Welcome to Same Game

Same Game is a simple concept for a game. If you have two or more coloured balls touching each other, when you click one ball in the group, they all disappear. Sounds easy? All the best games do...

You can also download Same Game via WAP directly to your Series 60 phone. Just visit http://samegame.symbiandiaries.com/index.wml.

Same Game (Series 60) updated to 1.10

To go with the new build of OPL for Series 60, and to answer quite a few request emails, I've updated Same Game with some new features and a more polished User Interface.

Continue reading "Same Game (Series 60) updated to 1.10"
Posted by Ewan at 04:30 PM | Comments (4)

Same Game (Series 60) v1.00

Same Game version 1.00 for Series 60 is now available for download.

Continue reading "Same Game (Series 60) v1.00"
Posted by Ewan at 05:40 PM | Comments (8)

Registering Same Game

Same Game has very little crippling on it. In the Demo version you cannot Undo your last move, and you are reminded that your copy is unregistered when you first run the game. Other than that, it is fully working with no other limits. It is not time limited to 30 days either.

Continue reading "Registering Same Game"
Posted by Ewan at 05:39 PM | Comments (12)

Some Screenshots

Please feel free to copy and use these images in any news articles or reviews you post about Same Game. A quick email to me letting me know you are using them would be nice, but isn't required.

Continue reading "Some Screenshots"
Posted by Ewan at 05:38 PM | Comments (0)

Has Same Game been Warezed?

If you find Same Game on an illegal download site (Warez) then please email me at [email protected] so I can take steps to have it removed. Warezed software damages sales of Same Game and any future applications I may decide to relase.

Posted by Ewan at 01:40 AM

Beta Version a Success

The Testers have spoken. After a short but concentrated time in beta (around 48 hours) Same Game has been hailed as "another hit." Expect a full 1.00 release to appear here over the weekend of July 19th/20th, with an announced release on Monday 21st.

Posted by Ewan at 01:24 AM | Comments (0)

Why is Same Game Shareware?

A lot of people are going to know me for my applications released by FreEPOC - the distinction of all of those apps (Vexed, SFCave, Quad, etc) are that they are freeware. In fact, for the first time, I'm releasing an application as shareware. Why?

Continue reading "Why is Same Game Shareware?"
Posted by Ewan at 01:10 AM | Comments (1)

The Origins of Same Game on Symbian OS

I'm on a train from Edinburgh back to London on Sunday, and as I pull out of Waverley I thought to myself I want to play SameGame on my 7650. Now there are a ton of versions of SameGame (including TileFall on the Psion Series 3 and 5's), and a few Java Midlet versions are kicking around. But they were all missing something.

So out comes the 9210 and the OPL Program editor and I start coding.

Continue reading "The Origins of Same Game on Symbian OS"
Posted by Ewan at 12:59 AM | Comments (1)