July 19, 2003

The Origins of Same Game on Symbian OS

I'm on a train from Edinburgh back to London on Sunday, and as I pull out of Waverley I thought to myself I want to play SameGame on my 7650. Now there are a ton of versions of SameGame (including TileFall on the Psion Series 3 and 5's), and a few Java Midlet versions are kicking around. But they were all missing something.

So out comes the 9210 and the OPL Program editor and I start coding.

Same Game is a wonderful example of OPL as a Rapid Application Development tool. In a few hours, the nuts and bolts of the game were completed (2 hours). Then the polish in the gameplay (and a sligh rework on the graphics (another hour). Finally, a decent intro screen and hooks for the Demo version (2 hours) and you have an application coded in 5 hours.

And out of that, probably 4 and a half hours were on the 9210 - nowhere near a Desktop PC!

But ddon't let the speed of writing fool you - the game will hold you entranced for months.

Posted by Ewan at July 19, 2003 12:59 AM
i want to play the samegame. Posted by: idella hardiman at February 27, 2024 02:25 PM
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