October 25, 2003

How did AAS Journal Come into being?

After viewing Bookcrossing.com which was mentioned by LAuRA in an earlier post, I was entigued by the EuroBookCrosser's Diary #1 and during a chat with LAuRA decided to set-up an AllAboutSymbian Journal.

At posting of this message has already been from UK to Finland and is on way to Macedonia! (Well will it go next???)

If you receive the book you can add something in writing about yourself, poems, or whatever you wish to pen.

Also you can add Photos, Pictures or clippings like a scrap book! (i've added a postcard and some clippings from 7650 manual and box (from first 7650)).

To start off with will be sent to Mods, Long term (At least Year) and high posting (250+ posts) members of AAS.

If you would like to get book, send me (Gadget17) a PM and will add you to list, and don't forget to add your details to the BookCrossing.com journal log!

Posted by Gadget17 at October 25, 2003 01:26 PM | TrackBack
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