November 23, 2003

All About Symbian / Mobitopia Meeting

Friday 28th November 2003

All About Symbian is having another of it's regular Pub Meetings for everyone who visits AAS. Be you a CEO, a tech head, an interested reader, or even one of the admin staff, you'll find a warm welcome, friendly conversation, and a good night out.

As usual, we'll be in the function room of the Dover Castle in central London (details below)

Due to popular demand, this will be our first Pub Meet on a Friday night - so it should be even busier than normal!

The pub meets are relaxed social events, giving you the chance to meet up and talk with various people. Our last meet saw the pub bursting at the seams with excitment, so you'd be a fool to miss this one.

The AAS Team should be arriving at the pub for 6.30pm. We hope to see you there!

What's Going To Happen? Click Continue reading "All About Symbian / Mobitopia Meeting" to find out

As well as lively chat and stimulating converstaion, we're also planning to have the following...

  • Guest Speaker - From the world of Symbian OS (Attendance To Be Confirmed).
  • Free Prize Draw - With lots of great prizes and free software to be won
  • The Mystery Star Prize Bag! - Ooohhhh!!! The classic AAS raffle surprise prize returns

    We'll post more details and a prize list as the Meet gets closer - check back here for updates.

    The Dover Castle

    Dover CastleOur thanks again go to The Dover Castle for hosting the event. Their details are as follows...

    The Dover Castle
    Weymouth Mews
    W1N 3FR
    Tel: 020 7580 4412

    It's close to both Oxford Circus and Regent's Park Tube, just round the corner from BBC Broadcasting House. Here is the pub location courtesy of

    Raffle Prizes

    So far the following prizes have been donated. We'd like to thank everyone who has supplied a raffle prize and encourage you to browse round their sites and support them as much as they support the community.

    Epocware -
    Three prizes, a choice of any 9210, Series 60, or UIQ application.

    Xen Games -
    2 copies of Strategic Assault.

    Your Symbian -
    An amazing "Your Symbian - It's Crap!" T-shirt, as well as a slightly more subdued "All About Symbian" T-Shirt.

    Izzyhack Software -
    2 copies of Same Game for Series 60.

    And (of course) don't forget the Mystery Star Prize Bag!

    More prizes to be added shortly

  • Posted by Gadget17 at 02:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack