SF Cave is proof you don't need manuals as thick as a Tom Clancy novel, or controls that need four sides of A4 paper to get moving. With one key (thrust), SF Cave will take you into the Danger Zone of addictive gaming. Originally written by SunFlat (hence the SF), this Symbian OS conversion by Ewan Spence and FreEPOC shows you don't need fancy graphics and depth - you just need a good idea.

SFCave (Communicator) Reviewed at All About Symbian

Andy Langdon has reviewed SFCave at All About Symbian, and thinks it's 'a nice, fun little game that everyone should download.'

Posted by Ewan at 11:50 AM

High Score Table (Communicator)

Updated 0730 BST on May 22nd 2003.

Continue reading "High Score Table (Communicator)"
Posted by Ewan at 12:30 PM

SF Cave for Communicators Released

SF Cave (v1.00) for the Nokia Communicators has been released. You can download it from the link on the left hand column.

Continue reading "SF Cave for Communicators Released"
Posted by Ewan at 08:00 PM | Comments (2)

Submit a High Score

Are you the ultimate SF Cave'r? Have you journeyed further than everyone else before you? Then prove it. Post your High Score (and the High Score Code) in the comments section of this post. If you're good enough, you too could make the Top 10 Cave'rs.

Continue reading "Submit a High Score"
Posted by Ewan at 12:15 PM | Comments (59)