October 25, 2003

Gadget17's Journal Entries

The Links has been blurred so you cant use until you have the book.

To just view the Journal at BookCrossing.Com go to AllAboutSymbian Journal

This is the Front cover of the Journal!

Page 2.JPG

Inside Front Cover of the Journal

Page 3.JPG

This is part of the Box from my first Nokia 7650 that was Lost. Was replaced by my insurance company!

Page 4.JPG

This was from the Front cover of the Nokia 7650 manual(in UK). Again was from the contents of first 7650 I owned.

Page 5.JPG

This is me Waffling on, but again some areas are blurred.

Page 6.JPG

My final entry which is a postcard from London. It is of a Famous Landmark!

Posted by Gadget17 at October 25, 2003 05:02 PM | TrackBack
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