,.....in an incubator an organism was growing gradually from what looked a nail. The figure muttered to itself constantly, then gave a sinister cackle that althought soft, carried through the night mist.

"I have to be honest and say yes" he had answered (the rest of what he said escaped her). So he had found a queen-to-be among his own people. Laura felt miserable, but forced a smile on her face. 'That's... ermmm... nice. When will you go back then? I don't think you even remember the stupid things we said to each other some time ago... but I want you to be happy and I won't be stopping you..' she continued her babble. Even after he had said he would go and marry someone else he was still standing there so close and looking deep in her eyes... she could not really understand all this. 'I'd better go and help JV at the bar' she suddendly said and almost ran to get away.

Orophin stood there extremely puzzled at Laura's behaviour..."what just happened??" he said to himself. He placed his hand on his head and looked around trying to figure out what he said wrong, the other guest seemed oblivious to what was going on, either that or they where just being polite not stare....although the dwarf she almost knocked over in her haste thought otherwise as he complained to himself about his spilled drink on his best clothes.

Orophin looked at the bar, Laura was buried in JV's shoulder being consoled. JV looked over at Orophin, she gestured for him to wait a while, he understood and went off to a side bench sat a chimp who liked he had problems of his own...."well, i guess its just us now!!" he said forcing a smile, the chimp grunted in agreement. He sat there running through his thoughts as the dark morning sky began the brighten as dawn approached.

Morning came and Jadeviper was the first to wake. She had not slept well. Laura had slept with her head in her lap, and this physical closeness allowed Jadeviper to catch glimpses of Laura's dreams. In addition to the confusion Laura felt over the elf (confusion that Jadeviper was more than well aware of from both of them and had several times had to restrain herself from banging their heads together) there was something darker, something that came not from within Laura, but which was trying to find a way in.

Sitting up and gazing over the remains of last night's party, Jadeviper absent-mindedly stroked Laura's hair as she probed outwards with her mind, seeking the source of the darkness.

Shaking her head in frustration, she realises she has to learn how to fully utilise this emerging talent, and wonders what herbs could be used to strengthen it, even if only temporarily. She suspects only the more dangerous herbs will help. Datura springs to mind, but she is wary of using this powerful root alone. She will have to enlist the help of Laura, Orophin and other swamp residents to protect her as she uses it to seek out the source of the evil intent.

There is much preparation to be done before it can be risked.

Laura felt someone stroking gently her hair and for a short while she dreamd it was Orophin. Then she fully woke up and realized the nightmare she had had earlier had not been a nightmare at all but the reality. She remembered how the night had ended and she felt just as miserable as before. Now, in broad daylight, she tried to comprehend Orophin's words and actions. She vaguely remembered him saying something nice about her appearance, but his answer to her question haunted her. He had found someone else to marry, and that was that. And yet, he had held her so close... Laura was well aware there were men who played around and had a girl in every port, but everything she had learned about Orophin so far told her that he was not of that kind. She did not understand.

With a sigh she focused her mind on JV, who also seemed worried. 'What is it?' she asked her. 'If it's me you're worried about, don't be. As long as Orophin's happy, I'm happy' she lied (poorly).

Jadeviper could tell Laura was lying as clearly as if the word "liar" had glowed on her face. There was something not right between her and the elf, but Jadeviper had more important things on her mind - matchmaking could wait!

"Something's coming. Something big, bad and ugly. Unless we know what we're dealing with, I don't think we'll succeed in overcoming it". Jadeviper has never looked so serious before and Laura feels a chill run down her spine.

"However, with preparation and a lot of help, there may be a way for me to determine the nature of the threat, and possibly discover where it will come from and what we can do to stop it". Jadeviper is fiddling with the material of her skirt, she's obviously very nervous about this.

"We need to speak to Orophin, see if elven magic can help with this." Perhaps working side by side against the enemy will bring these two together at last she thinks...

Something was coming, Laura had sensed it for a while now although her thoughts had been elsewhere. 'Ok, you go and talk to him while I...' she couldn't really think of anything, but she knew JV would understand. 'Now shush my heart, this is purely business for the sake of our swamp from now on' she tried to tell herself.

Jadeviper sets off to find the elf - she hasn't seen him since the party and is unsure where he might be.

Orophin had woke up earlier than everyone else, he just could not sleep over what happened. He decided to take a stroll over to the river and think while watchin the sunrise.

Hours passed, he had realised the words he uttered in error to Laura's question..."Damn it, how could i have been so stupid. i have to explain what i meant to her"....he expected the women to be awake buy now, so he stood up to make his way back to camp.

He was suddenly struck by a sense of dread in the air.....if not for his well trained senses it would have overwhelmed him...."shit!!! what now?!" he exclaimed very annoyed by the disturbance to his thoughts. He arrived at camp and was shocked to she the serious expressions on JV and Laura's faces..."i wonder if they sense it too?!"

Jadeviper stands as Orophin approaches. The gravity of the situation is clear on her face, along with her fear. She sees similar concerns etched into the elf's chiselled features and her own fear doubles. Fear but not panic, not yet.

Orophin conjours a large table and they all sit round it. Jadeviper opens the discussion.

"Trouble is brewing. As yet I cannot tell from where and in what form. I sense a real menace looking for a way in." She doesn't mention that Laura seems to be the focus of this menace. "Unless elven magic is stronger than my own human talent and can identify this threat, then we will have to take fairly drastic action, and soon. Unless we know what we are dealing with, we have no hope of triumph

"There is a root that I can use that would enable my mind to travel through the ether and locate this evil. This is not without great risk however, and I would need at least the two of you, preferably more, to protect my body while I am gone from it, and to keep in touch with my mind and be there to call me back should I get lost. I really would prefer not to do this, but if there is no other way then so be it."

'I will do whatever you ask me to, naturally' Laura says to Jadeviper. She tries not to look Orophin straight in the eyes (it is safer for now), instead just nodding her head in his general direction as she adds 'and I'm sure Orophin can help us here with his powers. I am confident that we can beat this thing, whatever it is'. She believes it too, they have already been through quite a lot together.

Orophin listened carefully to JV's plan, he was impressed at her leadersip skills and intelect and thought that whatever it is, she would be a great asset in the impending battle.

"Thanks Laura!" he aknowledged her support, albeit she averted her eyes from him the whole time, he decided to put that issue on the backburner for now untill they had time to sort it out.
"JV, you wont need to go through that dangerous approach, afterall, youve got a high-elf on hand" he smiled. "i will form a mind-meld with you to increase your range, i could do it myself, but this will be a good opporunity to train your abilites further" he saw the relief on JV's face.

"So, where do we go from here?"

Jadeviper feels a lot more confident now she's voiced the suspicions that have been forming recently. This is still going to be a tough battle, but they are a formidable team. It seems that Laura and Orophin are willing to put whatever problems are between them right now to one side until afterwards. Jadeviper hopes that working so close together will enable them to speak their minds to each other.

:evil: Mosquito is now closer than the three of them think is finalising plans to hit swiftly and run. They would never imagine what's in store for them.
Mosquito can be seen ordering his monseters to take stealth fighting positions and wait for the zero hour. :evil:

"Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha!"

Again that cold hand grabbed her and Laura shivered. Why was she having these unreal sensations? She had once envied the elf and Jadeviper for their extrasensory abilities, but since then she had come to realise the risks and burden of responsibility involved, and she had been happy to be free of such skills. So basically, she should not be able to sense what she now was sensing. Why then? What did it all mean?

‘Errmmm, I’m not familiar with the terminology, but would it be possible for you two to do a little spin and scan around if you can locate the source of this mischievous spirit?' Laura asked, feeling stupid for her lack of knowledge in these matters. 'We also need to know the size of the problem in order to be sensibly prepared. We might be able to get the animals to help us too if we knew what we’re up against with. Tembo has enormous wisdom, the lions are full of strength and vigour, the deer is quick as the wind and the chimps can be taught to do almost anything’. Without the powers of the other two, Laura had learned to team up with the animals in the hour of need.

Jadeviper shivers, feeling a sudden chill eminating from Laura. There is definitely some link from her to the evil spirit. Perhaps if the elf was aware that she seems to be the focus of the malignant intent, he would fight harder to protect her? Or perhaps his feelings would get in the way of what needed to be done. There was every chance Laura would have to be the bait in a trap to capture and neutralise this threat, and every chance that Orophin would do his best to prevent this.

Jadeviper sighs inwardly. Provided everyone keeps their heads, there will be no danger to Laura in doing this. If.

Orophin could see that Laura was acting more distraessed than usual, he wondered if there was a connection with her and what was happening. He started to concentrate on the eevil stream in the air...."shit!!" he was shocked to see that there was a dark aura around her and it seemed to be getting stronger, engulfing her.
He went over to JV to speak discreetly to her..."whatever it is has a strong hold on Laura, which means its very close and she may not have much time left. it is blocking my attempts to trace the source" he looked over to Laura...."there is a way to protect her while we fight this thing, but i it will be dangerous for me and i may not be able to fight at my full strenght...but its the only choice"

Jadeviper can feel the texture of the air changing, crackling with energy. This is all happening far sooner than she'd expected and no plans have been made. This is going to be difficult, dangerous and Jadeviper hopes against all hope that it will work.

Looking to Orophin, she asks what he can do to protect Laura, and in what way it will diminish his fighting ability. Jadeviper prepares herself for having to do most of the fighting. She wonders if Tembo would make a good battle elephant...

Laura sees Orophin and Jadeviper whispering something and gesturing in her direction. She sees the grim faces. She sees the rigid postures. She knows perfectly well that they are making plans for an extremely hazardous effort and she wishes she could do more in her part. At least she would like to know, what they are up to. 'C'mon guys, tell me. What are you whispering about? Is there anything I can do to help?'

Jadeviper looks to Orophin. The plans are in his hands now. She asks if he can provide suitable protective armour for her and Laura to wear, and Tembo too if necessary.

There's not much that can be done, except moving as many animals to a place of safety and trying to rest and plan. It's so hard to plan when we can't tell what's coming...

Orophin heard the worried pleas from Laura and walked over to her with JV in tow. He sighed...."Your soul is being invaded by this unknown threat and you will be under its complete control if something is not done in time"....there was a look of dread in Laura's face but she was not paniced, it seemed she was pleaed to finally know what was wrong with her.
"JV has requested i provide amour for both of you, and i will....but only for JV and our animal allies."............"why? well the only reason why you an easy target is cos' you are human, unlike i and JV that are immune" he suddenly gave a smile......"this is where i come in. i have decided as a high-elf to give you a large portion of my life-force.......if things go well, you will be in effect a half elf and with my energy as yours you will be completely protected from the evil and you also have a limited amount of my strength and abilities".......his expression became serious then placed his hands on Laura's shoulders, looking straight at her....."The proccess is relatively easy, but its dangerous for the donor. if anything goes wrong during transfer, like incompatibility or an outside disturbance.......well, its lights out for me!!".............."but its totally your choice, your only pressure is time!!"

Mosquito, having noticed that the elf closed his eyes to intiate the power transfer process, signalled zero hour for his 666 monestors and voila! It was show time for the swamp.

$ large horned monesters attacked the elf and surrounded him from all directions.

As the elf was busy fighting with the four monesters, mosquito jumped swiftly on Laura, putting her in a previously prepared elf-magic-resistant capsule and signalled for the giant mutated yetti to go carry the capsule to the previously planned undisclosed location.

When JV noticed that the elf was outnumbered and that Laura was already captured she passed out.

Mosquito signalled to the 4 monesters to stop saying: "We don't want to kill the elf. Let him live. Let him regret the loss of Laura for the rest of him life."

"Hey Let's go now. Mission is accomplished"

Now, all can be seen is a scene of devastation. All Swamp animals were mourning the loss of Laura.

Hours passed slowly, and the elf started to open his eyes. When the elf gained full consiounce, he headed to the half awaken JV and said to her with a shrieky voice:

"What has happened? Where is Laura?"

Jadeviper surveys the destruction and the need for vengence hardens in her heart.

"What happened with your transference of powers? Did it complete? Does Laura have some of your talent now? Do you have any left?"

Jadeviper feels a nudge at her leg; it's Anwar, pining for Laura. Jadeviper reaches down and scratches a favourite spot behind his ear.

"Don't worry little one, we'll get her back"

At the previously planned undisclosed location Laura wakes up. For a moment she is puzzled, the events bit of a blur in her head. But then she realises what has happened and suddenly she is totally calm. Now that the worst nightmare has turned into reality, there is no more fear in her mind. She looks around her and sees the monesters lurking everywhere in the shadows, just as distorted in their appearance as they are in spelling. And she sees the mosquito, albeit in the form of a giant gnat. He is probably just about to play some of his Metallica songs, but she doesn’t care

‘Go ahead, as loud as you want, I’m not intimidated. What do you want from me anyway?’ she confronts him. Then deciding on a softer strategy ‘C’mon, in another thread, long long time ago, I offered you a couch remember? Please take it now and tell me what is troubling your soul?’ (she does not use the phrase ‘bug you’ because this is not a time to be humoresque)

Mosquito, having realised he is till in mutated form, quickly enetrs the mutation chamber. 5 minuets later, he walks out in his human form.

Mosquito grabs his guitar and starts singing Metallica's "The Outlaw Torn" but seeing that Laura is already shouting at him, he smashes the guitar in a Curt Cobain style and walks towarsd Laura saying:

"Ehem, I know you are probably wondering what you are doing here but let me start by telling ya that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. You are only a guest here for some time. I know your friends might come looking for you but we are very prepared for that."

He said that pointng at the monesters scattered around the premises.

"So-ah, let me tell you again not to fear anything. A slong as you be a good girl and do as I you are told and not try to escape, you will be safe from my wrath." *gives a shrieky laugh that he thought would come out attractive*

"Let me show you around the castle" Mosquito grabs Laura's tembling hand and walks with her around the castle." "Let me start by the most mportant suite in the castle. It is calle Lu-lee's suite" "Lu-lee is your nick that I gave ya" "As you can see, it is basically a shrine for you" "You'll seee your pictures everywhere" "Everything inside here screams Laura, Laura, Laura"

"What?" "Are you surprised that I love you so much?"

"Well, ever since I laid my eyes upon you I fell in love with you. I wanted to make you my legally wedded wife"

"Weel, I can use illegal means to achieve that but hey, what the heck"

"So-ah basically you have no choice but to say yes" "The wedding is tomorrow at night and here is this cell phone you can use to call your family and let them know you're okay"

"Don't use it to tell the elf you're in here or else my wrath will be enormous. besides, if the elf came in here, we are prepared for that"

"See you tomorrow wifey. Prepare youelf for our honey moon. I want lurve me darling. I'll be your hubby ma'am."

Mosquito said the last sentence hten walked away giving a laugh he thought would be seductive.

"huhuhuhuhuhuhuha! huhuhuhuhuhuha!"

“Wifey”… “ Lu-lee”… Laura shivered. She would have to get away from this place and fast. The soft approach was not getting her anywhere; this battle would require cunning and cold logic.

She looked out of the suite window, surprised at first as it was not barred in any way. But then she saw the wall that continued dozens and dozens of meters down and the steep cliffs that ended up at deep sea. A plunge from the window would mean certain death. ‘That would be one solution… if there is no other way…’ Laura shivered again, ‘but we’re not there yet’.

She then checked the cell phone. Useless toy it appeared to be, 3310 or something. Laura missed her communicator but then she started to pick up a faint signal in the back of her mind that reminded her of Jadeviper. She remembered how Orophin had described the process of transferring some of his abilities to her, and she realised that it had at least partly been successful. Now she was able to sense JV’s concern for her from a far distance. But she could not feel Orophin. She shivered the third time when she thought of what might have happened to him since the process had obviously been disturbed at a critical moment. She dismissed the unnerving thoughts because now she would have to learn to use these abilities, learn how to focus her mind and find a way to get out of this mess. ‘I wonder if there is a remote assistance feature included…’

Preparation for the wedding are taking place.

The monesters are rejoicing and chanting and drinking booze with their master in the basement unaware of the thoughts in Laura's mind.

Everybody is singing and laughing while up there in the Lu-lee suite Laura had other plans.
Can Mosquito ruin the plans yet again? Can the elf find his way while everyone is busy celebrating?

Orophin was still dazed from the battle, he was lucky he tranfer wasnt complete and he had temporarily lost his self heal abilities. He was in pain, external and internal bleeding, his regal white robes soaked in his blood.....but the pain of the los of hyis beloved far outweighed anything else.

Posted by Gadget17 at October 24, 2003 04:29 AM | TrackBack
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