October 24, 2003

3 Word Story

This is a story from the http://www.allaboutsymbian.com/forum/ 3 Word Story Thread.

This is here as a Recap but please realise that may not make 100% sense, as we are a Mad Bunch!

The Story So Far Again with Thanks to Laura for first part

In the beginning there was a girl who had a Ferrari modena and symbian phone and she was only 70 years old. Although somewhat smelly Dazler would still eat her skin and smell her. The problem was her pierced nose, and the big hanging silver chains (were the symbols AAS was engraved) would interfere in her new hairstyle. But she was so very gullible and very sleepy. Probably the cocaine was the reason so she took her one very good looking D$%*#&O and was about to leave for bloodfest Bingo night. But she didn't bring her Foxhound and Alibi to the orgy of sin and full of lust because they were madly in love with chicken soup.

That was then. They killed Link, kicked Foxhound in and stole a giant red hotdog. Laura then shouted 'I would love to eat foxhounds and links with cherries and strawberries and then go to medieval forest near Jordan's house to smoke some peace pipe with Dr Dre and that Jordan guy!' So they went the girls room and began to smoke some tampons infront of the 3 wise men from Nokia who - allegedly - the lovers had left behind.

And there she broke her 7650. So she bought the new 7650i that was not big enough to use as a skaterboard. So she checked AAS to upgrade to a 9210i, which is a skateboard. So she started rolling and tripped on a very big person sleeping in a deep cave which actually was an enormous fat microsloth spv phone., Unfortunately she was talking complete jibberish about how she bought her first vibrator that was nice but not vibrating so she switched it on the wrong way by pressing the big bad flashing light which produced a Light Saber. Useless. She thought of taking it to repair shop (which actually was a cat factory founded by Link - the cat lover, who *loved* cats, absolutely adored them - and very delighted Foxhound, who was the favorite enemy) at the gates, which were closed

So she called the sexy Link to do something unimaginable to him by loving cats and killing dogs, or even better, kicking them in. But Link was invisible and unaware so she missed the Ferrari lady. After realising what the truth was she then did the unimaginable, taking a DVD boxset while dancing the funky chicken with no clothes on she ran with big bad wolf and seven dwarfs to the moon and back,because she could.

Next saddam called the CNN to tell them "i quit" "my AAS membership" and AAS said we will gladly kick you in southern iraq if you even think of eating Bush's home made marmalade, cherries or strawberries. GOD is Love!, but the devil can't break dance But he can make a cake with chocolate and cherries and strawberries and throw it to the next level of extrem Where for time it will sit there for a short time then somebody would gonna kill Link again and make him a brain-eating Zombie with three eyes and very short phallus. He roams ":I eat brain!" and cats that really piss me so hard that Sort 'em out!

Anyway, Link was driving over cats using her lawnmower and that very moment flew in Terror because he Couldn't understand IRVING02 for saying irrelevant Hahaha...!W t f. shhh.... don't make much noise Edgedale. IRVING02 might kill me, you know... so you better be quiet or i might end up dead! she was dreading for mouth-watering chocolates and hot beer After getting drunk she fell from the big old gummy bear god who smelt of sweet BO like the smell of new baked cookies Revived the dead And they started to quarrel about who is going to eat the last Link alive but too bad I'm with stupid -> lousy, dork, crazy -> I Am Cornholio the mighty slayer who read all that was engraved in the chains that hold my life into the Darkness that looks Hell break loose in the midst Winner takes all the soul away And gives back the useless ones with the big and empty head that is feared like girls on Baywatch.

Now comes We Stand Together! to encounter the stupidest thread ever (no really it is stupid) in forums worldwide All About Symbian, which is classified by MI5 as criminally inane tripe. But we will become the greatest story writers ever to have walked the planet called "All About Symbianearth". There there was... a whole new I AM BIG out of line dancing freak of easter bunny land wait a minute Gadget17 in Bunny-Suit? come get some! All i Have DIE YOU BASTARD!!!

But Then Edgedale changed his avatar ...and began to... look for a picture that looks the one exactly then start walking towards the sunset Stroking a dog with scabies and Waffling about the sausages and cheesecakes but life will stop making sense and goto sleep and dream of marshmellow babies. Suddendly someone came in through the window naked and had a big eye small sexy lip and a fat wallet which helped to pay rent and the taxi in which he sleeps most the time with a pink gummy bear And a bottle inside it is ...what you don't... ...even immagine what... the triple breasted did with his big, tall, long computer joy stick to play with the dark side of the paper to get rid of Link once and not forgeting to finalize everything like the old fart he is.

So he decided to fly all the way down to hell to say hello and inflate the elephant demon king named UROTSUKIDOJI, tentacle master. It took him back up to his mommas underpants that needed washing by the new bad smelling high priestess of AAS. But the wolf really love FOX HOUND's tantalizing almond-shaped eyes,100% wearable fur-skin coat, and big ears so he ate all his frinds shoes that tasted like stinky fish and rotten eggs smell too nice as IRVING02 tried to hide from the almighty one with the name ST@RR, FOX HOUND, jamella but unfortunately he changed his name and keep on runing away from Merthyr Tydfil BingoBus who will take three beatuful women without any hesitation and any doubt to the wedding of the millenium.

BUT FoxHound will Stop posting again to KILL Link his mortal enemy the MarioParty Champ (in his dreams) (and FOX-HOUND's nightmares) BUT Link will will not allow his picture to be seen here in this life but maybe he will see it while he was ...still waiting for... ...something or someone... to go perhaps to make a blood donation tomorrow. surely he will not think about FOX HOUND since ...he would never... lie to us about his identity is not himself then the master went out to to fight darkness where he won a new 6650 and cry over and jumped till the night goes midevil on somone's ass.

So he started to eat submarine sandwich and his belly ballooned for too much undigested food so because of that he tried to look for three little cute pigs went out to for the barbecue but they didn't they hate pork so they eat three blind mice and little pigs which were themselves and so the big fat wolf came by and kisses three pigs' which were digested and vomitted out after he ate those dead pigs again he vomitted them out and eat em' back..... errkkk.. and vomit them made a pizza really big one called pork pizza with lots of puke that smelled like something you want to run away from FOX and far from Saudi Arabia and the USA, who killed all the blue frogs in the murky pond at the top of the mountain at the end of the hill down the valley eat back vomits and finally, took off and fly to the blue deep space rotting.

BUT then Link hyperspace in just before ST@RR killed ....the one who... claimed that he's THE ONE but cry like a cat who lost his short tail but just got an eye left and 10 arms start shooting everything that is included peeing on himself and looking at the girl beside the mirror of the car he's shitting inside tho' then an Agent Shovel up his last BIG smelly boots and gloves then kung-fu kick with bullet time that dose work for all of the three fat head sucking zombies who came from graves of dead farm animals which was full of green long stuff with smelly thing that looks like your mammas BIG red old car no power for the big race to the top things break down and then she cry like man who lost his all the manhood and the history will go on before the fat black bat from the inner earth loss it's wing when the cute girl like me suddenly appeared above while she's laughing because an ugly man slipped away from the coming dog who runs of the dark with his boss who looks like his dog and his other naughty frog legged horse started kicking the leg of the chair that is only three-legged in mosquito's swamp that smells kinda fruit that has gone all mouldy and grown fluffy. It was discovered that the sun, shining brightly overhead, can improve it's lottery-winning chances and babe factor with no limit. But unfortunately, the Lunar eclipse had just about started to black out till twas pitchblack. baby baby baby I'm gonna leaveya till midnight comes around and we play some games that involve nudity lots of men from aston villa (defeated by Liverpool) and everyone else except Man United but no-one cares that they fartedbecause they indulged in too many acts of outrageous posting on aas That the ENd.

Now Chapter Two begins with a bit more sense thanks to the eloquence of rb14 (who's never modest) eloquence, but no sign of any common sense among these crazy AASers Yet they were addicted it seemed to da chronic form of spelling and the life rich and happy with dirty nappies returning from Barcelona to clean up loads of washing filling the suitcase and the washer.

So, given the lateness of the train from Liverpool, they were forced to buy a donkey, with large ugly looking eyes and a strange pair of tails tied with ribbons pink of course but covered in large tacky sequins shaped like womens high-heeled shoes The sequins came with bling-bling factor just like j-lo and three small breasts shaped like saggy bags of lumpy mashed potato just like JV's (the racing driver) (and AAS moderator) I'm saying nothing cos' i'm not allowed to, because Ewan would object some mustang loving. Many days later certain things happened that made me question my sanity cos' it was not just the gender inequality, but something about the extra arms that just didn't look as if they would quite reach the base of such a large and oval shaped edifice such as

Will continue soon...

Posted by Gadget17 at 10:33 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Swamp (pt.5)

And the Chaos Continues...

Clutching the near-fatal wound on his sie, he walked over to JV and helped her to her feet......she wasnt in a good shape but the amour protected her sufficiently. she looked worried of state he was in and offered to treat his wounds, but he refused...."take care of them, they fought valiantly" he spoke in a horse voice, pointing at the fallen animals. There was no time to tend to his wounds, he was determined to find laura....or die trying.

He dropped to his knees and shouted as loud as he could....."I'DRASSGILL!!!" then he fell flat on his face, unconcious and a pool of blood forming beneath him. It was cry for help to his people, they were his last hope now.

Jadeviper turns the unconscious elf onto his side and makes a crude battle dressing for the wound in his side. Packing is and binding it tightly to stop the bleeding she leaves him - his other wounds can wait.

Walking around the swamp Jadeviper sees dead and injusred animals. A few like Anwar have escaped unharmed. The wounds are mainly lacerations - almost like teeth and claw marks of huge beasts.

Jadeviper stops and looks up, sensing something. She reaches for her mobile but it doesn't ring. She can feel Laura reaching out to her with her mind. Jadeviper almost cries with relief - Laura's alive! And she does have some elvish powers. That will make rescuing her a little less impossible...

Laura is gazing around the room, out of the window, along the walls of the castle building... making clear mental remarks on every aspect of her surroundings. She hopes that the images in her mind would be transported to Jadeviper, whom she feels is still following her thoughts. She also listenes carefully. Everything up in her tower seems quiet but from the basement below she can hear loud noise, like a bunch of drunken sailors... or worse... drunken monesters... Perhaps they would get themselves too drunk to defend the castle, should anyone come to her rescue. Or perhaps this is all just part of a carefully designed trap...

Laura can do no more at this moment than to keep her mind clear and open to images flowing to and fro.

Jadeviper closes her eyes and sees another place as clearly as if she was there looking around herself. She must be seeing through Laura's eyes. She sees the window with the sheer cliff face below, hears the noise of the revelling monesters.

The only problem is that she's seeing from Laura's point of view, which means she has no idea where the castle is... if she could only discover that, then Laura's as good as rescued.

Suddenly there was bright flash of light that lit up the campsite, even when it was daytime....then it began to receed till it dissappered.
Gathered there was the 7th Sanctuary Battalion of the Royal Guard. They had recived their kings call to arms and they included over 2,000 infantry troops, a full heavy artilery compliment and 50 air support vehicles.

The general ordered the medics to attend to the king and injured. They promptly began to heal the animals and even revive the dead ones, but Orophin was in a worse shape that it looked and needed more special attention......they carried him off to a medical van where they had the equiptment they needed.
The general walked over to JV that was being healed......."he will be alright, he just needs rest. in the mean time my men will survey the area for the princess. if you have any info that could help us, dont hesitate to tell us."

"She's in a castle somewhere by the sea. The window is unguarded. I was going to attempt to find her on Tembo, the flying elephant, but now you're here with the air force..."

Jadeviper slumps a bit, exhausted and able to give in to it now reinforcements are here.

Hours pass, and the boozing in the basement just gets louder and louder. Laura is leaning on the open window and letting the evening breeze cool her face. Sun is about to set and the stars are coming out. Laura cannot recognize the formations but she finds consolation in gazing at them. She remembers another time when she was looking at the stars with Jadeviper and... well, she just cannot get Orophin out of her mind. Why did it all have to end like this?

Further out on the sea she notices a peculiar twin beacon. Like a double star it shines there, as if it was trying to comfort her with its light.

Jadeviper senses Laura's mind again and closes her eyes. She sees the sky, about as dark as it is here, and the constellations...

"She's not far away... let me try and work out the direction"

The elves wait patiently, knowing better than to question her while she concentrates.

Jadeviper opens her eyes and looks up at the sky then closes them again to compare the patterns where Laura is held captive.

"She's east of here, but not very far... maybe even just where this river flows into the sea. There's a good landmark - twin beacons to the north-east. She can see them from her window."

Jadeviper hopes the elves can get to her soon.

The geogaraphivcal analyst ploted the land marks into the computer..."sir weve got the location. it 10 miles due east of here in the old Alcatraz dungeon.".......the general smiled and turned to his waiting troops...."ok men, let move out...".............."wait!! not without me you're not" a deep voice belowed at the general.
the general and the troops all bowed down...."of course not you majesty"
Orophin walked out, his green eyes glowing and agolden aura surrounding him. His face was filled with anger as he walked to a clearing and stood......"Laura we are coming" he sent a psychic message to her.

He turned to face the army, then his aura became larger until it engulfed him completely in light......the earth shook and then there was a deafening roar. A gigantic red dragon stood there, its wings spread ....."lets go!!"

The general snapped himself out of his awestruck....."you heard him men, lets kick ass!".......the men yelled in reply...."WOOOHHHAAA!!!"

Jadeviper shrinks into the shadows, keeping well out of the way and comforting the animals. She hugs Anwar to her as she sends her hopes with the elves on their mission.

The army flew off (elves remember, can all fly) to the target. Orophin spoke mentaly to JV..."i'm going to need you there later, be prepared for my call"

The army arrvied at the dungeon, then took there positions, hidden away in the dense but small forest surrounding the building. The plan was for Orophin, now in his elf form again, to walk straight in the front door and confront mosquito. The troops will await a special order from him to attack....but only when he has safely secured Laura.

Orophin was know wearing his battle uniform, it had a special type of amour built into the clothes so it seemed he had none. He also carried a considerabely large sword on his back (Devil May Cry - PS2).
He took a deep breath and knocked on the large door of the dungeon..."damn this place wreaks of booze!!" he said i low voice, as he held his nose waiting for a reply.

A signal is getting clearer in Laura's mind. She can hear a roaring sound, wind blowing, powerful army getting closer. She knew they were coming for her rescue, but she felt very small in the process of all these events and she wished the great battle would be over soon.

Orophin sensed her thoughts....."you are not small...you are a big part in this....just ask JV" he smiled metally..."it will be over soon"
"Now what taking this guy so long......ahh, screw it"....he pulled the door off its hinges and headed into the main chamber where the bug was sitting stroking a black rat.
"Hello Mr Bon...err...Anwarunya, weve been expecting you"

Jadeviper senses Laura's disquiet and tries to comfort her mentally, even though she's not feeling so composed herself right now.

"This moment, I've been waiting for it too long Anwarunya." Mosquito said that trying to keep his composure and hiding his surprise at the sight of his rival

Mosquito thought to himself, the damn guards let me down. I'm gonna fry their asses. How can they leave the front gates unguard. Now if I can win some time and distract the elf, maybe one of the guards will rememeber to execute plan B.
Mosquito was hoping the elf didn't understand his real intentions so he said: "Yo came to save Laura, huh? Do you think that you can take my soon to be wife without a fight?"

"Do yo think I have no back-up plans for situations like these?"

"answer me?"

Mosquito said that while his hidden hand pressesd on the High-Risk Alarm botton. This botton send electric signals to the minds of all his troops who were coming out of the basement and surrounding the poor non-suspecting elf.

The bug's beasts try to jump Orophin, but he reacts quickly and slices them into dust......the bug get up and warns Orophin that he will kill Laura if he doesnt stop.......Orophin tell him not if he kills him first.
Orophin jumps on the table and raises his sword....the bug squeals and maore of its beasts try to jump Orophin, but he dispaches them with ease.

The bug trys to run up the stairs to get to Laura but Orophin cuts his left leg off and tells the fallen bug that if he retreats he will spare him......the bug turned to smoke and appeared downstairs, ordering more of its beasts to attack. Orophin creates a majic wall to block them off, then he runs upstairs to Lauras cell. He breaks the lock with his sword and rips the door open.
He smiles and them blows a loud whistle.........in the forest below the troops move out of their hiding places and storm the castle, fighting the beasts......the airbore troops and heavy artillery bombard the giant graboids out side the dungeon.

"Shall we leave!?" the elf smiled at his princess and flew out the window with her in his arms. he gave a quick thoght to JV, to tell her to wait at a specific safe spot away from the maelstrom to pick up Laura.

Laura says 'yes please' and then she passes out and won't wake up until the next morning. But she is extremely relieved and happy.

[quote="Orophin Anwarunya"]The bug's beasts try to jump Orophin, but he reacts quickly and slices them into dust......the bug get up and warns Orophin that he will kill Laura if he doesnt stop.......Orophin tell him not if he kills him first.
Orophin jumps on the table and raises his sword....the bug squeals and maore of its beasts try to jump Orophin, but he dispaches them with ease.

The bug trys to run up the stairs to get to Laura but Orophin cuts his left leg off and tells the fallen bug that if he retreats he will spare him......the bug turned to smoke and appeared downstairs, ordering more of its beasts to attack. Orophin creates a majic wall to block them off, then he runs upstairs to Lauras cell. He breaks the lock with his sword and rips the door open.
He smiles and them blows a loud whistle.........in the forest below the troops move out of their hiding places and storm the castle, fighting the beasts......the airbore troops and heavy artillery bombard the giant graboids out side the dungeon.

"Shall we leave!?" the elf smiled at his princess and flew out the window with her in his arms. he gave a quick thoght to JV, to tell her to wait at a specific safe spot away from the maelstrom to pick up Laura.[/quote]

LMAO. Shit man, why did you have to cut my leg? I will be one legged for the rest of my life in the swamp?! Do something to fix that man? You're the elf with the magic. Turn back time or something.

Mosquito, having one of his legs cut, and all his useless monesters some how mysteriously defeated, decides to disappear forvever into oblivion utill..........Who knows.....Maybe he'll come back again.

The elf kisses the lips of his princess...."rest my angel!".......he drops her off with JV and flies of back to the battle.

He arrives at the dungeon to see that more of his army has joined in from his world and where gaining groung.
The bug on the roof of the dungeon looking horrified as his beasts were being mowed down.

Orophin landed on the roof, looking very smug, he scraped his sword on the ground making a screeching noise....the bug held his ears in pain.

"now its just you and me, bug!!" the elf raised his sword..."dont bother looking for her, you wont find her now.....the transfer is now complete, she is immune to you evil magic"........the elf laughed almost as maniacally as the bug would.

The bug complained about its leg, and still vowed to return......then it dissappeared into smoke......"ahh, quit whining! you are an insect, the leg will grow back!!".............the elf flew down to congratulate his troops and promissed them round of larger and 15% pay rise.

And so it is dawn and the sun rises. Laura wakes up from her semisleep - semiunconsciousness. She had fainted partly because of sheer exhaustion, partly because of the overload in her head. She had yet to master the new powers she had been given. At the moment she had trouble knowing which images in her mind were her own true memories, and which ones were secondary perceptions of somebody else and the battle last night had been such an awesome flow of quickly evolving events. But she had time, she knew JV also had experienced similar problems when she had been learning to use her powers. For now she was just happy to be... well where exactly was she? She looked around but the place did not seem familiar. 'I need to know if everyone is safe... let's see if I can find Jadeviper'.

Laura finds Jadeviper with the animals, making sure that the injuries are healing well. Jadeviper looks up and smiles as she hears Laura coming.

"Hey, how are you feeling? If you're hungry I can get you some breakfast."

Jadeviper is aware of the need for both of them to keep busy until the elves return.

'I'm fine, exellent in fact' Laura replies, 'it's like a dark cloud has been lifted and I feel so much easier even breathing. And yes please, breakfast sounds great.'

She walks over to Anwar, who is notably happy to see her too. All 100 kg's of the "cub". It's poking its head at Laura and purring. Laura scratches him under the chin and under the belly and behind the ears and the animal is extatic. There is a special bond between them.

'I think I will need to take it real easy for the time being, I'm still feeling a bit dizzy with all these images in my head. I'd better practise these powers somewhere where it is peace and quiet' Laura explains her plans for today to Jadeviper.

Jadeviper hands Laura breakfast and a tub with something for her lunch. Jadeviper also has things to do today. A lot of head-clearing and meditation - the elves still aren't back and she's trying not to worry.

Laura was practising all day with her new abilities. After clearing her mind from the disturbing memories of last night, she had gone to see the chimps. They had sufficient amount of intellectual activity but it was qualitatively different enough for her to easily be able to differentiate their thoughts from her own. She was amused to see how concrete their thinking was, mostly limited to things like a tree, a leave, sleep, water etc. Some chimps are know to be able to rise to a more abstract level, to understand and think in terms of mine, yours, yesterday and away, but not these fellows. They were care-free, understanding only the bare essentials in life.

Laura tried to focus on her training, but couldn’t help wondering what had happened to Orophin. It was perhaps due to her yet unrefined skills, but she could not feel him and it made her a little worried.

Orophin was now heading back to camp, he had assited in demolishing the dungeon and he escorted his troop home. He thought about the events of the past day, and he addmitted it was scary but very amusing....especially when he whooped ass!!

He was now a few meters from the camp and he could see smoke rising from the spot....he took a deep breath...."mmm, smell like JV is cooking up a storm again!!". his mind went to Laura, he wondered how she felt of her new powers and identity.......being an elf has its perks, and the fact that she was soon to be.........Orophin stopped....he pondered on that thought........"queen!!"....."i wonder if she would accept!"....."has this ordeal changed her feeling"............he felt the anxiety wash over him, he was nervous......"never leave what you can do today for tommorrow! i will have to take the plunge."........grrrowl!!!....."after breakfast!" he smiled as he heard his stomach complain.

'Hey, Orophin glad to see you' Laura turned around smiling, but he was not there. She had sensed his arrival prematurely (so much for the use of practising, she still does not master her new skills!).
But it did not take long for her to see Orophin for real, as he rushed to the table few minutes later and started eating as if he had not seen food for a week. Laura went up to him wanting to make sure he was alright.

Orophin was enjoying the meal, the fight had left him with a large appetite and he was also feeding for two...[huh?!?]......{the dragon, silly!!}....[oh!!]

"Oh i'm ok, just abit hungry" he took a sip of his orange juice....."what about you? how do you feel?".....he looked at Laura attentively, he wanted to know how she was feelikng, how she was taking to her new abilities. He was happy to see she looked okay, but he wanted to hear her say it to him.

Jadeviper is relieved to see the elf return in one piece, but senses the need for him and Laura to talk. She hopes that with Laura's new powers they finally both say what's on their minds...

Jadeviper prepares celebratory drinks, just in case.

’I’m feeling fine, thank you’. Laura looks Orophin straight in the eyes and smiles. ‘I just need some time to get a grip on these new powers, I don’t want to pass out on a critical moment again’ she says with a laugh. She then talks about her experiments with the chimps and amusement spreads on Orophin’s face when she describes all the peculiarities she has learned about the chimp psyche.

What she does not tell him, is that while she’s been training with the animals, she has also been thinking a lot about Orophin and his responsibilities as an elven king. Now, more than before, she is aware of the risks involved. She is wondering if it indeed would be better for Orophin to marry someone from his own people, someone who has been born with the powers and would be much more capable in using them. Laura still feels so clumsy and fears that her lack of experience might prove fatal one day. No doubt there will be battles in the future as well. But Laura’s heart just won’t listen to reason. She cannot bear the thought of him leaving and marrying someone else.

But none of this she tells Orophin. She just smiles and cherishes the moment when he is finally there, safe, smiling back at her. (Even if Laura was more skilled with her new abilities she could not read Orophin’s mind. Elven kings have extra protection against mind intrusions and only certain emotions can be scanned. So she has no idea what Orophin is thinking at this moment, she needs him to tell her).

'I thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting me out of there' is all she can say. 'Both of you' she adds, turning to Jadeviper.

Orophin was still laughing inside about the chimps, he jsut remembered the short discussion he had with that chimp at the party........"oh, the party!!" he remembered that he neede to apologize to Laura and set things straight.

"Laura, i want to apologize for what happened at the party" he stood up from his chair took her hand........"there was a misunderstanding of my words, and that is understandable"...."thats why i want to do this the elven way"
He held on gently to both her hands, then he closed his eyes.....the lf was opening up his mind to her, so she could see how he felt........it was what elves did to make courtship less of a hassle as in the human world.

He spoke to her in his mind, smiling...."do you see?"

Holding on to his hands Laura entered Orophin’s mind, and his emotions surrounded her. Misunderstandings were corrected and fears wiped away. Orophin had no difficulty in reading Laura’s thoughts as she replied ‘yes, I do see’.
Then she opened her eyes and smiled too.

Jadeviper senses the surge of emotion. "About bloody time!" she thinks to herself, smiling broadly. She starts putting the finishing touches to the celebratory drinks.

Orophin felt very relieved, he couldnt stop smiling as he looked into her eyes. "So, what happens now?" he asked, having never had experience in matters of the heart.....but he was so overwheled by her emotions, all he could think of was to kiss her.....but he stayed calm on the outside.

JV was just wacthing the two, with a bucket of popcorn and diet coke. the animals had all gathered round beside her enjoying the spectacle.

Laura almost laughed out loud, the mighty king looking so confused in front of her. 'The human custom would be to.... krmhmmm... kiss...' Suddendly she didn't feel like laughing at all anymore. Orophin's hands were holding her so close now...

Orophin embraced her, not wanting to let go, he wanted to remain like tat forever.............but he knew she needed to breathe too, so he pulled away gently, smilinng at her.

"Well, it looks like we have an audience. Oh, and drinks too" he smiled at JV, amazed at her uncanny hindsight.

She didn't want him to let go either. But she knew this was not going to be the last time for them to hold each other. She smiled at JV, blushing a bit, and took the offered drink.

Jadeviper wraps her arms around the two dolts and hugs them both tightly. "I thought you two were never going to be honest with each other about your feelings!

"So, what happens now?"

He was just about to answer when suddenly his samsung videophone watch began to beep...."hold on sec JV!".....he walked off and and talked to his wrist for a while.....he was very animated, which made it difficult for the other person since his hand moved too far away to hear sometimes.

He finished the call and walked back to the ladies......."um...sorry 'bout this but i have to leave for a couple of days....monarch duties call!".....he hugged JV and gave Laura a deep kiss....he almost forgot what he was supposed to do after it.........then he floated off into the air....."i wont be long. Laura will tell you our plans JV.......be good!!".
He then boarded a waiting transport craft and it promptly sped off into the horizon.

Jadeviper watches the transport craft shrink to a tiny dot on the horizon. She turns to Laura and they exchange quizzical looks, then dissolve into fits of giggles.

"I should have known things wouldn't run smoothly in this place!" Jadeviper giggles.

"So, what are these plans?"

In another reality far far away Laura sits thoughtful at her pc. Summer vacation is over and she finds it increasingly difficult to divide her attention between work and the tale. She is reluctant to let go of the dream but it may be inevitable. Today however, is Saturday, and she logs in…

… finding herself together with Jadeviper. ‘The plans… well…we must wait until Orophin returns but I have a hunch on how things will develop from now on’. She describes the elven tradition of a longish engagement period which is meant to test the suitability of the engaged couple. A tradition also humans might find useful. The length varies depending on the differences between the couple and in this case, Laura being a newbie elf, an absolute beginner, and Orophin being the king, highest of the highest rank, the trial period could last for years. Elven years that is, and Laura finds it difficult to translate it to the swamp time. In every case it will be a considerable amount of time, even a few months maybe. Laura doesn’t mind, actually she is relieved to find that she was not expected to be able to take on her responsibilities as a queen just like that, instantly. She will have this time to learn to master her powers and to adapt to elven identity.

‘So you see JV, in the weeks to come you probably won’t be seeing much of me here since I’ll be in the elven kingdom. Maybe by swamp December the training will be over and I can return. You can come and visit us, naturally’, she adds as she sees the sad look on Jadeviper’s face. ‘And… well… in actual fact Orophin has not even proposed to me yet, not in words, this is all just something I sensed in his mind’ she says blushing. Laura is unsure in what way elves do their courtship, maybe they don’t use words at all. But she would find out if her hunch was correct when Orophin returns.

In a computer room far ar away, Orophin logs on and is sad to see that Laura will not be a constant presence, but he understands the pressures of work all too well. He wonders if there would be more stress when he ties the knot eventually....."Oh well, just wait and see!!"

In the elven kingdom, Orophin conversed with his mother on the past events and his future. She made it clear that it was rare for a human to be queen of the elves but its not forbiden. It would take a few years of engagement before its finalized, and being almost immortal, that can be a while.......but she added that since he picked his bride and the people approved, it wont take too long.
Orophin smiled and hugged her, he always felt reassured with his mum's wisdom.

In a messy livingroom cluttered with toddler toys, Jadeviper is also sad that things may quieten down a little here... but maybe it'll mean she will feel more able to abandon her PC more often to do housework

Jadeviper keeps herself busy in the swamp, tending to the animals and slowly clearing up the damage caused by Mosquito.

Laura was helping Jadeviper with the animals and at the same time mentally saying goodbye to them. The meerkats had grown into a big happy family, with several generations already popping up and down in their own funny way. The deer would also be fine, now that Mosquito had been vanquished Laura was not worried about new deer hunting parties. Especially difficult for her was to leave Anwar and she fought back tears as she scratched him behind the ears and below the chin. ‘Wild animals were better off in the wild’ she tried to tell herself and besides, her absence would only be temporary. At least she hoped so.

Orophin was arranged for Laura transport, he made sure there was utmost security involved. "hey hey...no sleeping on duty.....youre gonna carry a precious item!!" the elf snapped at a guard that seemed exausthed from all the specific arrangements the king was making, everything had to be perfect.
Orophin gave it the once over, then gave the order to depart. The journey would take about one hour, thus giving him time to put the finishing touches to the welcome party.....for a king, he was very hands on.

Laura stepped in the transportation capsule. She was desperately trying to locate Jadeviper, but for some reason she had disappeared in a critical moment. Laura would have wanted to wait but the driver was very persistant; they would have to leave immediately or the schedule would be ruined. 'What schedule?' Laura tried to ask, but got no intelligible reply (hmph... typical public transport employee...). Maybe she would still have a chance to see her in the elven kingdom before she would start her training in the secluded part of the elven citadel.

Orophin looked his watch, he still had half an hour.
he stepped into the busy kitchen, cooks and ravens allover the place, he was looking for the head-chef he had called in especially for this event.

"Hey JV!" he smiled and gave er a hug..."i'm so glad you acceted the invite, this wont be anything without you".....a sly grin formed on his face..."Laura will be shocked to see you here."

Jadeviper looks up from the sugar flowers she was making and smiles.

"Well, we couldn't just fade off into the sunset while Laura disappears for the duration of her training. She deserves a big send-off."

There's certainly going to be enough food to feed an army.

Laura arrived at the elven kingdom. She would have liked to take a sightseeing tour to look around since she had never been there before, but all that would have to wait. She was rushed to the castle main entrance and escorted to a huge hall. Her luggage was taken up to the ivory tower, where she would be spending the following months. Laura was about to follow the porter, when she heard someone call out her name. She stopped and turned.

"Surprise!!"...everyone chimed out in unison. Orophin and JV walked up to Laura and each gave her a hug....."Welcome to Va'lis, your new home" Orophin took her to the balcony, where she was met by waves of applause from the crowd below.....up in the air there was an airforce flypast with colors of the rainbow trailing behind each plane.
Orophin gazed at her as she took all this in, he smiled...."Theres more to come my dear"

Laura was speechless, gasping for air. A lump was developing in her throat and she was afraid she would burst in tears... when instead she suddendly burst into laughter. Tembo was flying behind the airforce, doing somersaults and trumpeting with all its might, and it was such an hilarious sight the crowd spontaniously cheered.
'What more can there possible be?' she asked - but Orophin did not reply.

Bedazzled Laura entered her chambers in the ivory tower and closed the door behind her. She would come out only if something important came up.

The stranger walked in and looked straight at the dormant jukebox at the far corner. He lifted a coin and flicked it into the jukebox.....it suddenly sprang to life with music.

The shodowy figures that filled the room started moving and a chorus of voices filled the room, like nothing had happened.

"hey Mosquito, nice place you got here" a voice chimmed out through the din. "Thanks joolsvern. come have a drink on the house"

The stranger stood at the doorway....he smiled as he gazed at the room with his golden yellow eyes.

Jadeviper begins to wake, hearing music coming from... somewhere...

Laura lifts her head from the books she's been studying. Music?? It's been so quiet for months... She's tempted to get up and find out what's going on, but decides to wait for a while. There are lot's of new people in the neighbourhood, with tractors and all. Maybe they're just fooling around. She continues reading...

Jadeviper materialises next to Laura, and they wait patiently to see what transpires

The stranger walks through the crowd and a clear path is created, if they knew him.

As he got to the bar, he looked around the room.....he was looking for someone......his steely eyes peircing the huddling mass of bodies.....they where laughing, talkind about all manner of things....it was like a community, waffling away.

His gaze locked on to a dim lit corner of the room...the swamp trees wound their way into that corner.
Standing there where two figures, hiding away, looking very cautious of the activities. His smile was sly and his eyes glinted....."ive found you" he whispered.

Laura smiled and brushed Orophin's cheek with a light touch. 'Nice to see you, it's been a while, eh? But it's not December yet. What brings you back with us? Did you get a vacation from handling the state affairs?'
She was giggling at first, happy to see him, but then looking more closely at him she notices... 'You look tired, is something wrong?'

Laura was sending JV her worried thoughts... yellow eyes...what did that mean?

Jadeviper felt Laura's nervousness, and sent back reassuring thoughts to her. "Give it time" she thought.

eep! story jump!! anyways........

"i'm the king, i can take breaks anytime i want" he remarked smugly, but soon sank and frowned abit...."who am i kidding, i snuck out!"..........he was expecting a reasuring hug. he noticed her nervousness but also calming thought being sent to her.

He glanced over to his fav wood elf and sent her a thought...."thanks JV, for looking after her"...he smiled

The morning drew in, and the perpetual "happy hour" of the swamp bar continued unabated. the walls of the bar faded away into the mornig light as bar turned al fresco.

Laura wrapped her arms around Orophin and gave him a long warm hug. She was a bit shy with all the people around, but maybe they weren't paying attention. She wanted to ask more on what was wrong but she knew that Orophin would tell them when he was ready.
After letting go of him, she took a couple of steps back and turned to watch the others waffle away.

Posted by Gadget17 at 05:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Swamp (pt.4)

What will happen in this installment of The Swamp?...

He was lost in her eyes, lost for words, he felt abit uncomfortable.....{the nail?}....[yup! its the nail]......"oww!!" he reached down and pulled out a piece of graboid nail still lodged in his thigh from the battle. He looked up at Laura..."well, thats a keeper...." he smiled and fainted, as brave as he was, he didnt like the sight of his own blood......{shame!}...[hey!! hes a sensitive guy!]....{huh! sure he is!}

Jadeviper hears Laura's cry of alarm and leaps to her feet. Seeing Laura standing in the pool, she grabs her bag and runs to her. She gasps as she sees the water blue with elven blood and the slumped form of the elf (no less attractive in unconsciousness). She quickly checks his vitals signs and determines that he's weakening from blood loss. Taking a firm hold round his chest, she pulls him out of the pool and lays him gently on the bank. The wound is immediately obvious. Taking a piece of gauze from her bag, she quickly checks the wound for foreign bodies and then pinches it closed, pressing hard with the gauze. Beckoning Laura, she asks her to sit with Orophin's foot in her lap, keeping his leg elevated and keeping pressure on the wound while she gathers herbs and plants.

Jadeviper scurries off, muttering under her breath "Bloody magical creatures... know nothing about mortal wounds... pulling out the nail! that was the only thing stopping the bleeding..."

Laura gazes down at the insensate form as she tries not to think about the wound beneath her hands. She takes this opportunity to have a really good look at the changes in the elf while Jadeviper is gone.

Jadeviper returns, making a lot of deliberate noise to announce her arrival. She sets a small fire and busies herself preparing decoctions and poultices.

JV's return wake Laura from her thoughts. She had been carefully observing the elf and doing that much more intensively than just to keep an eye on his vital signs. 'I'm so glad you're here' Laura says to her friend with a sigh of relief, 'I would have been totally helpless here alone and Orophin might have... oh, I don't even want to think about what could have happened...'.

Berating herself for not replenishing her stocks after treating the lion cub for similar injuries, Jadeviper gets to work making willowbark tea for pain relief and a comfrey poultice with a good pinch of salt to ward off infection. Pounding some moss to release the iodine, she adds a few drops to the mash and sets it to one side to cool. Coming next to Laura now, she slowly lifts her hands from the wound. The bleeding has slowed to a very slow trickle, which is good. Taking some cool salt water, she slowly washes the wound, trying to peel away the soaked gauze without disturbing the clotting blood underneath. When that's done, she applies a thick layer of the confrey paste and binds it with a clean bandage.

"He'll probably heal much faster than a human, so I'll check on him in an hour or two. In the meantime, would you mind sitting with him in case he wakes, keeping him cool and keeping that leg elevated?"

Feeling rather exhausted, Jadeviper goes for a lie down, and possibly even a short sleep.

Orophin felt a tingling....{spidey senses?}...[no!!]....on his left leg, it felt painful and at that point he opened his eyes. He looked over at his leg saw it was bound in some natural bandage, then he he smiled when he saw who was supporting the wounded limb. He sat up, clutching his painful head..."wow!! i hope you got he number of the truck that hit me" he laughed acknowledging the massive headache he had now....."Thanks!" he placed his hand on Laura's then looked over to where JV was resting..."dont know what i'd do without you two".

He looked at the wound, composing himself, he removed the dressing to reveal the now completely healed skin...no scar even. He saw the shock on Laura's face and he proceeded to explain......."it ok really! we normaly self heal very quickly, but at my point of dvelopment...the dragon thing and stuff...we are very vulnerable before the process if complete. normaly we are not supposed to engage in dangerous stuff during this time" he grinned nervously knowing that his mother had warned him about that fact.....{naughty naughty!!}....[hehe! too right]

Laura was relieved to see the grin back at Orophin's face. He was still holding her hand and she was just about to say something when the earth started to tremble and then there was a flood of water pouring over them. 'Iiik, what the heck is this?' she screamed. Earthquake and monsoon rains? No, it was Tembo again. It had snuck in (well, elephants can't really sneak, hence the trembling of the earth...) and had decided they needed a proper shower. Once it had emptied the trunk it gave a joyful trumpet - it was so happy to see Orophin healthy again. Then the big animal filled its trunk with water again and started to lumber along at Jadeviper's direction. 'There will be more screaming in just a second' Laura anticipated with a laughter.

The ordeal with the graboid was now behind them and the species extinct... or was it? Jadeviper has tossed away the nail and it now lay hidden under thick ferns just outside the camp boundaries. There, out of sight, the regenerative process had already started. Graboids have in their DNA sequence the codes needed to regenerate the whole beast from the tiniest bit of flesh or bone tissue that's left. The process is slow but steady. Depending on the size of the tissue matter left it may take days or weeks but eventually the beast always reappears.

A sleepy voice can be heard roaring from al directions:

"I'll be back. I'll spread havoc in here. I'll be back with my graboids, dragons and 666 monesters"

"Enjoy your peace now but prepare for my return"

"I will stop at nothing until I take the woman I love"

"I will never leave the swamp princess alone. never"

Then the voice gave the most ugliest laugh in the world:


Off course no one knows till now what this voice was and where it came from. I think now everybody was just wondering: "Could it be? The gnat? Could have mutated into a giant gnat?"

Jadeviper squeals as Tembo wakes her up with a cold shower. Leaping up and running out of range, she rubs her eyes and sees the elf sitting up, laughing with Laura. Pleased that he seems well, she sorts herself out. Peeling off her wet clothes, she walks over to the pool and calls to Tembo. With a happy little trot that makes the trees tremble on their roots, he joins her and starts squirting water at her while she quickly washes. Reaching into her bad for a towel, she dries off and dresses in a dry outfit. Joining the others, she glances at Orophin's leg as she sits down, startled again by the healing capacity of the elves. Taking a wide toothed comb from her pocket, she begins the long process of detangling her hair.

For a short while Laura felt uneasy... like a cloud passing and temporarily shrouding the sun she suddendly felt chilly... and the bushvelt breezes... what did they say? She shuddered, and then the feeling was gone. She looked at Jadeviper combing her beautiful hair and at Orophin fooling around with Tembo and she was completely happy again.

Jadeviper sees a dark look pass across Laura's face and feels rather than sees the tremble pass through her. Then in a heartbeat, it's gone. Jadeviper says nothing, but will think on this at length as she continues to do battle with her hair.

Orophin still in his trunks, was playing with tembo, tossing him in the air like a baby....{gah!!}...{boy, is he strong!!}....[amazing!]....Tembo enjoyed the game. Orophin felt a slight chill, and what sounded like a deranged cricket, he dismissed that but not the cold. He dropped the elephant gently and summoned up his usual clothes.

JV had finished with her beautiful locks and was now preparing a meal in her amazing way, he looked forward to that and Laura was siting, looking at him. The thoughts of before came flodding back, he wondered what to do, how to ask.

'A disco!!' he thought...."A disco party. We need a party to celebrate our return" he remarked excitedly to the women. They looked at him abit confused.

'A disco... but of course' Laura's face then lightened up. 'Great idea. The chimps that I trained long ago - for the sanctuary opening that never happened, remember? - can serve as our house band' she went on explaining. Since then the chimps had developed a genuine sound of their own, a kind of etno chill out style and the group had been named Zwampy Lounge orchestra. 'ZLO can play while we sip the drinks at the bar, and Orophin, you can provide more music from your mp3 collection' Laura suggested. 'This is just perfect, don't you think so too JV?'

"Excellent idea!! A chimp band, what more could one need!!"....he walked up to Laura, kissed her forehead and smiled.

Jadeviper just smiles, already planning an extensive cocktail list. With her knowledge of herbs, her mixtures can be quite.... potent

Laura went straight over to see the chimps. The band was delighted at the idea of getting to throw a gig at the swamp. Chimps however are not the most organized of creatures and their music sheet were all over the place. It took some time to get the program together. Not many of the chimps are actually able to read music, they just pretend to look at their notes while in fact they play purely by ear. They want to look professional however, that's why they always have their music stands and the sheets in front of them. Most of the time the music indeed sounds good and the occasional disharmonies just make the sound interesting. When Laura had helped them prepare the program and they had started to tune their instruments, she came back to Jadeviper who was already experimenting with the coctails. 'Hmm, green... are you sure it tastes good?' Laura asked suspiciously although she knew JV's expertese in herbs.

Jadeviper smiles at Laura "It's supposed to be green. The ravens are a great help bringing me ingredients. I heard the chimps practicing, they're sounding really good. You've done a fantastic job with them".

Jadeviper takes another pitcher and starts pouring liquids from unmarked dark bottles full of herbs, flowers and roots.

Laura sits down and lets the chill-out music carry her thoughts away. She is a bit worried since she doesn't really have a proper evening dress (the Dolce & Gabbana was lost when the swamp disappeared earlier) but she hoped the elf would not mind. The night was getting darker and she felt slightly nervous in anticipation.

Jadeviper, satisfied with the drinks for the party, joins Laura, startling her out of her reverie. Laura smiles, but the smile doesn't quite reach her eyes. Jadeviper has been aware of a slight tension since the reappearance of the elf, but chooses to say nothing at this time.

Wiping her herb-stained hands on her equally-stained clothes, Jadeviper looks a little sheepish. "I don't think we can go to a party dressed like this! I think I'll go and see if Orophin can help us out - unless you'd like to go?"

Laura glanzes over at Orophin's direction. He seemed to be busy preparing the digital sound system, mp3 player with wireless speakers for the surround sound ('I wonder if he uses bluetooth or wlan' Laura half-heartedly ponders). She was desperate to talk to the elf, desperate to know if he still remembered, if he still cared... but at the same time she was timid and shy and scared. The last time she had tried to talk to him he passed out in her arms, goddammit. 'No, I think it's best that you go and ask him. Can I have a taste of some of your drinks in the meantime, please?' she asks, hoping the herbs might sooth her nerves.

Jadeviper pours Laura a tall glass of a pale lilac liquid, adding a handful of crushed lavendar petals to calm and relax her. Adding a few ice cubes, she hands the drink to Laura and then sets off across the swamp to talk to the elf.

Coughing gently as she approached, he turned and smiled at her, though she noticed a flicker of disappointment and saw him look over to where Laura sat.

"Laura says the chimps are in fine spirits for the party, and I've finished making up pitchers of cocktails. I was wondering if you would be able to help us with our outfits... the amazing dresses you whipped up for us before were lost in the absence of the swamp, and we're looking a little tatty."

Jadeviper looks hopefully at the elf and smiles.

"doh!! i forgot about that. of course, no problem" he lifed his hand, poinnted to the far end of the campsite and there appeared a small building made out of the surrounding shrubery and earth. "there you go! its a changing room equiped with whatever a lady would need and a walk-in wardrobe that will stock any item of clothing you desire" he smiled when he saw the joy in their faces..."it may look small, but if youve seen Dr Who's Tardis, well you'll see what i mean".

He returned to the sound system, he was setting up a peerless 200gb mp3 player to the wi-fi enabled speakers and woofer. The dj turntable was computer controlled, it had a UI that even chimp could spin fantastic tunes from. The discoball was connected to the visualisation system, which meat it emitted ambient colours according to the music beat.

"We're gonna bang it up!!" he exclaimed excitedly, wipping the sweat of his brow. He looked up and saw a stream of ravens coming and going, he looked down to the bar JV had setup, mixing all sorts of cocktails....."I think have a drink!!"

Then Phreak enter the party area!
This looks kinda cool!
Sure you've got enough hardware to run all those mp3'z? Looks good!
Phreak buys a round of drinks to the people already there..
Then suddenly...

'Hmmm, what should I wear now.... this is the female heaven and hell all in one, anything to take, so much to choose from' Laura was thinking out loud in the changing room (she had never been good in making desicions). Finally she decided upon a small, almost black dress, not pitch black but with a tint of brown making it softer in colour. It was still in striking contrast to her blonde hair that had been burnt even blonder than before by the hot summer sun. The dress left her tanned shoulders visible and the hemline was just above the knees, not outrageously mini but sexy enough. She was pretty pleased with her appearance as she tied a ribbon in her hair as a finishing touch.

Jadeviper's cocktail had apparently worked, since Laura felt totally relaxed. She loved to dance and the august night, warm and soft, would certainly give the perfect ambience. She decided to live it up, no matter what, and enjoy herself. 'Hey JV, I know the music isn't quite right but could you teach me the ceilidh' she called at her friend.

...Then suddendly she realized there was somebody new at the bar. 'Hi Phreak, nice to see ya. Sure I'll have a drink, thanks. What brings you in these parts of the world?'

Orophin sipped his cocktail, 'headbanger' JV called it and apply named he thought. "gurk!!" he choked on his drink, he was caught out by the sight of a smallish bald man sitting at the bar. He settled down and decided to say hello, but he was cut off by what he could only call sheer beauty. Laura was dressed to nines and she looked amazing as she sat at the bar greeting the stranger.
He walked over to both of them..."hello mate, welcome to the party" he shook the man's hand. "You look great Laura" he smiled and thought that that was the understatement of the year.

The music played on throught the night, the live chimp band had played a rendition of 'Summertime' by Will smith albeit in their rather unique chimp voices. It was now time for the slow songs by the dj, 'Kissed by a Rose' by Seal was the pick. The animals on the dancefloor had amazingly started to pair up they where enjoying themselves.
Orophin gazed at Laura...."Would you do me the pleasure being my w...dance partner?" he bowed his head smiling with his right arm outstreched.....he was worried there for a second since something was almost said prematurely, bt he dissmissed it for now and awaited her answer.

Jadeviper looks at Laura over the bar, radiating calmness, support and reassurance { in much the same way as Guinan in another universe... } and not imperceptibly to her. Pouring another drink for Phreak, she watches the dancing couples with a smile on her face, though her inner thoughts turn to Peter, wondering where he is and if he would have asked her to dance if he'd been here...

Laura nods her head and takes Orophin’s arm. She glances over to Jadeviper and sees her smiling approvingly, reassuringly, as they start dancing. Laura had been a Seals fan ever since his debut album years ago, but even if it had been Engelbert Humberdinck playing, she still would have loved to dance with Orophin. He had changed his usual elvish clothes into an extremely well-tailored suit (Armani? Boss?) and Laura appreciated the gesture. With the exception of his pointed ears, nothing gave away his elven origin and status, making it easier for her to act naturally.

As one song ended, they danced another, and another. Laura could feel the muscles in his shoulders, back and neck underneath the fabric with her hand. And since they were both sweating a bit she could feel the heat from his body and smell his odour. Her emotions were overwhelming her, but she tried to stay calm.

‘Tell me Orophin’ she said, struggling to keep her voice light and the tone casual ‘when you stayed the year with your own people, you must have met dozens of beautiful girls who are now eagerly waiting for your return. Did you already find your queen among the elven folk?’

:evil: Somewhere far away in the dark undergroud world, mosquito is making his final plans to ruin everything for these two love birds. :evil:

"huhuha! :evil: "

Again that strange sudden chill. Laura could not understand what was this cold hand that seemed to grab a hold of her heart for a second, and then release and disappear. She tried to look at Jadeviper to see if she had felt it too but it was already too dark and she could see her face from the distance. She knew however, that JV had developed some skills in extrasensory perception, and she trusted she would warn them if something was to threaten them.

Orophin smiled at Laura's questions, he wondered when that would come up..."i have to be honest and say yes. elven women renowned all over the universe for their bewitching beauty and there are many potential brides lined up for me by the elders" he stopped dancing and placed his hand on the side of he face and lowered his face closer to hers ..."There are very few human females that can compete, but i believe i've found one of those few"

The sultry tunes of Barry White echoed into the night, the other guesta....dwarves, sprites, fairies, ravens and the other enchanted creatures of the swamp were in full swing. The dwarves especially loving JV's cocktials, maybe a little too much.

Meanwhile, just in the outskirts of the swamp, in a dingy shed, a dark figure worked restlessly,.....in an incubator an organism was growing gradually from what looked a nail. The figure muttered to itself constantly, then gave a sinister cackle that althought soft, carried through the night mist.

"I have to be honest and say yes" he had answered (the rest of what he said escaped her). So he had found a queen-to-be among his own people. Laura felt miserable, but forced a smile on her face. 'That's... ermmm... nice. When will you go back then? I don't think you even remember the stupid things we said to each other some time ago... but I want you to be happy and I won't be stopping you..' she continued her babble. Even after he had said he would go and marry someone else he was still standing there so close and looking deep in her eyes... she could not really understand all this. 'I'd better go and help JV at the bar' she suddendly said and almost ran to get away.

Orophin stood there extremely puzzled at Laura's behaviour..."what just happened??" he said to himself. He placed his hand on his head and looked around trying to figure out what he said wrong, the other guest seemed oblivious to what was going on, either that or they where just being polite not stare....although the dwarf she almost knocked over in her haste thought otherwise as he complained to himself about his spilled drink on his best clothes.

Orophin looked at the bar, Laura was buried in JV's shoulder being consoled. JV looked over at Orophin, she gestured for him to wait a while, he understood and went off to a side bench sat a chimp who liked he had problems of his own...."well, i guess its just us now!!" he said forcing a smile, the chimp grunted in agreement. He sat there running through his thoughts as the dark morning sky began the brighten as dawn approached.

Morning came and Jadeviper was the first to wake. She had not slept well. Laura had slept with her head in her lap, and this physical closeness allowed Jadeviper to catch glimpses of Laura's dreams. In addition to the confusion Laura felt over the elf (confusion that Jadeviper was more than well aware of from both of them and had several times had to restrain herself from banging their heads together) there was something darker, something that came not from within Laura, but which was trying to find a way in.

Sitting up and gazing over the remains of last night's party, Jadeviper absent-mindedly stroked Laura's hair as she probed outwards with her mind, seeking the source of the darkness.

Shaking her head in frustration, she realises she has to learn how to fully utilise this emerging talent, and wonders what herbs could be used to strengthen it, even if only temporarily. She suspects only the more dangerous herbs will help. Datura springs to mind, but she is wary of using this powerful root alone. She will have to enlist the help of Laura, Orophin and other swamp residents to protect her as she uses it to seek out the source of the evil intent.

There is much preparation to be done before it can be risked.

Laura felt someone stroking gently her hair and for a short while she dreamd it was Orophin. Then she fully woke up and realized the nightmare she had had earlier had not been a nightmare at all but the reality. She remembered how the night had ended and she felt just as miserable as before. Now, in broad daylight, she tried to comprehend Orophin's words and actions. She vaguely remembered him saying something nice about her appearance, but his answer to her question haunted her. He had found someone else to marry, and that was that. And yet, he had held her so close... Laura was well aware there were men who played around and had a girl in every port, but everything she had learned about Orophin so far told her that he was not of that kind. She did not understand.

With a sigh she focused her mind on JV, who also seemed worried. 'What is it?' she asked her. 'If it's me you're worried about, don't be. As long as Orophin's happy, I'm happy' she lied (poorly).

Jadeviper could tell Laura was lying as clearly as if the word "liar" had glowed on her face. There was something not right between her and the elf, but Jadeviper had more important things on her mind - matchmaking could wait!

"Something's coming. Something big, bad and ugly. Unless we know what we're dealing with, I don't think we'll succeed in overcoming it". Jadeviper has never looked so serious before and Laura feels a chill run down her spine.

"However, with preparation and a lot of help, there may be a way for me to determine the nature of the threat, and possibly discover where it will come from and what we can do to stop it". Jadeviper is fiddling with the material of her skirt, she's obviously very nervous about this.

"We need to speak to Orophin, see if elven magic can help with this." Perhaps working side by side against the enemy will bring these two together at last she thinks...

Something was coming, Laura had sensed it for a while now although her thoughts had been elsewhere. 'Ok, you go and talk to him while I...' she couldn't really think of anything, but she knew JV would understand. 'Now shush my heart, this is purely business for the sake of our swamp from now on' she tried to tell herself.

Jadeviper sets off to find the elf - she hasn't seen him since the party and is unsure where he might be.

Orophin had woke up earlier than everyone else, he just could not sleep over what happened. He decided to take a stroll over to the river and think while watchin the sunrise.

Hours passed, he had realised the words he uttered in error to Laura's question..."Damn it, how could i have been so stupid. i have to explain what i meant to her"....he expected the women to be awake buy now, so he stood up to make his way back to camp.

He was suddenly struck by a sense of dread in the air.....if not for his well trained senses it would have overwhelmed him...."shit!!! what now?!" he exclaimed very annoyed by the disturbance to his thoughts. He arrived at camp and was shocked to she the serious expressions on JV and Laura's faces..."i wonder if they sense it too?!"

Jadeviper stands as Orophin approaches. The gravity of the situation is clear on her face, along with her fear. She sees similar concerns etched into the elf's chiselled features and her own fear doubles. Fear but not panic, not yet.

Orophin conjours a large table and they all sit round it. Jadeviper opens the discussion.

"Trouble is brewing. As yet I cannot tell from where and in what form. I sense a real menace looking for a way in." She doesn't mention that Laura seems to be the focus of this menace. "Unless elven magic is stronger than my own human talent and can identify this threat, then we will have to take fairly drastic action, and soon. Unless we know what we are dealing with, we have no hope of triumph

"There is a root that I can use that would enable my mind to travel through the ether and locate this evil. This is not without great risk however, and I would need at least the two of you, preferably more, to protect my body while I am gone from it, and to keep in touch with my mind and be there to call me back should I get lost. I really would prefer not to do this, but if there is no other way then so be it."

'I will do whatever you ask me to, naturally' Laura says to Jadeviper. She tries not to look Orophin straight in the eyes (it is safer for now), instead just nodding her head in his general direction as she adds 'and I'm sure Orophin can help us here with his powers. I am confident that we can beat this thing, whatever it is'. She believes it too, they have already been through quite a lot together.

Orophin listened carefully to JV's plan, he was impressed at her leadersip skills and intelect and thought that whatever it is, she would be a great asset in the impending battle.

"Thanks Laura!" he aknowledged her support, albeit she averted her eyes from him the whole time, he decided to put that issue on the backburner for now untill they had time to sort it out.
"JV, you wont need to go through that dangerous approach, afterall, youve got a high-elf on hand" he smiled. "i will form a mind-meld with you to increase your range, i could do it myself, but this will be a good opporunity to train your abilites further" he saw the relief on JV's face.

"So, where do we go from here?"

Jadeviper feels a lot more confident now she's voiced the suspicions that have been forming recently. This is still going to be a tough battle, but they are a formidable team. It seems that Laura and Orophin are willing to put whatever problems are between them right now to one side until afterwards. Jadeviper hopes that working so close together will enable them to speak their minds to each other.

:evil: Mosquito is now closer than the three of them think is finalising plans to hit swiftly and run. They would never imagine what's in store for them.
Mosquito can be seen ordering his monseters to take stealth fighting positions and wait for the zero hour. :evil:

"Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha! Huhuha!"

Again that cold hand grabbed her and Laura shivered. Why was she having these unreal sensations? She had once envied the elf and Jadeviper for their extrasensory abilities, but since then she had come to realise the risks and burden of responsibility involved, and she had been happy to be free of such skills. So basically, she should not be able to sense what she now was sensing. Why then? What did it all mean?

‘Errmmm, I’m not familiar with the terminology, but would it be possible for you two to do a little spin and scan around if you can locate the source of this mischievous spirit?' Laura asked, feeling stupid for her lack of knowledge in these matters. 'We also need to know the size of the problem in order to be sensibly prepared. We might be able to get the animals to help us too if we knew what we’re up against with. Tembo has enormous wisdom, the lions are full of strength and vigour, the deer is quick as the wind and the chimps can be taught to do almost anything’. Without the powers of the other two, Laura had learned to team up with the animals in the hour of need.

Jadeviper shivers, feeling a sudden chill eminating from Laura. There is definitely some link from her to the evil spirit. Perhaps if the elf was aware that she seems to be the focus of the malignant intent, he would fight harder to protect her? Or perhaps his feelings would get in the way of what needed to be done. There was every chance Laura would have to be the bait in a trap to capture and neutralise this threat, and every chance that Orophin would do his best to prevent this.

Jadeviper sighs inwardly. Provided everyone keeps their heads, there will be no danger to Laura in doing this. If.

Orophin could see that Laura was acting more distraessed than usual, he wondered if there was a connection with her and what was happening. He started to concentrate on the eevil stream in the air...."shit!!" he was shocked to see that there was a dark aura around her and it seemed to be getting stronger, engulfing her.
He went over to JV to speak discreetly to her..."whatever it is has a strong hold on Laura, which means its very close and she may not have much time left. it is blocking my attempts to trace the source" he looked over to Laura...."there is a way to protect her while we fight this thing, but i it will be dangerous for me and i may not be able to fight at my full strenght...but its the only choice"

Jadeviper can feel the texture of the air changing, crackling with energy. This is all happening far sooner than she'd expected and no plans have been made. This is going to be difficult, dangerous and Jadeviper hopes against all hope that it will work.

Looking to Orophin, she asks what he can do to protect Laura, and in what way it will diminish his fighting ability. Jadeviper prepares herself for having to do most of the fighting. She wonders if Tembo would make a good battle elephant...

Laura sees Orophin and Jadeviper whispering something and gesturing in her direction. She sees the grim faces. She sees the rigid postures. She knows perfectly well that they are making plans for an extremely hazardous effort and she wishes she could do more in her part. At least she would like to know, what they are up to. 'C'mon guys, tell me. What are you whispering about? Is there anything I can do to help?'

Jadeviper looks to Orophin. The plans are in his hands now. She asks if he can provide suitable protective armour for her and Laura to wear, and Tembo too if necessary.

There's not much that can be done, except moving as many animals to a place of safety and trying to rest and plan. It's so hard to plan when we can't tell what's coming...

Orophin heard the worried pleas from Laura and walked over to her with JV in tow. He sighed...."Your soul is being invaded by this unknown threat and you will be under its complete control if something is not done in time"....there was a look of dread in Laura's face but she was not paniced, it seemed she was pleaed to finally know what was wrong with her.
"JV has requested i provide amour for both of you, and i will....but only for JV and our animal allies."............"why? well the only reason why you an easy target is cos' you are human, unlike i and JV that are immune" he suddenly gave a smile......"this is where i come in. i have decided as a high-elf to give you a large portion of my life-force.......if things go well, you will be in effect a half elf and with my energy as yours you will be completely protected from the evil and you also have a limited amount of my strength and abilities".......his expression became serious then placed his hands on Laura's shoulders, looking straight at her....."The proccess is relatively easy, but its dangerous for the donor. if anything goes wrong during transfer, like incompatibility or an outside disturbance.......well, its lights out for me!!".............."but its totally your choice, your only pressure is time!!"

Mosquito, having noticed that the elf closed his eyes to intiate the power transfer process, signalled zero hour for his 666 monestors and voila! It was show time for the swamp.

$ large horned monesters attacked the elf and surrounded him from all directions.

As the elf was busy fighting with the four monesters, mosquito jumped swiftly on Laura, putting her in a previously prepared elf-magic-resistant capsule and signalled for the giant mutated yetti to go carry the capsule to the previously planned undisclosed location.

When JV noticed that the elf was outnumbered and that Laura was already captured she passed out.

Mosquito signalled to the 4 monesters to stop saying: "We don't want to kill the elf. Let him live. Let him regret the loss of Laura for the rest of him life."

"Hey Let's go now. Mission is accomplished"

Now, all can be seen is a scene of devastation. All Swamp animals were mourning the loss of Laura.

Hours passed slowly, and the elf started to open his eyes. When the elf gained full consiounce, he headed to the half awaken JV and said to her with a shrieky voice:

"What has happened? Where is Laura?"

Jadeviper surveys the destruction and the need for vengence hardens in her heart.

"What happened with your transference of powers? Did it complete? Does Laura have some of your talent now? Do you have any left?"

Jadeviper feels a nudge at her leg; it's Anwar, pining for Laura. Jadeviper reaches down and scratches a favourite spot behind his ear.

"Don't worry little one, we'll get her back"

At the previously planned undisclosed location Laura wakes up. For a moment she is puzzled, the events bit of a blur in her head. But then she realises what has happened and suddenly she is totally calm. Now that the worst nightmare has turned into reality, there is no more fear in her mind. She looks around her and sees the monesters lurking everywhere in the shadows, just as distorted in their appearance as they are in spelling. And she sees the mosquito, albeit in the form of a giant gnat. He is probably just about to play some of his Metallica songs, but she doesn’t care

‘Go ahead, as loud as you want, I’m not intimidated. What do you want from me anyway?’ she confronts him. Then deciding on a softer strategy ‘C’mon, in another thread, long long time ago, I offered you a couch remember? Please take it now and tell me what is troubling your soul?’ (she does not use the phrase ‘bug you’ because this is not a time to be humoresque)

Mosquito, having realised he is till in mutated form, quickly enetrs the mutation chamber. 5 minuets later, he walks out in his human form.

Mosquito grabs his guitar and starts singing Metallica's "The Outlaw Torn" but seeing that Laura is already shouting at him, he smashes the guitar in a Curt Cobain style and walks towarsd Laura saying:

"Ehem, I know you are probably wondering what you are doing here but let me start by telling ya that you shouldn't be afraid of anything. You are only a guest here for some time. I know your friends might come looking for you but we are very prepared for that."

He said that pointng at the monesters scattered around the premises.

"So-ah, let me tell you again not to fear anything. A slong as you be a good girl and do as I you are told and not try to escape, you will be safe from my wrath." *gives a shrieky laugh that he thought would come out attractive*

"Let me show you around the castle" Mosquito grabs Laura's tembling hand and walks with her around the castle." "Let me start by the most mportant suite in the castle. It is calle Lu-lee's suite" "Lu-lee is your nick that I gave ya" "As you can see, it is basically a shrine for you" "You'll seee your pictures everywhere" "Everything inside here screams Laura, Laura, Laura"

"What?" "Are you surprised that I love you so much?"

"Well, ever since I laid my eyes upon you I fell in love with you. I wanted to make you my legally wedded wife"

"Weel, I can use illegal means to achieve that but hey, what the heck"

"So-ah basically you have no choice but to say yes" "The wedding is tomorrow at night and here is this cell phone you can use to call your family and let them know you're okay"

"Don't use it to tell the elf you're in here or else my wrath will be enormous. besides, if the elf came in here, we are prepared for that"

"See you tomorrow wifey. Prepare youelf for our honey moon. I want lurve me darling. I'll be your hubby ma'am."

Mosquito said the last sentence hten walked away giving a laugh he thought would be seductive.

"huhuhuhuhuhuhuha! huhuhuhuhuhuha!"

“Wifey”… “ Lu-lee”… Laura shivered. She would have to get away from this place and fast. The soft approach was not getting her anywhere; this battle would require cunning and cold logic.

She looked out of the suite window, surprised at first as it was not barred in any way. But then she saw the wall that continued dozens and dozens of meters down and the steep cliffs that ended up at deep sea. A plunge from the window would mean certain death. ‘That would be one solution… if there is no other way…’ Laura shivered again, ‘but we’re not there yet’.

She then checked the cell phone. Useless toy it appeared to be, 3310 or something. Laura missed her communicator but then she started to pick up a faint signal in the back of her mind that reminded her of Jadeviper. She remembered how Orophin had described the process of transferring some of his abilities to her, and she realised that it had at least partly been successful. Now she was able to sense JV’s concern for her from a far distance. But she could not feel Orophin. She shivered the third time when she thought of what might have happened to him since the process had obviously been disturbed at a critical moment. She dismissed the unnerving thoughts because now she would have to learn to use these abilities, learn how to focus her mind and find a way to get out of this mess. ‘I wonder if there is a remote assistance feature included…’

Preparation for the wedding are taking place.

The monesters are rejoicing and chanting and drinking booze with their master in the basement unaware of the thoughts in Laura's mind.

Everybody is singing and laughing while up there in the Lu-lee suite Laura had other plans.
Can Mosquito ruin the plans yet again? Can the elf find his way while everyone is busy celebrating?

Orophin was still dazed from the battle, he was lucky he tranfer wasnt complete and he had temporarily lost his self heal abilities. He was in pain, external and internal bleeding, his regal white robes soaked in his blood.....but the pain of the los of hyis beloved far outweighed anything else.

Posted by Gadget17 at 04:29 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Swamp (pt.3)

And for more madness click continue.....

Jadeviper takes the little cub, warily watching the mother to see her response, and looks it over. It is small and thin, obviously not up to the fight against its siblings for a share of the food, and has a nasty eye infection. It also has a few cuts and scratches preseumably from rough-and-tumble play, but they don't seem to be healing well. Getting up, Jadeviper puts some water on to heat, adds a liberal pinch of salt and her wedding ring to make a wash for the sticky eye. While that heats, she goes outside and looks around for some clumps of moss, which she washes before coming back inside. Washing the little cub's cuts with clean, warm water, she then squeezes the moss in her hand and gently rubs it over the cuts, allowing the natual iodine to cleanse and heal the wounds. Now that the eyewash is ready, she takes it off the heat to cool and brings some more water to boil, adding willowbark and comfrey from her pockets as a painkiller and to help the little cub's wounds to heal. Taking some meat, grains and milk, she makes a thick paste for the cub to eat, and offering the tea in a bowl for him to drink, she feeds him slowly, dipping a finger in the food and letting him lick it off. It's a slow process, he's weak and tired, but he's hungry and his strength of spirit shows. He would have healed much quicker with Elf magic, but already he is starting to make little growling noises of happiness. His siblings look up at the noise, but Laura holds them back. When the little cub's tummy is firm and round for food, Jadeviper takes the now cool eyewash and gently cleans his eye as he falls asleep contented. The willowbark in the tea dulls the pain of his wounds and allows him a restful sleep. Placing him on her sleeping mattress, Jadeviper smiles at Laura "He's going to be fine. Have you thought of a name for him?"

'Maybe I could call him Anwar' Laura almost whispers and blushes slightly. 'Or do you think Orophin would mind?' she continues.

In a tribunal court deep in the elven land of Kal'Istern, stood Orophin on trial in front of table of elders. The trial was for his earlier beaviour, of which he pleaded guilty on all counts.
The head elder, a very distinguished and wise man, leaned forward and with neutral expression he says "Orophin Kal'el Anwarunya, son of Garec the brave." "I knew you father and i wathced you grow. You are a good man like you father and highly regarded for your charitable duties. One day you will be head of our land like your father." he paused and leaned back into his chair. "You have commited a serious crime and you accept your responsibilities, and my fellow elders believe you should be an example to the young ones.....but..." Orophin looks up ready for the sentence and the elder gives a faint smile "...I will pardon you" a wave of loud gasps emit from the audience.

This is your first offence, and i beleive you will do more good out there than being locked up." tears start to build up in Orophin's eyes. "But your powers of flight should be surpressed for the duration of a month" the elder now displaying a more serious look, bangs his gavel ending the session.

The tears rolled down Orophin's face as his hancuffs were taken off. The audience all rushed toward him patting him on his back in congratulation and asking for his autograph. Orophin, unknown to the swampies, is the future heir to the thrown but was too young at the time of his father's death and he still is for the next 2 years. But for now he is a much loved celebrity in his homeland.

After some minutes, he boards a hover plane destined for the swamp, it being that he wasnt allowed to fly. He was away for two days. It took an hour to get to the swamp, then the ship started to decend on the campsite clearing like a ufo. The noise and rush of air had woken up those asleep on the ground, as they gazed at this wierd aircraft.
The door started to open, but the light inside was abit blinding to thos out side thus could not make out who was coming out, they could see only a tall shadowy outline.

The door of the ship started to close, and it revealed the figure standing with a big smile on his face. Orophin raised his hand to wave...."Hi!!"

Laura hears the strange noise from outside and tries to calm down the animals - not to mention herself. She goes to the yard and is almost blinded by the bright sunshine. More than being able to recognise the figure standing in front of her visually, she can feel that it is Orophin. 'Hi' she says with a voice full of uncertainty.

Jadeviper stands at the doorway and sees that the elf has returned. Sensing that he and Laura need privacy to talk, she quietly closes the door and returns to her sleeping mattress to check on the lion cub.

Orophin mentally thanks JV for the privacy, then goes up to Laura. He takes her hand and gets down on one knee...."Laura, i'm sorry for my behaviour, but i do not blame you for the way you feel" he raises his head and looks up in her eyes...."I cherish our friendship, but the elders have given me their blessing. The door i open if you so wish to step in." he says smiling and tearful.

He stands up and wipes the tears from his eyes..."gah!! must be the dust!!" he jokingly tried to conceal his embarassment. He looked over her shoulder and saw the mini-zoo she had made.
"Hello there, now arent you cute" he said in a baby voice as the deer and cub came up to him. The big one just roared, but as Orophin placed his hand to heal the cub, the big cat quieted itself almost in shock. The deer was healed aswell, but Orophin commended the good work of the girls.

For a long time Laura stands silent, stunned. Emotions flow over her, emotions she has been fighting all this time and she trembles. She watches Orophin play with the animals and her heart is filled with joy. Suddendly she notices that she's magically wearing the Dolce and Cabana dress. 'This must be a sign' she thinks to herself. Laura walks over to Orophin and touches his shoulder. 'I am but a mortal human and not worthy of questioning the wisdom of Elven Elders. The swamp brought us together and I will not leave your side if you wish it to be so' she says with a soft voice.

The heavens could not contain the immense joy that waved through Orophin, he was dumbfounded, the words to describe how he felt did not exist, but he gave it a shot. He held her hands an looked into her eyes..."Kntra el sul'varen" he spoke Ginta, an ancient elvish language spoken only by royalty. He saw the the confused look on Laura's face, then he smiled..."It means, precious flower".

The night had drawn in and the animals had fallen asleep, but just behind a tree he noticed JV peeking, watching the whole scene. "I wonder if Jade would like to join us for dinner?" he remarked just enough to be heard but not too loud....Laura had guessed this and smiled.

Laura smiles radiantly as a heavy weight has now been lifted from her heart. She holds on to Orophin's hand a bit longer and lifts it on her cheek. Then she guides it downwards along her soft skin. 'We have plenty of time for everything from now on' she whispers with a tantalising look on her face. With a somewhat louder voice - so that also JV in her hiding place can hear - she then agrees 'Yes, how about dinner?'

Jadeviper steps out from behind her tree and smiles happily at Laura and Orophin. "If you're hungry, I've got dinner all ready for us".

'Hungry? I'm actually starving' Laura says suddendly realising that it is indeed true. Jadeviper has set the veranda table so beautifully and full laden with enticing hors d'ouvres that Laura can hardly remember her manners. She picks up quite a few salty bits with her fingers before she sits down to wait for the others. Orophin looks relaxed and happy, and JV is at last wearing the red Gucci dress. Everything is perfect.

But what was that noise? Thumps and rustling from the outside. Or was it from the inside? First appears Tembo, then the Deer, followed by the lioness with her three cubs (one called Anwar). There's also the meerkat family running around everybody. 'Ayiks! What are all these animals doing here?'

Jadeviper looks over at Laura with a laugh "I think the animals are hungry too!" She looks to Orophin, not sure what his tame swamp animals eat.

"Hmm, thats no problem" Orophin snaps his fingers and a mini dinner table appears with plates full of their fave food. The lions of course had to eat on a seperate table cos' they just scared the samller animal with their ravenous feeding. Little Anwar was loving it.

Orophin turns to look at the wonderful spread in front of him "Jade, you really outdone yourself. Excellent stuff" he congratulated her as he tasted the suculent lamb and mint sauce. Tembo, trumpetted in approval.
Orophin laughs trying not to spill the glass of non-alcoholic wine in his hand.

Meanwhile, in another reality far far away, Orophin is thinking of how amazing it is that this thread has become a part of his daily routine. Even at work he uses his precious lunch break to add to what could be an interesting novel if given the chance. He is also amazed at how this alter-ego has gotten close to another alter-ego and his fiance doesnt mind, even when he mentions how cute this other person is, and she agrees.

In another reality far far away Laura is preparing for yet another summer vacation day. Her husband is mildly amused when he sees her sit at her PC again to post something. He doesn't mind really, he trusts his wife knows the difference between a midsummer night's dream and the reality. So she loggs in...

... and there she at the swamp again. It is early and she looks at Jadeviper and Orophin who are both still asleep. She goes out for a walk but notices a slight change in the winds. She comes back in the house to take a cardigan with her and then walks out again. 'I wish the rain season wouldn't begin just yet.'

Jadeviper sits down in front of the screen, Ewan at work (though only the distance of an MSN window away), baby playing happily demolishing something or other on the floor at her feet. She lifts her hands to the keyboard as a faint mist issues forth from the monitor...

...Jadeviper wakes and sits up, yawning and stretching with a squeak. Looking around at the remains of last night's feast, she smiles. All the animals are asleep, replete and content. As the covers fall from her, she notices the chill in the air, and sees Laura coming back in clad in a snug cardigan. Yawning again, she greets Laura and voices her regret that Tembo is sleeping; a warm shower would be most welcome this morning.

Orophin noticed that the person snuggled up with him during the night was gone, he opened his groggy eyes and see JV stretching and just a few feet away was Laura dressed in a rather fetching cardigan. He felt the chill in the air.... "Looks like autumn is aproaching" he said as he got up and dusted himself off.

"Morning ladies" he greeted as he walked over to Laura and gave her warm hug and a kiss on the forehead. He was still full from last night so he forgoed breakfast and just had a glass of milk. He looked at the animals and smiled as they slept very peacefully, then he looked over at Tembo and realised that they still did not have a proper shower...'An elephant trunk is all fun, but not very hygenic in the long run' he thought to himself smiling, knowing that he should not divulge that fact to the women.
He promtly did his usaul thing and materialised an outdoor shower, to keep that camping theme, and invited the women to use it as they wished.

"I have to go check on how the rebuilding is getteing on of the sanctuary. They should be finished by tommorrow"...he waved a them, then walked through te direct path of fallen trees created by him on the night of the fire. The women did not know about the trial yet and thus would not know why he isnt just flying there. He had decided he would tell the story when the time is appropriate.

Watching Orophin walk away Laura turns to Jadeviper. 'I have a strange feeling that he's not telling us everything. Do you think he's hiding something serious? I just hope he's not planning to leave or anything, I... emmm... kinda like him', Laura resorts to the rediculous understatement. She has no secrets from Jadeviper, but although Orophin has told her that the Elders have given their consent, she is still shy in openly declaring her feelings.

Suddendly she realizes something. 'Oh Jadeviper, I have been so selfish and thinking myself only. You must still miss Peter, right? I have seen you carry his deck of cards with you. I don't have the elvish powers to bring him here, but is there something else I could do to cheer you up?' she asks her friend.

Jadeviper smiles and raises an eyebrow as Laura mentions liking the elf. She was more than aware of the chemistry between them. However, she looks in the direction in which he left and shrugs, turning back to Laura "I agree there's something bothering him, but he'll tell us when he's ready. In the meantime we had better keep an eye on the sanctuary".

'Ok then. You take the Deer and the meerkat family. I go and check on Tembo and the alligator, which has also seemed a bit under the weather lately... maybe it's something it ate... We can then both go and play with the lion cubs when we're done elsewhere'.

Orophin was returning to the campsite after having checked out the santuary. He was happy with the progress, and tommorrow would be the official reopening of........well, he hadnt actually thought of a name for it all this time, so he decides on an idea.

On his way back, he spots a dismembered foot of what looks like a chair. On closer inspection, he concludes that the scratch marking of an aligator.
"hmm, looks like Scar is bingeing again"....Scar being its name cos' of the scar on its back from an old propeler blade injury.

Orophin arrives to see the girls playing with the cubs. He smiles, then walks up to them...."Looks like you're havin fun!!!"
The women both smile at him, as he squats down to get closer to the action. Anwar strolls up to him, and Orophin strokes his fur as they both start to pur.

He proceeds to tell the girls about the status of the sanctuary, he could see their faces light up with joy. Orophin turns to Laura, holds her hand and stands up with her....."How would you like the honour of naming the santuary. i think the animals would appreciate it. He smiled, and stood there gazing in her golden eyes waiting for an answer.

'Actually I would like the sactuary to be named after Rafe. You may know him, he's been doing scientific research on tigers and he's very important to us all. I think he would like it although he has never visited the swamp and I don't know if he's even aware it exists' Laura answers with a smile. 'So I suggest this place will be called Rafe Sanctuary'.

'It would be nice if more people could join us at the opening ceremony, but I'm afraid no one is reading this thread anymore... ermmm... I mean I'm afraid the swamp post office was closed long time ago and there's no way to send the invitations' Laura continues. 'And what about the unofficial programme... we will absolutely need some music... do you think I could teach those silly chimps that always hang around in the nearby trees to play some intruments?' Laura was getting worried as she thought of all the little details that should be taken care of before the evening, but then she relaxed. 'What am I anxious about, we have an elf in our midst so I'm sure everything will work out'. She looks into Orophin's warm eyes and if human mortals could pur like cats and elfs can, she would be doing just that.

Jadeviper's image flickers into being, a holographic representation of her true self. The image speaks "I have had to leave for a week, but my shade will keep half an eye on things here. I will be back soon." I love WAP

The sudden departure of her friend leaves Laura thoughtful. 'The swamp just won't be the same without her.'

Orophin agreed with Laura, the swamp has gone quiet. The opening night just wont be the same, it may even be canceled due to low attendance.

He wished Jadeviper a good time on her trip.

Laura looks at Orophin. 'Is this the goodbye then? Will you fly away to take up your responsibilities as the future king of the Elven Folk?' With a forlone look in her eyes Laura continues 'I cannot follow you now, I have the animals to take care of here at the sanctuary now that Jadeviper is gone. I wish you could stay with me here, but I understand if you cannot ...' She is too desperate even to finish the sentence properly and she turns to go.

Orophin stood perplexed, as she walked off.

He looks round, everything was disappearing, it was all fading to smoke........"whats going on here, this cant be the end"
Truly, the illusion, the dream, the fantasy that is the swamp was being undone, it was no more.

Orphin was turning around franticly, as he heard a voice explaining all this to him with what sounded like typing in the background. He turned to where Laura was but all he saw was a white blank space, he walked backwards waving his head, not believing what was happening, as the space moved closer and closer to him. He tried to use all the elvish powers he had, but nothing happened, it was like he never had them to start with.....his hand started to fade away.

"YAAAAAAAAAA"...the scream echoed through the empty void.

Hours pass. Night turns into a day and day turns into night again.

In another reality far far away Laura again sits by her computer. The swamp is no more, but old habits die hard and she logs on. The memories make her alter ego feel warm and she cherishes the feeling, before she logs off again.

In a reality far far away, Orophin sits bathed in the blue glow of his laptop, he wipes a single tear from his eyes...."Well, it was nice knowing you" Just out of the shadows a figure drapes her arms around him and whispers slyly in his ears..."that means more time for me, hmm"
"Okay" he closes the lid and............well................

Realizing that he is almost alone in the Swamp, Peter tries to remember what happened to him. It was ealy July and he was laying down naked next to JadeViper as their clothes were drying. He tried to keep his true feelings for JadeViper under wrap, but his hormones were just not cooperating. If that damn Elf had not taken his deck of cards he could have at least covered himself with the Ace of Spades or King of Clubs. In any event, the last thing he remembered was laying naked with JadeViper. What could have happened to him and where has everyone gone?

In a reality far far away Laura hears a distant sound, like a whisper calling to her, or is it just the wind? Surely it cannot be the Swamp, it was deserted long ago... 'I must be hallucinating' she thinks to herself.

Slowly, silently, colours whirl. In the centre something is forming. There's a flash of light and Jadeviper is standing there. The whirling colours around her fade into the periphery, the swamp now as real and solid as it was before. Walking over to Peter, she kneels next to him and kisses him lightly on the cheek. Tucking a blanket around him, she lies down next to him and wonders if the recreation of the swamp will draw back the others.

Lee just walks in...without all the bells and whistles (a la Jadeviper )

"Hello, I've not been here for a while"

"Where's my main man Mosquito nowadays? Don't tell me...he's gone to be Jimmy's shoulder to cry on? " Probably doing love poetry together or something... "

Lee 8)

Hey my friend I'm here.

Yeah, I wish I could be there for Jimmy boy but the problem is now he's gone his way. I really miss him.

Where the hell have you been? Having exams and stuff? Shit! I hate exams. I always used to be the man of the last moments. I used to study topics for the first time only several hours before the exam begins. I always had a grip during touch exams while all my colleagues would sweat and even cry at tough questions.

So-ah, wtf is going on inside this swamp? Where is everybody?

I can see Jade sitting there beside Peter and I'm telling ya these two are up to something. Aaah! They want two partners for a spades game.
Well, I'm available.

Laura enters. The mosquitoish babble almost makes her head ache but then the sleepy voice finally finishes and she draws up a chair to join the others. 'A game of cards, ok, it's a good start.'

Mosquito, realising what he's done to the beautiful head of his beloved Laura, starts thinking dark thoughts and begins to fall into a deep abyss and then suddenly one thought got hold of his head so he decided to go shoot himself.....yes yes don't be surprised.....mosquito decides to go shoot himself some ducks cos he is feeling hungry and would like to eat real bad!

So-ah mosquito says goodbye to Laura and heads towards the deserted end of the large swamp searching for some ducks and singing to Laura:

I'm gonna shoot some duck
So wish me some fucking luck
I'll absofuckinlutely be back again
For the mother ducking card game
Want me to hunt some deer for you?
Sure I can split my hunt in two
I get to eat all the poor animal's chest meat
And you get to eat the brains, the arms and the feet
If you promise to behave in the card game I'll back in a month
All I need is some support and some lucky strike of bunce
If you behave not and cheated in the card game
Then my life will just never be the same agaime....err....i.e. again

[quote="mosquito"]Where the hell have you been? Having exams and stuff? [/quote]

No exams my friend. Holidays! I went to Magaluf on the isle of Majorca (Spain) for two weeks with a friend and one of my cousins. I'm back now, so i'll try and come to the swamp a bit more often. Although when i got back into work after my holiday the work was piled up on my desk, and i'm still not finished yet!

Lee 8)

[quote="yourmanlee"][quote="mosquito"]Where the hell have you been? Having exams and stuff? [/quote]

No exams my friend. Holidays! I went to Magaluf on the isle of Majorca (Spain) for two weeks with a friend and one of my cousins. I'm back now, so i'll try and come to the swamp a bit more often. Although when i got back into work after my holiday the work was piled up on my desk, and i'm still not finished yet!

Lee 8)[/quote]

That's just wonderbar my friend. Mallorca is good. So-ah, learned some Spanish? Hola! Hola que tal? Hombre!

And the air turns thick as the men smoke cigars and talk about past holidays and far away islands while playing cards.

Jadeviper raises an eyebrow to Laura and smiles suggestively at her. Unheard by the men, they sneak away and amuse themselves playing with the lion cubs, wondering if Peter and the elf will come and join them.

'It seems that Orophin has other things to do' Laura says with a sigh, trying hard to conceal her disappointment. 'And Peter is just being himself: here today, gone tomorrow' she adds with a giggle. 'But it's nice to be back here at the swamp anyway, I missed the animals. And look how big little Anwar has grown while we were away'. She points to one of the lion 'cubs' who now weighs almost 80 kgs.

'Hey, do you think it would be completely out of the question to get a glass of Bailey's?' Laura asks JV. 'Wouldn't it be nice to have a cooling drink here at the hot afternoon swamp? Let's try and ask the ravens to bring us some, ok?'

Jadeviper calls down a raven and asks it to bring them a large Baileys with ice and a glass of water with ice and lemon. In another world she hears the rain beating down and is glad it's nice and warm in the swamp.

In a reality far far away, baz logs in as usual to his fave forum and checks out the waffle thread. "Hmm, funny...yeah....hmm......GAACK!!! WHATS THIS???" he choked on his coffee with shock at what he just saw.

He could not believe that The Swamp was up and running with a new page no less. He scrolled up and down, reading each post like a schoolboy with his first Hustler mag (the articles are good :P).

He then rememberes he was under the impression that this was a lost cause...........how wrong he was, so it seemed. :-?
He now calmed down, and admitted to himself how pleased he was to see the swamp alive again with the gang.

He sat there pondering...."Now how should Orophin make my entrance?". There would have to be some changes to him........................'hmmm' 8)

Jadeviper and Laura relax with their drinks, occasionally giggling at the antics of the cubs. Suddenly, something seems different, but nothing they can discern. Jadeviper turns to Laura, "Did you just feel something... odd?" Laura nods her head and takes a contemplative sip of her Baileys. The swamp feels different, the mood has shifted somewhat, like an old faithful dog sensing the return of its master...

'Hmm, yes, indeed'. Suddendly she notices a copy of a Hustler magazine lying on the floor. 'I don't remember seeing that there yesterday... how peculiar isn't it'?

The afternoon in the swamp is quiet. Laura and Jadeviper are indulging in reminescense and recounting some of the past events. The image of Peter for instance splashing into the pool with his clothes on and cards flying everywhere is still vivid in her mind and makes Laura laugh out loud. 'Those were the days' she says 'now I wonder what the future will hold'.

The bottle of Bailey's now gone, some action would be welcome.

Just as things seemed quiet in the swamp, suddenly there was a heavy rush of wind that almost blew the tree off their roots. There was now a cloud of dust shrouding the campsite and covering the now startled inhabitants as they look up to find out the source of the unnatural occurence.

As the dust settled, there stood a large winged creature about 50feet (15.24metres) tall with a long tail that swayed in the air casting a shadow. It's red scaled skin glisened in the sunlight as it stood all four of its powerful limbs, staring down with its green eyes at the swampies. It was no doubt now that this was an actual mythical dragon in all its glory.

Its eyes started to glow and on the ground below its head a white light was forming, it grew brighter and then dissappeared. A figure stood where the light was, white hair, pointy eared with an earing in one and dressed in traditional white Elvish casual clothes.

He looked at his hands, looked at the surrounding and looked at the people staring a him. he smiled and nodded his head..."I'm back!!"

Laura was stunned. Having consumed half a bottle of Bailey's, she was very unsure of her senses and when the dragon appeared, she was certain she had lost all ties to reality. But the animals reacted too, so she figured it was more than just her imagination. The lions roared, meerkats hid themselves in an instant and Tembo... well Tembo seemed oddly curious of the frightening beast. Laura hesitantly got closer and then rubbed her eyes in disbelief when the dragon disappeared and suddendly there was a tall figure of a man standing in front of her. It was instantly clear that this was not the person she had known before... or was it? She lowered her eyes and did not know how to address this elf with obviously high eminence. Even the lions were silent. 'Welcome' she then was able to say.

He saw a woman coming up to him, he paused for a moment to remember..."L-L-Laura?" His memories began to flood back, and he realised he looked abit different from before......he had grown facial hair and his eyes where a striking green rather than the blue he had before.

He walked over to her, and held her hands..."It me, Orophin. I hope my entrance wasnt too much" he smiled as he saw the animals appearing cautiously from the bushes.

'Oh, Orophin, hi, I wasn't sure it was you' Laura said with a smile. She felt a little prick in her heart when she realized he didn't quit remember her, but at the same time she was happy cause this would give her some time to get used to his new appearance. His hands were warm and there was a sphere of tranquality around him. 'You're entrance was just fine and I suspect Tembo knew who you were right from the start. Let's see where Jadeviper is', she continued, just a tad nervous.

Jadeviper steps out from behind the bush where she'd been hiding with a family of meerkats, looking rather sheepish. Slowly she looks the elf up and down, noting, appraising. Seeing the half-concealed shock mixed with pain and happiness on Laura's face, she calls for a raven and orders her a stiff drink.

"I'll have a bacardi and coke" .........Orophin smiled and went over Tembo. The elephant embraced him with its trunk and gave a soft trumpet...."hehe! yeah, i missed you too" Orophin said patting the elephants forehead.

The other animals now gathered around him and he crouched down to greet them all, although he was quite surprised how big little Anwar and the others had grown....."I hope you guys left enough food for us!!" he said laughing as Anwar proceeded to lick his face.

Laura relaxed too, seeing Orophin so comfortably with the animals. 'Sure there's food for everybody' she said having full confidence on JV's ability to create fabulous dinners. 'Now Orophin please tell us where did you get those dragon powers?'

His heart skipped a beat when he heard that question, he was hoping they woul put it all doen to the Bacardi but he would have to tell them sooner or later.
"Well you see...." he explained how when the swamp dissapeared intead of fading away, he was transported to his homeland and one year passed. At this point Orophin stood up, walked over to Laura and JV and sighed....."I have 'come of age' as an elf and i have been crowned king."

He gazed at the surprised look on the women's faces, then he walked towards the animals. "You see, not all elves have the powers that i posses, only those of royal blood and those of the Draconis family. When we reach a certain age our full power is revealed to us and our true form, which you saw first hand."
There was more to his story, but he stopped, feeling that if he said more they would fear him too much. He turned around to face the women..."Theres more, but i dont know if you want to hear it."

Gently pushing Laura down on the mossy ground, Jadeviper quickly prepares a light meal and joins the others, sitting down gracefully. "So much can happen in a year, and if we are to continue our close association, we must know what you have been doing in this time, and what changes you have experienced".

Laura nudged Jadeviper gently 'Let him eat, he will tell us all in due time'. She then went on to describe him their peaceful existance on the swamps. What had been a year in elvish time had not been much more than a fortnight at the swamp - the days here run only little slower (perhaps somewhat more erratic) than in the real world. Laura told Orophin how the deer had been released back into the wild as it had already full recovered and how she had tried to release Tembo too but it had refused to leave. As if it somehow belonged to this place. She had wondered about it and now it started to make sense. She remembered Orophin telling how his father had taught it the flying trick... the father the old king evidently. There had always been the closeness between the animal and the elf. And how old was the elephant exactly? Taking the differences between the swamp time and the elvish time the animal could be hundreds of years old... There really seemed to be lot more to the story.

Suddendly an alarming thought struck her. Mosquito had mentioned something about hunting deer. 'Should I try to call for it? It used to come whenever I needed it, it might still obey my commands... I hope it is allright'.

Mosquito is now a bit confuzzled. Should he tell Laura the bad news or what?

He thought to himself: "how can I tell her that when I went hunting for deers, I came across this group of freshly released from the swamp deers. When I approached them with my hunting rope **side note: I usually use hunting ropes to catch deers then when they are tied up, I tickle them in their feet to death** so when I approached them with my rope, suddenly and promptly and abruptly and mysteriously, the earth under them moved a a large dinosaur came out of it and swallowed all the deer inside his large mouth then disappeared again."

Mosquito told himself: "how can I tell her that? How? How?"

Mosquito fell asleep trying to find an answer to his question and when he woke up he decided not to tell her what happened to her deer and just let her find out herself.

:snipersmile: :eggface: :crazyeyes: :2gunfire: :shocked!:

Laura was trying to call for the deer, but it did not come and Laura's heart sank. Something bad must have happened to it.

Orophin yawned and streched as he awoke from his slumber induced by the excellent meal JV had prepared earlier. He heard someone calling out, he looked up and noticed it was Laura. He got off the ground, dusted himself off and walked up to Laura......"Whats up? Looking for something?"

'Nah, it's probably nothing... I may be overreacting' Laura began, not really wanting to bother Orophin who undoubtedly had so much more important things on his mind now that he was the crowend king. 'It's just, the Deer. I've been calling its name and usually it comes to me but this time I haven't been able to find it. I have a bad feeling about this...' she continued. '...but as I said, it's probably nothing.' she finished the sentence, trying ot brush the whole thing out of her mind.

Orophin put hsi hand to his chin and thought, then he offered to help, afterall he loved the animals of the swamp and he had looked after most of them for generations.

He used is psychic sense to find them...[why?]....[cos' it saves time :P].....all he could get was a faint fading...."Oh no!!" he gave a horrified look ..."i have to move fast!!!" he flew up and double backed down into the ground, creating a big hole.

A few minutes of ground trembling passed and then he flew back out of the hole clutching in one arm the deer family and in the other arm, what looked like the bloddy remains of some sort of giant dinosaur serpent creature....[correct term is Graboid].....[i knew that :P ]

"Phew!! They are a little dazed but they will be fine" he smiled as the animals staggered to their feet, covered in 'graboid' blood and digestive fluids.

‘Thank god you found them in time and saved them’ Laura cheered as she saw Orophin arrive with the deer. ‘I was such an idiot when I released them’ she blamed herself ‘they are of perfect breed and of course would be hunted down first’. Perfect breed indeed, Laura realized now that the deer may also be a little more than just a bunch of ordinary animals, who knows what magical abilities they possessed. She started to feel a bit uneasy, she looked at everything around her with a different view now, is anything what it seems? But Orophin’s eyes were the same, although different colour than before they still made her feel warm inside.

‘Poor Orophin’ she continued laughing ‘you have that disgusting slime all over you. I just hate graboids!’

Mosquito can be seen standing there cursing and swearing and shouting out loud:

"damn that magical supernatural elf"

"I payed that dinosaur to eat the stupid deer so that I can get back at Laura"

"Why does all my plans have to fall apart some way or the other"

And the bushveldt breezes gently whispered back at him 'because crime doesn't pay'

Mosquito can be seen running around aimlessly in all directions and shouting at the voice he hears:

"Someday I'm gonna come back stronger to stand up in the face of the elf. Someday."

Mosquito having said that, he ran out of sight to disappear into oblivion and never to be seen again in the swamp for some time. Some long time.

And the bushveldt breezes gently whispered 'someday'.

Orophin stood there perplexed as mosquito ran off ranting to the wind...."that bug has some issues!!".
He sighed and looked down at his clothes..."Eww!! Looks like its hot-springs time again" he grinned excitedly and stripped off on the spot...."EEEP!!!" he squeaked as he just remembered that Laura was sitting right there in front of him.
He picked up the bigger of deers to cover his modesty and he blushed a bright crimson red.

Since this is a swamp for all audiences, Laura will not comment on what she saw. But her breathing definitively changed pace and although she tried to look the other way, her eyes were glued to the.... errmmm... deer. Luckily Jadeviper was walking a short distance away and provided the much needed distraction. 'Ahh, there's ...mmm... JV...' Laura struggled to create a coherent sentence 'I'd better go and... mmm... help her with... mmm.. whatever....' She went stumbling in her direction with her knees feeling very weak.

Orophin nodded his head nervously as Laura made her excuses to leave. He put on his trusty speedos...[with sorcery?]....[do i need to explain that after all this time...lol]...[hey, just asking!!]....and settled into the pool.
He looked over at Laura with JV and sighed, he wondered if she remembered his proposal to her before the swamp went of hiatus, cos' with his new status he could bestow on her all the wonders of the universe and his heart.
He turned round to relax in the pool, then he put on his mp3 player and listened to 2 hours of Tenacious D.....[ROCK ON!!!]....[shut up!!!]

Laura and Jadeviper were busy with their errands for some time. Every now and then Laura would glanze over at Orophin's direction and see him plunged into listening his mp3s. She was thinking about the promise she had once made to an elf she once knew. There was no doubt in her mind that this newly crowned king of the Draconis family with green - instead of blue - eyes indeed was the one her heart had once chosen. Hearts do not make mistakes in things like this. But since he had shown signs of amnesia, she hesitated and was unsure if he would still remember those days. 'An elvish king... how could he still want a human mortal?' she wondered.

When the night suddendly falls (it gets real dark real quickly at the swamp), Laura makes up her mind and follows Orophin to the pool. Jadeviper may or may not follow, this is something she just has to clear out herself. She dives in (looking ravishing in the swimming suit with golden shimmer mentioned before) and removes the headset Orophin is wearing. 'Hey there, are you comfortable?' she asks, just as an opening line, just to have something to say.

Orophin opened his eyes, looking up at the sky he was amazed how dark it got all of a sudden....but that wasnt what woke him up, no, it was a soft angelic voice...{was it really?}...[yes it was. now shush!!]....{ok ok!}.....that seemed to echo in his dreams and bring him back to reality.

He took gulped at the sight but he composed himself....."I'm fine thanks. Just thought i'd take a break" he smiled and thought 'maybe i should ask her again'.....[good idea?]....{maybe!}

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:38 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Swamp (pt.2)

The Story Continues .....

mosquito wakes up from his thoughts then try to play with the ball she just in his court saying with a voice he tried to keep low to give her the impression that he is whispering like a bird where in fact he was trying to hide his sleepy voice *side note: everybody who hears mosquito in real life asks him to wake up because the tone of his voice is very sleepy where in afct it is not mosquito's fault, God created him with a God damn sleepy voice*, mosquito says " I hope everything went fine at work today. have you dussected any brains lately, perhaps discovered why something new about brains. If you don't wanna speak about the subject let's just speak about your trip to the lakeside. Was there much water? I mean how was the water in the lake? I mean what did you do? I'm not gonna ask whom you went to the lake with so as not to wake up frommy dreams so please don't mention anything about your date".

mosquito suddenly realises that he has been taling fast and all dierctions so he just shuts up and gives Laura the chance to answer.

Wondering why he is still whispering when it's noon already and no-one should be sleeping anymore, Laura decides to whisper back: 'Lake was fine, air +16 and the water +18 degrees celsius so a quick dip was enough for me. Rest of the time I was playing with my friend's children, two chocolate brown cuties born in Africa in fact'. 'What's up here?' she adds.

[quote="LAuRA"]Wondering why he is still whispering when it's noon already and no-one should be sleeping anymore, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. 'What's up here?' she adds.[/quote]

again, the funny remarks. Laura, your are driving me mad with these remarks. I am the one who is supposed to use surcasim as a self defense mechanism. Now why are you using surcasim...I know, I know....To make it clear to me that I should just stop acting like a hopeless lover....Ok, I got the message....but remember, we are all having fun here. Don't be afraid of me...I'm not gonna travel from Africa...Egypt...to stalk you in Finland....so just cool it, alrighty?

mosquito starts to listen to Metallica's "Damage Case", originally performed by Motorhead:

Hey babe, don't act so scared
All I want is some special care
I'm on the run from some institution
All I want is some consolation

Hey babe, wait a minute stop
Don't run away don't call a cop
I ain't lookin' to victimize you
All I wanna do is tantalize you

Suddendly realizing that the mundane bits of info cited above were totally out of place here at the swamp, Laura rewinds and starts again. Still whispering though. 'I had a pleasurable day swimming in a cool secluded lake, with no need to cover my naked body. The sun then dried me when I lay on the cliff and listened to the warm breeze in the nearby forest trees.' ('I hope I did better this time' she thinks to herself).

[quote="LAuRA"]Still whispering though. 'I had a pleasurable day swimming in a cool secluded lake, with no need to cover my naked body. [/quote]

mosquito strikes his forehead when he realised that an much deserved and expected outflux of insults from Laura's lovely mouth didn't happen.

mosquito with his good old sleepy voice says to Laura while looking her directly in the eyes: "I am not insane to fall in love with you! I mean who wouldn't! That lake's water may have had the prevelidge of surounding your body with the comfortable feeling of water in a hot summer ...... but ...... I had a far more better prevelidge ...... you wanna know what that is ...... I have the prevelidge of talking to you, occupying a part of your day here in the swamp ...... taking your words into my heart and responding back at you ..... maybe the response can be impulsive and without forethought ..... but it is a response afterall..... tell me did that lake respond to you when you talked to her .... no way, not in the way that I would have responded to you if you choose one day to swim inside my ribs and beside my loving heart.

mosquito, having said that, rushes out of the swamp and probably never to be seen again so as not to harrass Laura with his presence again.

As the whispering sounds disappear to the horizon, everything in the swamp is silent again. With a faint sigh Laura opens her notebook and starts a game of solitaire. 'Where is Jadeviper' she ponders. 'This swamp definitively needs new characters'.

Peter wakes up and stretches again. He has been sleeping a longtime. The smell of JadeViper still lingers in his senses and he longs for her return. He finds her hairbrush and wonders why he still has it. He also wonders why he can't get that awful Metallica song out of his head. *The only thing they were good for* he thinks to himself *was coming out very strongly against Napster and unauthorized downloading of copyright material*. He never did like that drummer of theirs--the one with the Viking name---*Lars*---which reminds him....*Vikings*...*Finns*....*Laura*....perhaps she can keep him entertained. *The Samp has become so boring.*

Now its all ok with battery,thanks mosquito,you are very friendly man

Just above the treeline, about a metre or so, Orophin floats abserving the current affairs of the swamp. with his legs and arms crossed, he sits/floats thinking to himself 'the chaotic ramblings of mosquito really get to me, especially when directed to the goddess that adorns this squalid quagmire we call a swamp'......'alas, the goddess herself now exudes indifference and boredom'.............'what can be done?'

He continues his pondering, then stumbles upon a wonderful thought...'oh yes!!! that could change things around here, but i must proceed carefully, i do not want to end thing prematurely :P '.......thus with this plan, he powers up to 1/3 of his power and flies off into the horizon.

The trees shook from the force of his depature, ergo Laura breifly gazes up to accertain the cause. seeing nothing, she resumes her activities on her tablet pc.

[quote="Orophin Anwarunya"]'the chaotic ramblings of mosquito really get to me[/quote]

Couldn't have put it better myself

Jadeviper returns from her trip to Cornwall to find the swamp somewhat changed, particularly in atmosphere since she left. She hopes that the basket of scones, jam and (especially) clotted cream will help bring everyone back together, talk over their differences and rebuild the closeness once shared here.

Waiting for the others, she strips off and steps into the lake to wash off the dust from travelling.

Laura is sincerely happy to see Jadeviper. Unfortunately she can onlu greet her from a far distance since the swamp is again cloaked from her. Communicator Aids help her get the message through, thank god. Hoping to be able to come back for real later, Laura closes the long distance data call.

Jadeviper smiles as the virtual image of Laura fades, and starts to dry herself off, standing on the bank of the lake. Squeezing the water out of her hair, she wraps it up in the towel and settles down on a warm rock to sun herself and wait.

while hiking, kiyota finds himself lost in the woods. then he realized that he is in a swamp...

Jadeviper hears a noise and rolls onto her front, peering over the edge of the rock. To one side she can see a stranger looking around him as he walks deeper into the swamp, to the other side she sees her clothes still lying by the lake, folded neatly in a pile.

Rolling onto her back she looks up at the trees overhead and considers the situation.

Orophin, in his usual way, floats in above the trees to survey the swamp once again. He is happy to see that his plan worked, in that his psychic message to Jadeviper's subconcious caused her swift return, with nice pastry treats.....yum!!!
'hmm, Laura looks abit brighter' he notices her aura has raised about 50% since earlier.

Orophin, now hungry from his exploits, decides to welcome Jadeviper back and inquire about her lovely buns.

Jadeviper smiles up at Orophin as he floats down onto her rock. She sees no need in hiding her nakedness from an elf and busies herself in unpacking the basket, spreading out scones, jam and clotted cream.

Orophin, tries to look away but just cant help but gaze in awe of this heavenly body almost in rival of that of our goddess Laura. even elven folk cant compare.

He accepts the scone and tea, his body shivers too much from the sight that it causes the teacup to rather slightly but noticabely.
Ebarassed by his rather obvious behaviour, he tries to detract her now puzzeled attention by thanking her...."Thanks Jade, its good to see you"
alas even his voice betrays him, as it turns out to be high-pitched and shaky, epecialy with the utterance of those last two words.

Jadeviper noticing, smiles quite amused by this and then winks at him, which only makes him glow bright red on his face. 'damn it, i never knew brown skin could be this red' he thinks to himself quite annoyed with himself.

While Orophin attempts to drink his tea without spilling too much, Jadeviper stands and walks to the edge of the rock. Ignoring the stranger still wandering in the distance, she crouches, bending forward, and looks back over her shoulder at Orophin, making him choke on his tea. Then she jumps off the rock and runs down to the edge of the lake to gather up her clothes. Throwing her top over her head as she climbs back up to the rock, she steps into her skirt as she walks back over to Orophin. Smiling at his expression (huge relief tinted with slight disappointment) she drops gracefully into a cross-legged position, her long skirt spread out around her like a flower. Reaching forward, she takes a scone and begins spreading it with jam.

Orophin checks his pulse counter watch to see that the heart meter has gone down from "dangerous" to "normal".' phew!!' he exlcaims silently as he dabs his sweat drenched forehead but thanks the heavens for that view.

He rests his back against a tree, then turns to looks at Jadeviper, and then looks across the pond to see Laura. He looks up at the cool blue sky, cloudless and bathed in pristine sunlight that in turn empahsizes the amazing beauty of these goddesses as he gazes at them once more.

Orophin closes his eyes, sips the last of his tea through a big but decreet smile and then thinks to himself contentedly 'We truly are blessed'. He drifts into a deep slumber that carries with it all the exertions of the days gone by.

Jadeviper clears away the tea things and pulls out a soft blanket to wrap around Orophin. Tucking in the edges, she lies down beside him and goes to sleep too.

And Laura, content finally, snuggles herself right next to the little elf.

The next morning Laura wakes up early and blushes realizing where she is. 'Elf or not, I should be more careful in my actions...' She gets up, prepares a tall glass Semi-Skimmed Milk for Orophin and the same for Jadeviper although she does not know exactly what she prefers drinking in the morning. For herself Laura puts a coffee pot to brew and goes out for a morning dip in the pond.

Jadeviper wakes, sits up and stretches. Looking down to the water, she smiles at Laura. Being careful not to wake Orophin, she slips silently off the rock to join Laura in the pool.

'Hi, so nice to see you' Laura greets her.

'Did you sleep well?' Jadeviper asks, stooping and cupping her hands into the cool water to splash herself down.

'Warm and cozy', Laura admits, blushing again and being glad that neither Jadeviper - nor god-forbit Orophin - knows where she actually spend the night. Just to change the subject she starts to splash water around and on Jadeviper and in no time at all the two swampettes are giggeling and fooling around in the water like little kids.

Jadeviper squeals as Laura splashes the water over her, and retaliates in kind, wondering in the back of her mind if this will wake Orophin, and what his reaction would be to the sight of Jadeviper and Laura standing waist-deep in the pool and splashing each other... well, if this doesn't wake him, she has an idea of something that might

'What? You mean we throw the poor elf into the water?'

Jadeviper giggles "well, my idea did involve getting him wet, but it's a little easier to achieve!"

Jadeviper steps out of the pool and climbs up to where Orophin lies sleeping. Standing over him, she allows the water to drip from her hair and body onto him, making him begin to stir. Laura smiles and joins Jadeviper, wondering if the elf will appreciate waking to the vision of two wet and naked women standing over him...

Orophin feels what seems to be rain and then in his half slumber remembers where he layed to sleep. He opens his eyes, still abit blurry, he stretched his arm out and yawn quite refreshed.......'huh, whats this?' he wonders as he noticed his outstreched arms have hit something very soft and wet on either side of him. He brings his arm back to him, cleans the sleep from his eyes then looks up.

'argh!!' is what escaped his lips, althogh he wishes it was someting more dignifying that did cos' the sight that beheld him would stop even the marauding armies Orion dead in their tracks.

His heart went like a race horse as he gazed at these two angels, n-n-naked with the morning sun making their wet bodies glisten like diamonds.....'what do i do? what do i say? his thought raced around his head.
be-beep-be-beep!!! his pulse meter watch chimed out in warning of his impending cardiac arrest.....'saved by the bell' he thought as the chime broke the very uncomfotable silence.
he stands up slowly, towering over them, looking at those cheeky grins, composes himself and says "morning ladies, i hope you left some water for me"......he mentally kicks himself for such a corny line.

He takes their hands and kisses them in turn and drinks the woderfully prepared coffee. "I have to run a few errands, i'll be back by lunchtime"...of course this was a half lie cos' the errands where not due untill later, it was just an excuse to leave before he drops dead of over-oxigenated blood....his watch was still beeping all the time, mind you.

He thanks them for the breakfast (what a breakfast ) then flies off......having a self cleaning anti-bacterial skin negates the need for bathing.

With a sigh Jadeviper picks up her clothes and examines them. "These are far too dusty from travelling to wear, they need to be washed, and I'll just have to stay naked while they dry". Jadeviper hopes the other inhabitants of the swamp don't mind...

With a shrug, she heads back down to the pool to wash her clothes.

Just above the trees floating arms and legs crossed, Orophin watches invisible, a skill he has never had a reason to use before. He, made sure his watch was set to silent 'we dont want any rude interuptions now do we' he thinks to himself rather slyly.

He notices a foreigner in the bushes that looked lost but was enjoying the veiw nonetheless.....orophin reads his mind to see where he is supposed to be, then waves his hand and in a flash the stranger diappears.

He the realizes that Jadeviper has only one dress 'doh!! and i thouht she like being in the buff' he says jokingly. He looks aroun to make sure Jadeviper or Laura arent looking the waves hand hand once more to create a beautiful GUCCI red dress, flowing ankle lenght hemline with a flatering but modest neckline. he also creates magic suitcase with both names on it, that creates whatever item of clothing one so desired. Laura gets a Dolce & Gabana white dress with gold seams and a same colour halterneck light jacket.

'Hmm, that should do it, our angels will be ready for any occasion enhacing their already magnificent beauty' 'i hope they like it' he says as hes looks at his watch again. 'time to leave fro real this time'...........he blows a kiss in their direction then flies off.

Jadeviper is stunned by the appearance of the beautiful dress and calls excitedly to Laura, who appears clutching her own. Suspecting the origin of the dresses, Jadeviper smiles and looks around, but doesn't see the elf. Turning to the case, she opens it to find exactly what she was looking for - a long flowing patchwork skirt the colour of autumn leaves and a gyspy-style white shirt with a lace-up front. Red Gucci dresses are wonderful, but not very practical for the swamp. Jadeviper folds the dress neatly and lays it in the case for a very special occasion - such as thanking Orophin for such a generous gift

Laura is speechless and cannot take her eyes off the D&G; dress. Simple, elegant, sexy - just how she wants her wardrobe. With a sigh she agrees with Jadeviper. White dresses with golden seams just aren't practical for the swampy duties. Laura folds away the dress and pulls out shorts and a top instead. Nothing fancy, but as they fit perfectly (like only magical items of clothing do) and bring out the shape of her body, she is not disagreeable to look at.

'Hey JV' she calls out to the other women who is concentrated in examining the contents of her suitcase. 'What should we do to thank our benefactor? And could we please wear these gorgeous things while doing it?'

Jadeviper thinks for a moment. "To be honest, I can't think of anything better than wearing the dresses for him, and perhaps a few other outfits we could get from these wonderful cases... outfits to tantalise his imagination perhaps?"

'Too bad we're on a G-rated swamp' Laura giggles, refusing to elaborate her thought.

Jadeviper raises an eyebrow at Laura and smiles evilly. "Indeed"

'We'll be needing something to eat too, won't we? I could go and pick some of the delicious fruit that grow in these areas. I will make sure they contain plenty of healthy vitamins' Laura says 'and loads of aphrodisiacs' she adds to herself.
'Do you think we could invite anyone else with such a short notice? Or do you think it would be more fun just between us?' Laura ponders.

"this place really need some sprucing up" acknowleging some of the murky parts of the swamp as he flew over "all i need is permision"....mosquito started this so its his final word.

"i wonder if the women like their gifts" he smiles to himself looping in the air happy with himself.

As he closes in on the girls, he hears a loud bang t...."what was that?"....he looks over to the direction, and sees a large plume of smoke rising from the edge of the swamp.
'oh shit!!! thats my house!!!'....a horrified look falls over his face as his mind starts to panic. He flies off with such ferocity that it shatters rows of trees in his path.

Down below Laura is picking fruit and collecting herbs when she suddendly hears a bang. Seconds later a swooshing sound in the trees which she cannot recognize. And then the smell of something burning. Laura starts to hurry back to the camp. 'The party can wait, I just hope everybody is safe' she thinks to herself.

When Laura reaches the camp, it's empty. Not even Jadeviper's suitcase is there anymore. Among the more or less frightening options Laura chooses to believe that Ewan has come and rescued Jadeviper. The smoke was getting thicker now and Laura decided to try and head to the opposite direction. She did not want to leave behind the suitcase (fortunately it could be transformed into a backpack) but fighting through the vegetation with the load made her journey very difficult. She was not worried for herself though, more than anything she was thinking of the swamp. Was this the end of the life they had shared there?

Fighting the raging inferno, Orophin tries to salvage what he could, for these item where as important as life itself.
He then realises through the panic cloud in his mind, that he can sort this out quickly. He flies over a nearby lake the spins round enough to cause a whirlwind which in turn siphons off some of the lake water.........bringing the water to the burning building, he realeses his grip and the fire is estinguished.

Orophin now settles down to earth, sits folornly on the smoke balackened floor, and just looks round to see the sad faces on the fromer inhabitants of this building. The house in question was an animal sanctuary for injured and infirmed creatures of the swamp. It was not created by magic but of the hardwork of its patients.
"What a waste!!!"....."I'm glad no one was seriously hurt, but its not gonna be easy to fix this"

He gets up, dusts himself off and turns around to the shock striken survivors......"This is not he end!!! We will fix this, we have worked too hard and nothing is gonna stop us".....he smiles as he sees their faces light-up and the determination in their eyes.

"Oh!!! I wonder if the girls are ok, that was a very powerful explosion". He hears some rustling in the trees some distance away...."Ahh!! sounds like Laura" he smiles then runs towards her direction.

"Oh!!! I wonder if the girls are ok, that was a very powerful explosion". He hears some rustling in the trees some distance away...."Ahh!! sounds like Laura" he smiles then runs towards her direction....

It's not Laura. Jadeviper walks slowly into the building, looking at the damage with a look of shock on her face. Seeing Orophin on the floor, she looks him up and down, making sure he's not hurt. Satisfied, she puts her suitcase down, opens it and removes overalls and cleaning materials, and begins the slow job of clearing up.

Laura fights her way through the bushes. She sees the remains of the building and the poor animals. Being exhausted from the long walk and sure she has lost all of her friends, tears start to flow from her eyes. As she enters, the tears of sadness change into tears of happiness. 'You are all here, all safe' she rejoyces unable to believe her eyes.

Jadeviper grins and hugs Laura, then hands her a mop and gets back to cleaning.

'Straight to work is it?' Laura is still sobbing but a smile is starting to spread on her face. 'Is Orophin ok too?'

"i think you mised a spot" Orophing says smiling at the sight of his angels helping out. "I'm ok thanks, but we gota helluva job to do".

He walks over to Laura as he sees the tears on her face. He wipes off the tears and smiles to her "Thanks for caring"

Laura trembles as Orophin touches her cheek. 'Must be the exhaustion...' she thinks to herself, hoping that the elf doesn't notice anything. With an unsteady voice she asks for instructions to help out. 'Actually, I'm pretty good with animals, so I could go out and see if there's something I could do'. This she says, although she would much prefer to stay right where she is.

Orophin notices a tremble in her voice 'maybe its the shock. i have to say she's damn cute like this' he thinks to himself.

"Yeah, sure you can help....nothing like a friendly face to cheer up my patients" turning round to gesture at a sad looking swamp deer.
"I have to warn you, not all of them are cuddly....afterall it is a swamp" grining as he points to the 15feet aligator basking in the sun.

Holding back the sigh that almost escaped, Laura nods and goes out to check the animals. The alligator looks healthy enough but the deer indeed is shaken. 'Jadeviper might still have that brush of hers, I'd better go and ask.. the deer might enjoy a rub down'. Heading in her direction Laura comes across a cute meerkat family. They seemed upset, probably a family member had got lost in the disaster. 'We could all try and locate the missing creature' she calls the others. With these two errands on her mind Laura hurries on her way.

Orophin smiles seeing the determination in her eyes as she walks off.
He flips out his phone and calls an old friend who owns a construction company and just happens to owe him a favour.
He walks into the house to help JV with the clearing out, in his own special way.

The next morning Laura wakes up muscles aching from the hard work. Her spirits are high though and the emotional ordeals of yesterday long forgotten. She misses the pond of the old camping site, but to get a morning shower she gets a great idea. 'Something I've imagined doing ever since I saw those old safari movies' she giggles to herself. 'C'mon Tembo, you can do it' she says to a huge elefant who's been an inhabitant of the sanctuary because of its torn ear. She fills a bucket with water and the elefant (possible seen the same movies) instantly gets the idea. It sucks the water into its trunk and then blows it on Laura. 'Hiiii... this is great.... hihiii' she squirms under the shower.

Jadeviper wakes to the sound of rushing water and delighted squeals and stumbles outside rubbing her eyes. Smiling as she sees Laura and the elephant, she strips off her dusty clothes and refills the bucket so she can have a shower too.

Tembo seems like it's enjoying its new role at the animal rescue house. This new activity helps it get it's mind off the terrible events of yesterday (elefants can't forget they say, but perhaps they can be directed to other matters).

Hearing voices, Peter wakes from his long slumber. *Strange* he thinks to himself, *I dreamnt I was in Cornwall* He smoothes out his clothes and fumbles with his hair--he has been sleeping for more than one week. He wants to make sure he looks good for JadeViper and Laura if they are still in the Swamp.

Peter walks slowly through the mess in the Swamp, looking for JadeViper. *She must be at Wimbledon* he thinks to himself. *What with all that rain, wouldn't she be better off here in the Swamp?* He sits down and waits.

Jadeviper returns, laden with provisions to replace those destroyed in the explosion. Seeing Peter finally awake she smiles happily and kisses him on the forehead. Rummaging in one of the baskets, she makes a quick meal for Peter while waiting for the others to return.

Peter was very uhungry so he ate silently. When he finished, he smiled at JadeViper and took her hand in his. *I have missed you so much* he said. *Would you like to see some of the card tricks I have learned?*

Orophin worked all night cleaning out the charred remains of the sanctuary. He hears what sounds like excited squeels comming from the swamp "hmm, sounds like Laura has discovered Tembo's special trick" he smiles remebering when he used to take such showers as a kid.

He check his radio to find out the latest tennis scores, "Tim Henman is out again? this is worse than last year" dissapointed cos' he bet £50 he would get to the final.

He went out side to stretch his aching bones, then he remembered there was a hot-spring pool near the campsite, which had magical healing elements. "doh!! how could i forget, its one of the few places that can heal elves and its very relaxing". He sends a mental image to the others as an invite to join in.

A few minutes later he arrives at the pool, snaps his finger for his clothes to turn into a pair of speedo trunks. He settles his dark muscular body into pool and stares into space wondering what the girls would wear.

While watching enraptured as Peter shows her his new card magic (Ewan is a card magician too, and his manual dexterity has always left her smiling) an image of a warm pool forms in Jadeviper's mind. Taking the cards from Peter, she leads him through the swamp to where Orophin lies soaking in the pool. Not being Elvish, she can't magically transform her clothes into suitable bathing attire, so she shrugs and strips off instead. Leaving Peter standing speachless on the bank, she steps into the pool, taking care not to step on anything that might make Orophin squeal. As she settles herself down, Laura's virtual image crackles into focus in the centre of the pool and she looks around with interest, tinged with sadness. "I'm afraid I can't join you all in the pool just now, I'm not close enough reach there." Turning to look at Peter, she says, "And what are you doing just standing there? Get into the water man!" And with that, the image fades.

Hours later Laura arrives. She is happily surprised to find her friends still soaking in the pool. Zip she disappears behind a bush, zap she is back wearing a stunning swimsuit with tiger stripes, earth colours, golden shimmer and the thinnest straps.

Jadeviper and Orophin look so relaxed... in fact they seem to be asleep, which would explain how come they are still there... And peter too. He stands petrified by the pool side, eyes open but with not moving a muscle. In order to stir things back to life, Laura gives him a gentle push and he falls into the water. *Splash* 'Don't worry about the clothes, we can find you dry ones later' Laura says smiling. 'I'm not so sure about a new deck of cards though' she adds to herself as she sees the magic pack falling to the bottom of the pool. 'We just have to get you something else to think about, right JV?' she winks.

Laura slides to the pool herself and lets the warm water caress her body.

Jadeviper opens her eyes with a start as Peter comes splashing into the pool. Helping him upright, she smiles up at Laura as she slides into the pool. Sitting Peter next to her, she helps him unbutton his shirt quickly before the fabric swells too much. Wringing the water out of the shirt, she stands up at the edge of the pool to hang the shirt over a bush to dry. Turning round, Peter's gaze fixed to one side, Jadeviper remembers that she's naked. Smiling, she asks Peter if he'd like his trousers hung up to dry too.

Orophin opens his eyes wonken by the comotion, and laughs to himself silently as he sees the wet and startled Peter stare at Jadeviper's bithday suit.
"Glad you could join us Laura. You look simply ravishing" he says with an amusing aristocratc voice. He notices the blushed look on her face and thinks to himself if he should tell Laura how he really feels about her, but he doesnt want to spoil their friendship...'oh well, i guess i'll just wait abit longer' he decides.

He looks into the water and sees some cards floating around...'these must be Peter's cards. Rather primitive majic compared to mine, but amusing nonetheless' he says smugly. With a thought, get gathers the whole deck, dries them off and hands them to Peter...."You should take care of these better mate".

Looking up at the still naked Jadeviper hanging up Peter's trouser, Orophin points at the magic suitcase....."umm, Jade it gets pretty cold out here, especially when you come out of a hot pool....you can get a swim suit from the case".

Jadeviper looks at Orophin. "I'm quite comfortable as I am, but I'll be glad of something warm when I go get out of the pool, thankyou". Smiling, she sits back down next to Peter, now almost as naked as she is. He's covered in goosebumps and she wonders if he's cold.

Orophin nods in reply, then he looks at Peter...'poor guy! i know how he feels' noticing how he enbarassed he was.

'hmm, Laura is quiet today....i hope shes okay. i wish i could be as close to her as those two' he lets out a frustrated sigh and leans back on the rocks.

Jadeviper thinks Peter is as distant as Laura! Feeling suddenly very tired, she leans back too and lets the warm water wash over her.

Laura is staring at the moon. The African sky is so different from the Scandinavian one she is acccustomed to... the stars seem to be in a different location, and the darkness... dense but so soft, quite unlike the darkness of the Finnish winter...

What, was someone speaking to her? 'No JV, I was not asleep, and if I was, I will not tell you what I was dreaming about' she says a bit embarrassed. Her eyes meet with Orophin's and she swallows. The tension is almost tangible, but suddendly an extremely loud snore fills the air.

'Tembo, shut up' Laura yells as the elephant blows its horn. The huge animal has apparently felt neglected and wants to join everybody in the pool. An extremely loud splash is heard next as Tembo steps down. 'Hey, I had other things in mind, I don't want to play with you right now' says Laura, but with no avail. The elephant wants company and its size makes 'no' the wrong answer.

Orophin laughs as Tembo almost emties the pool by jumping in. 'hmm, i wonder if he remembers' he thinks to himself looking at Tembo.
Orophin goes underwater then pops up right next to Laura, startling her but with an excited look aswell. "Sorry, I just want to talk to Tembo" he says slyly as hes moves up to the elephant and starts to whisper in his ear.

Tembo suddenly gives an excited trumpet. "Go on dude!!" Orophin slaps the elphant's side. Tembo then picks up Laura with its trunk, places her on his back and then starts to run along the campsite.

The now startled Laura was dumfounded and was about to protest when suddenly the elephant starts to rise from the ground, and then in seconds it was in full flight circling around the campsite.

Orophin smiling, takes flight aswell and hovers as Tembo flies around him, trumpeting excitedly. "Its a trick my dad taught him. nice isn it"

'Who-hoo-ooo, nice indeed' Laura answers, trying hard to hold on to the animal. The views are breathtaking and she is eager to see the whole area. Orophin knows the swamps like back of his pockets and is willing to show her around. Jadeviper and peter grow smaller and smaller as they distance themselves. 'They can have some privacy now' Laura says with a wink, and Orophin laughs knowingly.

Jadeviper watches Orophin showing Laura the elf's-eye view of the swamp on her flying elephant and smiles. Bringing her gaze back down to more humble levels, she looks at Peter and wishes he was a bit more involved...

Orophin, Laura and Tembo, flying from one end of the swamp to another, through the more wierder places...like the Mosquito den, the unusual but pictureque ice-mountain and the only swamp Burger King branch run by chimps.

Orophin, notices the beautiful sunset in the horizon then asks Tembo to stop. "Isnt it just beautiful" Laura says admiring the vivid colours......."Yes it sure is" Orophin says looking at her all the time. He smiles as their eyes meet. 'here we are, no where run now Orophin' he thinks to himself very nervously as he stares into her eyes.

Laura is looking deep at Orophin’s eyes. ’I wish…’ she begins, but does not dare to finish the sentence because she knows that she is wishing the impossible. The Book of Everything Important specifically states that unions between elven folk and mortal humans are forbidden, and that Book must be obeyed by everyone living at the swamp. No matter what her heart might desire, all she can do is sit there silent, unable to move.

"Damn the laws!!" he says out loud with. shocked at what he just said, he moves back "i'm sorry, i shouldnt have, i didnt mean to"....he had lost his nerve, he had done what he vowed he would not.
Elven folk of a certain age can read minds, but morally should do so only on permission or as a last resort. He also openly defiled the sacred book, which could count as treason if known by the authorities.

Orophin sees the startled look on her face, then lowers his head in sadness. Even Tembo felt the mood and gave soft trumpet raising its trunk as if to console his master.

They all float down to the ground in the same positions, as if time had stopped and the silence became deafening.

When they return to the animal sanctuary, Laura immediately calls for the Deer. It runs to her at her command and she hops on the animal. 'I'm sorry', she says to the others 'I just need some time on my own'. Laura hopes that she could think of a good excuse for leaving, but her mind is blank and she can think of nothing clever. Orophin looks sad too, but she can't help him now. 'How fortunate I am to have a friend like Jadeviper, I am sure she will think of something to cheer him up while I'm gone' she thinks to herself. 'I'll be back in an hour or two' she says without even daring to look in Orophin's direction, and gallops away.

Jadeviper sees the look on Laura's face as she calls for the deer, glances at Orophin and makes a pretty astute guess at what's happened. Knowing Laura will be better for some time alone, she turns her attention to the elf. Stepping out of the pool and straight behind a bush, she quickly dries herself and slips on a light dress. Walking towards Orophin, she decides distraction is the best course of action, and asks what else can be done to repair the sanctuary.

Laura returns. Her journey had taken longer than she had anticipated, but there was a reason for it. Laura was still riding the Deer but behind her one huge lion and two small lions followed. Third cub was in Lauras lap, too weak to walk on its own. The Deer had found it and it had been obvious to Laura that without the healing powers of the elf the poor thing would not survive in the jungle. Female lions are fierce in protecting their offspring but Laura had been able to win the trust of the lioness. Basically lions are just big cats and Laura certainly knows how to handle them.

When they arrive at the sanctuary, Laura does not see Orophin but she cannot believe he had disappeared for good. 'He has a heart of gold' Laura think to herself, remembering full well how he had helped with a certain chair long time ago. 'He will surely help your baby' she says to the lioness as she prepares a place or them at the new wing of the renovated house. Then she sits down next to Jadeviper who still seems to be sleeping. 'But where is Orophin, and will he ever again look at me the way he used to?' Laura wonders just as she is falling asleep. 'I won't think about that now, I'll think about that tomorrow...'

Jadeviper wakes and sees Laura back, but as she sits up she hears an ominous growl. Looking around without moving her head, she sees a large golden shape beside Laura and just out of her field of vision. Seeing the tiny cub curled up asleep in Laura's arms, Jadeviper catches her breath as she realises the large golden shape is a lion - the mother of that cub. Sitting quite still, she looks at the cub. It looks thin and small, not healthy at all. Immediately the healer in her starts suggesting plants and herbs that might help. Anxious to do her best for the cub, but knowing that Elvish healing powers would be much more effective, she tries to wake Laura without upsetting the mother lion.

'Uhhmm... what is it... ' mumbles Laura.

"Laura, I don't think this lion is too pleased to have me here, can you calm her down so I can I see what I can do for the cub while we wait for Orophin to return?"

'Ok' replies Laura. As Jadeviper takes the sick cub into her arms, the lioness starts to approach them making Jadeviper very uneasy. Laura streches out her hand and lets the huge animal sniff her. Then she starts to scratch it behind the ears and under the chin making it purr (it sounds like a growl but it is purring, Laura is certain). Soon the lioness is poking its head against Laura's and although its weight makes this intimate gesture somewhat risky for Laura, she knows that it means well. The two healthy cubs have already jumped up to Laura's bed and suddendly the lion decides to follow them. The bed creaks and squeaks but does not collapse.

'I think it's satisfied now. You can go and do whatever you can for the little cub, I will stay here and keep the lioness company' Laura says to JV.

Posted by Gadget17 at 02:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Swamp (pt.1)

In the swamp, everything is so simple and so natural.

Come on in. Sit down. Have a cup of coffee. let one of the ravens (waiters are ravens in the swamp) bring you something to eat.

All of us in the swamp love each, listen to each other's problems. Tell each other how was our day.....

*mosquito sits alone in the coffee zone of the swamp waiting for fellow forumers to show up. He noticed yourmanlee hesitating to come in so he called at him:*

Hey! Come in Lee. Dude, I have been down lately. You don't wanna hear it.

*Lee seems not interested but he comes in throwing his shoes away ordering a vodka from one of the ravens*

*mosquito stands up walking towards him and says:*

Drinking liquer in the morning!

*mosquito noticed that Lee is already asleep so mosquito takes a corner waiting for other forumers to show up*

[Lets turn this into a story and introduce new characters along the way...]

Lee wakens to the sound of more ravens and...more vodka! Excellent! Lee says 'Mosquito, how are you today?' (has another vodka) *hic*
Mosquito says 'Ok dude. Your good self?'
Lee: Very well thank you. You?
Mos: ' Oh not too bad thanks. What about you?'
Lee ' Yeah ok, ta.'

At this point Orophin enters the swamp and says "No more vodka for these men!"

Jamella enters the swamp and says....

*mosquito, notices that jamella is not around and that Lee has left already and that Orophin has taken away all the liquor so he sobs and whines and falls asleep from the heat of the sun*


*In his dreams, mosquito dreamt that all fellow forumers came and joined himself and Lee and Orophin and Jamella*

*mosquito was dreaming on and on but suddenly he woke up on the sound of someone entering into the swamp*

Who goes there? *mosquito asked with a peaceful voice*

*TaTMaN approaches the swamp a sees a drunk and a mosquito, both asleep...* ...better go somewhere else if I don't want to be thrown up on or bitten.... =P

*Jadeviper sneaks in and snuggles down in a corner, always ready with a patient ear and advice if required*

mosquito notices that jade has snuck in so he puts on some cloth and walks up to her waving his hand in the air to call a raven saying:

One vodka for me and a glass of milk for the lady.

The raven arrives with the drinks and mosquito hands the glass of milk to the lady but she seems reluctant.

mosquito asks her who she was and she said:

*"I am the mother. I am here to care for all of you, to help you and to nurture you. Now bring me a whisky and don't you dare put anything in it, you're not so big I can't put you over my knee"*

mosquito asks one of the ravens to get mommy jade a whiskey.

The raven arrives on the double and hands jade the whiskey *slurrp slurrp* she begins to drink.

mosquito sits in her motherly lap and falls asleep from the vodka.

jade puts him gently in the sleeping zone in the sawmp.

*Jadeviper sighs in the still air of the swamp. Turning on her PC she logs into AAS and waits....*

mosquiti wakes up from a short mosquitosih nap and walks around the swamp searching for other swampers.

It's very quiet, isn't it?

*mosquito notices that jade is there so he heads up towards her humming a popular tune.*

*jade looks up at him rather angry that he left her and fell asleep*

*mosquito blames it on the vodka*

Oh ya, let put some loud music.

*mosquito walks toward the mp3 player puts the black album by metallica*

*mosquito starts to listen to his favorite song of all times*

And the road becomes my bride
I have stripped of all but pride
So in her I do confide
And she keeps me satisfied
Gives me all I need

TANKERx pops in, realises that he's not in Hereford Cathedral and nicks himself in the ear for being so stupid before making himself out-of-there before anybody notices.

Everything in the swamp is silent. No, wait, there are some birds that are not asleep. It is the magical midsummer night, sun up at 4 am and birds restless. Too much light in this hour... Laura is wandering around in the swamp to collect the right flowers and herbs to put under her pillow - the dreams she will then have will most likely come true. The swamp has very different flora from Scandinavia, but she eventually finds what she needs and heads back to her sleeping mattress. on her way she encounters no one, except for the birds that are still nervously chittering...

Jadeviper wakes from a dreamless sleep and looks around. Again the swamp is quiet. The solstice! The light has a curious quality today, golden and soft, the trees making dappled patterns on the ground. There are footprints there, and the occasional flower petal in a trail leading to Laura's sleeping mattress. Jadeviper smiles and wonders if she's dreaming of the future.

Jadeviper yawns and stretches and waits...

I will just sit quietely in the corner and watch, *Peter thinks to himself* ...and if I am discovered, maybe all the better....

Jadeviper looks up, her reverie broken, wondering if she'd just heard a noise. Seeing no movements, she closes her eyes and returns to her meditation, breathing deeply in the warm, musty air of the swamp.

Realizing they were now alone in the Swamp, Peter inched closer..........

Jadeviper's eyes snap open and she looks around again, slowly scanning the swamp for movement that might indicate the source of the noise. Spotting Peter she smiles and beckons to him...

Returning her smile, Peter harnessed the courage to approach her. *Never mind Ewan or that little bug Mosquito...* Peter knew they were probably lurking silently in the Swamp but his curiousity had taken control ........

Jadeviper knew Ewan would be lurking somewhere, but also that he knew her well enough to say nothing... Mosquito she didn't yet know and glanced around to see if he was there. Seeing nothing, she turned back to Peter and reached up to brush a stray leaf from his hair. Catching his glance, she smiled again.

*How did that leaf get in my hair* Peter wondered. *I was so well coifed when I arrived in the Swamp*

a breeze sighs through the trees, sending a few of last year's leaves fluttering down. Jadeviper brushes a couple from her skirt and grins.

Realizing that he may never have a chance like this again and that he must act quickly, he takes her willing hand in his.....

Laura on her mattress is still sleepy after the nightly ramble around the swamp. She is aware of the two people small distance away, and senses the delicate moment that should not be stirred. Laura keeps her eyes closed and lets the gentle hum in the trees guide her back to her dreams of far away places and far away people.

Jadeviper clasps Peter's hand and gazes deeply into his eyes, then smiling cheekily she shakes his hand very formally.

then FOX HOUND passed the swamp quietly and quickly and and he was never seen again

Trying to act as nonchalant as possible and to not let her sense his disapointment, Peter says the first (and most stupid thing) that comes to mind.......

Jadeviper raises her eyebrows, wondering what he's going to say

*Why wasn't I invited to the wedding.....?* Peter asks, stupidly and unintentionally reminding Jadeviper of her marriage vows

Jadeviper laughs and kisses Peter gently on the cheek. "We had more than enough people at our wedding without inviting people we didn't know yet" she replies, an ironic smile on her lips. Sitting next to Peter, she studies him intently, trying to fathom him out.

I am not at all like the "cartoonish" person people think I am Peter says as he brushes more leaves from her skirt

Laura now awakens and after carefully analysing the situation, decides that her help might be needed here. Her romantic dreams had left her tuned into the matters of the heart. 'Hello you two and good morning' she says. 'What lovely hair you have' she says to Jadeviper. 'But there is something tangled up there in your curles, behind, you can't reach it yourself' she continues. 'I wish I could stay and help you with it but I have to go and get me something to eat' she smiles apologetically. 'Maybe peter could help you clear it' she says with a wink and leaves.

Surprised to see another person and now realizing he had stumbled into a swamp for bored housewives, Peter thanked LAuRa and asked wouldn't she care to stay and help him untangle Jadviper's curls?

Jadeviper beams at Laura "How did you sleep? And did you dream the dream you wanted?"

Jadeviper reaches into a pocket in her long, flowing skirt and pulls out a hairrbush. She sits with her ankles crossed slowly brushing her long wavy hair.

After staring at her ankles and watching brush her lovely hair for almost one hour, Peter awakens from his trance and asks *do you always carry a hairbrush in your skirt pocket*

Laura had been making her leave but found herself drawn back when she heard the questions. 'Dreams? Yes, I dreamed what I dream about' she answered softly, smiling. Turning again to leave she tried to gesture peter to take the brush from Jadeviper. Why didn't he understand that brushing someones hair could be a very intimate act... Planning to come back later in the evening to see how things have developed, she finally disappeared to the bushes.

Taking his cue from the departing Laura, Peter took the hairrbrush from Jadeviper and asked her if she would like to sip a Bailey's while he brushed her hair.

mosquito appears suddenly out of oblivion and hugs all and then goes to a comfortable corner under a tree and lies down singing a metallica song.

mosquito signals for a raven to get him something to eat.

mosquito - feeling insanely bored - goes to the swamp cinema alone to watch a movie. Still the swamp seems like a dark deserted place with no soul to talk to.

Jadeviper stretches and wriggles into a comfortable position in front of Peter, her shoulders leaning gently against his knees. At the offer of Baileys she smiles and licks her lips before accepting a small glass. She takes a tiny sip and closes her eyes as Peter begins to brush the full length of her hair, all the way down to her waist.

Orophin with his elven powers senses the goings on in his forest swamp, rushes Ewan to the scene at Neo style flying speed. "Oh my gosh i gotta save her from karate kid", Ewan agrees with a pained look, noting that its not very comfortable when ice cold winds moving at about 1000 mph is blowing up your kilt.

Jadeviper looks up and takes in the situation, wondering what will happen next.

While some readers of this tale may think Peter is playing with fire given Ewan's close proximity, Peter is not concerned. He knows deep in his heart what Jadeviper really wants, and as long as it does not involve Warez, there is not much Ewan can do as Peter seeks to satisfy Jadeviper's desires.

*It has gotten quite hot in this Swamp again* Peter says to Jadeviper. *Perhaps another Bailey's?

....and is there anything under your sleeping mattress you would like to show me or tell me about?* Peter asks

Jadeviper blushes, though whether this is from the alcohol or from the mention of certain articles under her sleeping mattress is uncertain. She casts her eyes down and accepts another drink, feeling the warmth spread through her body as she hugs her knees and remains silent.

I have ordered us some lunch, said Peter. Their Bailey's Terrine is actually quite special here. Perhaps you would like a head or a foot massage to relax you more while we wait, he said as he gently brushed her golden hair back from her forehead

Jadeviper smiles lopsidedly, recalling that she had Baileys terrine on her wedding day. Leaning back against Peter she hides a yawn behind her hand, and tries to fight off sleep.

Belatedely realizing that he needs to turn-up his wit to keep Jadeviper interested (and awake), Peter suggests that they lay down together for a nap until Laura returns. He beckons Jadeviper to his arms.

Jadeviper looks quizzically at Peter at the idea of lying down for a nap as a way of keeping her awake... she gently lies down next to Peter and tucks one arm under her head as a pillow.

*Will you sleep?* Peter asked *or can I interest you in something else?* he said as his lips brushed ever so lightly against her neck

Jadeviper sighs as a shiver runs through her body but she shifts her position and relaxes further, almost asleep.

Not remembering the last time he had such an effect on a woman, Peter hoped and hoped that Laura would come back to the Swamp and help him ignite the fires within Jadeviper that he had unknowingly let burn down to cooling embers.

Jadeviper sighs in her well-needed sleep and turns over, her back to Peter now. Her long curls have fallen across her face and there are a few stray leaves caught up in her hair again, tempting Peter to move closer and gently remove them, stroking her hair as she sleeps.

Laying like to spoons front to back in a kitchen drawer, Peter not hestitantly anymore strokes Jadevipers curls and absentmindedly brushes leaves off her neck. Yes it is definately getting hotter in the Swamp, as the afternoon sun pulses through the heavy air.

Jadeviper sleeps soundly in the heat of the afternoon, vaguely aware of the comforting presence of Peter, his hands gentle on her skin and his breath deep and slow on the back of her neck. She smiles unseen in her dreams.

Running out of pulp fiction cliches, Peter wispers anon and closes his eyes and joins Jadeviper in her dreams.....

Jadeviper may well dream for a long time, until she gets back from her holidays on Saturday!

Laura finally returns. The day had been long and full of agony - the thick bushes, high ferns and the entangling swamp trees had made it almost impossible to her to push forward and get back. She had cuts on her arms and bruises on her legs, but now she could finally breath more easily knowing that she was in the safe haven again. Wondering what had happened during her long absence, she looked around and saw the sleeping couple. She smiled.

Jadeviper stirs, hearing Laura approach. Quickly taking in the cuts and bruises, she sits up and beckons Laura over to her. Sitting her down beside her, she reaches into another pocket of her flowing skirt and pulls out a small velvet bag. From the bag she takes a piece of cotton wool and a bottle of saline and starts cleaning the cuts on Laura's arms, taking care not to disturb the clots that have started to form. Satisfied that the wounds are clean, she returns the saline bottle to her bag and withdraws another, this time witch hazel. Taking another piece of cotton wool, she begins stroking the astringent liquid over the bruises on Laura's legs.

Aaahh... it feels so good - Laura can only sit there and let Jadeviper dress her wounds. The saline makes the cuts a bit sore but the stroking hand is so gentle, like a cooling cloud on her legs and arms.

Slowly Laura regains her strenght. 'So what's been going on here? Peter's still just sleeping?' she asks. 'Anyone else around?'

mosquito hears a magical voice so he wakes up of his nightly death.

He calls for a raven to bring him breakfast. The raven shows up with butter and toast. mosquito scolds the raven for this very English breakfast and orders the raven to go get some falafel and foul and white bread. the raven apologizes and rushes out of scene.

'If you're not going to eat the toast and butter, could I have it please? I'm starving' says Laura.

mosquito reluctantly gives Laura the toast and butter thinking to himself *there goes my cat's breakfast* *my cat is gonna kill me*

He fakes a smile so that Laura doesn't notice and tells her: "of course, Laura, I don't need these anymore. I was going to throw them in the swamp's water anyway."

Laura gives him a radiant smile and starts to eat the toast. But what was that in the bushes? Something furry? Could it be... no, not in the swamps... a cat? A lion? No, indeed a domestic cat! Laura is a definitive cat person, and in no time at all she is trying to lure the small creature to come closer by offering a little piece of toast.

mosquito is surprised that his cat let liorah cuddle him. mosquito thinks to himself: *this cat must be high on dope. He never lets anyone but me does that to him. Laura must have this very weird but magical effect on anthing she touches. I swear I heard the chair she is sitting in crying out loud "I love it when Laura sits on me".

'A way to a cat's heart is through its tummy' Laura again reminds herself of the old wisdom. No matter how hungry she is herself, she lets the cute little thing eat the final crumbs of toast and lick the melted butter from her fingers. The cat purrs and then starts to clean its whiskers.

Comforted, but unnourished Laura stands up. 'Sorry mosquito, I have to leave now to find myself something to eat. I will see ya all later' she says and disappears into the bushes.

mosquito waves goodbye and finds himself a shady place and starts reading his favourite book "Hopless Romantic".

Lee enters quiety (so that mos is not disturbed). "Blimey" think's lee "this thread is five pages long already" and after reading this thread think's he should've taken the blue pill. "were they really talking about cats on drugs?" Surely this is not the " real world ".

Perhaps the problem is choice, mosquito chose to start this thread, he is the architect. I made the second post so that makes me Agent Smith (it just does, ok).

Lee (A. Smith) 8)

Laura again returns from her daily excursions into the wild. It is so nice to know that there is this homely swamp where everyone gathers around the fireplace to tell the stories of ancient swampees. Jadeviper's hairbrush is lying on the ground, Laura lifts it and puts it in a safe place to wait for her return. She can almost feel Jade's gentle touch on her arms (the wounds are already healing), and she can only imagine how peter must be missing her. 'Where can he be?', she thinks to herself. 'Sulking by himself somewhere?'

Laura unfolds her matress and sits down to wait. Nights are always exciting in the swamp. 'Maybe I'll see a Fox or a Raven again...'

[quote="yourmanlee"]"were they really talking about cats on drugs?" Surely this is not the " real world "[/quote]

You noticed this and you didn't notice the screaming chair!

mosquito having said this to Lee, walks slowly towards the edge of the swamp bank and takes a conoo, urm, i meant a conno, ehem, a cono, yikes, a connoo, a God damn small boat and sails inside the swamp water. mosquito was invited by the crocodiles chief to a small get together where he will meet with one of his favorite friends, puffy, the swampire clayer.

Lee admits to not actually reading pages 2,3 and 4 of this thread ops: and goes to think about what he has done. Lee will not return for three weeks as he is going on holiday (i actually am! Hurrah! and will not be posting between wed July 2nd and Mon July 21st, i expect this story to still be going when i get back!! )

*exit stage left*

Orophin arrives with Ewan but is confronted by thick ferns and dense swamp weed. "Ewan cant possibly get through this" "ack, mon....you are right!!" Ewan replies. Orophin then powers up a kame-hame-ha wave, then blasts a path through.
Ewan still staggered by the emense power of this guy, leads the way through the clearing of singed earth and fauna although he did spot a dried up pool filled with roasted mosquito larvae.
"This is a very wierd place" Orophin says as he sees a screaming chair with one burnt leg.

Laura wakes up from the daze she's been in. 'I must still be dreaming, that cannot be Ewan because he should be on a trip somewhere else... or did he just send his poor wife away to have some fun of his own in the swamps...' Orophin might have an explanation.

Meanwhile, Orophin is very annoyed with how unkempt his swamp is, it always gets like this in midsummer, the sprites all get drunk and forget their duty. "This is turning out like A Midsummer Night's Dream", Orophin wonders as he spots Laura wandering through the hazy sunset mist.
"Why is my heart beating so profusely" he inquires as he gazes at the vision of beauty walking towards him.

'Hi Orophin', screams the chair who/that is walking with Laura.

Eeep!!! Orophin shrieks mentally, "I think i'll finish off what i started with that monstrosity".
"Hey Laura, you look good, the plasters really go with your skin" "um, you seem to be bleeding, why dont you take a sit on that....thing".
Orophin, then places his hands over her cuts then a soft yelow glow appears, making the cuts vanish and healing. "its handy being elf" he thinks to himself.
"There, all done Laura, good as new".....

'Thank you ever so much' says Laura and blushes a bit. Then getting her act together again she gestures towards the poor chair. 'Can you fix that too? You see the burned leg it has? I sat on it once and it's been following me ever since... like a puppy... and I feel kinda responsible for it now. Can you do your elf thing, please, please, please, Orophin?'

mosquito wakes up and goes to his morning swim with the crocodiles in the swamp.

*30 minutes later*

mosquito comes back from his swim and signals for one of the ravens to bring him his breakfast.

*20 minutes later*
after finishing his breakfast, mosquito grabs a couple of metallica cd's and goes fishingin the swamp's water waiting for anyone to show up and thinking to himself "there is nothing like good music and fishing to kill defenseless good-for-nothing time".

Orophin looks at the chair, gazes back at the forlorn look in Laura's eyes "damn my lustful heart, how could i refuse her plea". He cringes mentaly, then gives a quick wave of his hand, thus magicaly the chair is reguvinated and polished with a new leg in tow.

Orophin looks back at Laura and notices the glowing smile on her angelic face......he smiles aswell, but that is a sly smile cos' the reguvination was absolutely complete, in that he erased the memories of Laura fom that cursed chair, thus freeing it from its bond with her.
"Its all sorted now Laura, shall we depart? i hear there a cracking midsummer's gig in town." he smiles as he holds his hand out to her.

meanwhile a cool Metallica guitar rif echoes through the otherwise still and misty swamp, bathed in a perpetual beautiful orange glow of the morning sun.

Laura appears hours later at the swamp. She is exhausted - all day she had been wrapped in mist, trying to figure out the way back to the camp. All her attempts had been futile, the whole site had again been cloacked from her.

'It must have been the Metallica beat last night that mixed the directions in my head... or was it the Guns and Roses... nah maybe that ginuwine what's-his-name...'

Laura stumbles across an old chair. There was something familiar about it, as if she should feel something, but she didn't. Blank.
'Where is everybody, where's that guy with the unpronounceable last name, where's the fox, the raven, the mosquito??'

was it all a dream? why do dreams feel more real? are we alone?

to be concluded....

mosquito appears out of oblivion thinking to himself "I thought I heard a magical voice asking about me?"

Looking around, he can still hear Laura's magical voice echoing in the still of the swamp.

mosquito romas east searching for her. Nada, he found.

mosquito romas west searching for her. nada, he found.

mosquito romas north searching for her. nada, he found.

mosquito romas south searching for her. nada, he found.

mosquito starts running in all diresctions while hearing the ravens whispering to each other "the poor man must have lost of his mind to the magical voice"

And right there, in the south-eastern corner, Laura sits almost invisibly.

Was I typing fast or was it something in the water I've been drinking?


mosquito hearing a voice but seeing no one, he turns on his infra red?! vision abilities and he can identify Laura from the 5 giga ccalories of energy coming out of her celestial body.

mosquito casts a spell on her so that her body becomes visible to him again and oooooooooooooh there sits peacefully and gracely the most beautiful body he has laid his eyes on.

Laura sits there, laptop on her knees, and tries to figure out the configurations. 'What the heck is the matter with this file sharing protocol... why is it not working... what ports should I open... do I understand any of this... no...'

I think mosquito loves LAURA,and wants her....

mosquito rushes out of scene and comes back dressed like Dr. Norton Semantic ?! and examines carefully Laura's laptop.

File sharing protocol, ports, configurations, ...*shrieks* then confronts Laura with the fact that he has got his education in mechanical production engineering and that laptop doesnt look like any lathe he knows.

Laura takes jimmy-floyd gently by the hand and leads him farther to the side. 'You're still too young to know, but the things that seem obvious are the most obscure ones, and only the things that are obscure can show us the way to the real truth' she whispers to his ear.

Then returning to the scene (and silently giggling to the mother of all banal statements she just heard herself say) Laura closes the laptop. 'Without electricity this is useless anyway', she admits.

[quote="jimmy-floyd"]I think mosquito loves LAURA,and wants her.... [/quote]

Jimmy boy, you are absolutely right. I am in love with her. I am admitting this. This is not a crime in England or Finland, right?

By the way jimmy boy, I missed you man. Where the hell have you been lately? Battery problems, huh?

*BOOM* Orophin arrives fumming with rage, "now the generator is gone aswell? how the heck am i supposed to watch my ZDNet.co.uk streamed feeds?"..."heads are gonna roll".
he notices Laura walking off with her laptop and a tiny insect following her....."prepare to die, bug.....muhahahahhahahaaaa"

'Hey you with the unpronounceable last name!' shouts Laura, seeing Orophin's blazing eyes. 'Your should read your biology books more carefully. This ecosystem could not last if it weren't for mosquitos! This is his swamp, remember?'

"but but but....i just wanted to......i didnt mean.......ahhh, screw it" Orophin storms off (literally, wheather doesnt change that quickly around here) to watch the Cowboy Bebop movie.

[quote="LAuRA"]'Hey you with the unpronounceable last name!' shouts Laura, seeing Orophin's blazing eyes. 'Your should read your biology books more carefully. This ecosystem could not last if it weren't for mosquitos! This is his swamp, remember?'[/quote]

Hey smartie, this is not my God damn swamp. It's everybody's swamp. If it was my swamp then how come Mr. chlorophill is messing around?!

[quote="LAuRA"]'Hey you with the unpronounceable last name!' shouts Laura, seeing Orophin's blazing eyes. 'Your should read your biology books more carefully. This ecosystem could not last if it weren't for mosquitos! This is his swamp, remember?'[/quote]

btw, it's not just the ecosystem who can't go on without mosquitos. All of my buddies can't go on with me too!

Realizing that she had just succeeded in making everybody mad, Laura crawls back to her south-eastern corner. And this time even the laptop is cold to her.

Peter wakes from his long slumber, yawns and stretches and looks around the Swamp. Realizing the Swamp had changed (somewhat dramtically from the playground it was for him and his special friends JadepViper and Laura) since JadeViper went on her weeklong trip, he decides to lay back down and sleep until she returns.

HEY mosquito,I visit our AAS forum every day,..Maybe you didnt see me,coz i visit COMMUNITY WAFFLE section rarely.I VISIT NOKIA 3650,series 60 multimedia,and symbian gaming sections every day.MOSQUITO you are almost right its not crime,love is beuatiful :angel: ,LAURA,i am 16teen,but i am not a kid,kidy kid,i am pretty a teen,and i know all about love.... :bday:

Laura silently enters the stage again from her south-eastern corner. This time she has covered her head with the ugliest veil and her body with the loosest kaftan and she makes no eye contact with anyone around. Cautiously she approaches peter. 'Hi' she says. 'Here is the brush that Jadeviper left behind. I have kept it and now I want you to take it. You can give it back to her, I am sure she will appreciate the gesture. I may not be here tomorrow to greet her, but I trust you will be...' Having said this, Laura again melts in with the shadows of the bushland.

AND why dont laura come to JIMMY. :P

Orophin walks in feeling good about the movie "that was great, Sunrise Co. really pulled out all the stops for this one". He then notices a veiled figure crouched down in the shadows of the south-eastern-corner of the swamp, with great stealth he floats towards it then notices the unmistakable golden hair of Laura hanging out beneath the veil.

"whats up Laura, why the gloom and doom?" he says with the softest voice he could muster. he hoped it wasnt cos' of his reaction earlier, but he decided to appologize anyway.
"Hey, i'm sorry for storming off like that, it wasnt your fault, i was just being silly....showing off, you might say" he say with a coy grin on his face in hopes of raising a giggle from her.

He raises his hand and in a flash of light he transforms her old cold laptop to a Mac G4, Panther OS enabled powerbook and leaves a hot cup of coffee to warm her cockles.
"Well, i'll leave you now to gather your thoughts, but just call if you need me....gomen nasai (i'm sorry)" he gently pats her exposed hand and then flies off.

The warmth spreads within Laura and she is astounished. 'What is this... is it the coffee...?? Ahhh the laptop is alive again! WIeeeee!' says she (she is well behaved and does not shout since she does not want to wake the others). 'And what... the screen comes off... I HAVE A TABLET PC' she rejoyces.

[quote="jimmy-floyd"]HEY mosquito,I visit our AAS forum every day,..Maybe you didnt see me,coz i visit COMMUNITY WAFFLE section rarely.I VISIT NOKIA 3650,series 60 multimedia,and symbian gaming sections every day.MOSQUITO you are almost right its not crime,love is beuatiful :angel: ,LAURA,i am 16teen,but i am not a kid,kidy kid,i am pretty a teen,and i know all about love.... :bday:[/quote]

I am glad you made it to the swamp Jimmy Boy. What's up man? how is your battery bug now?

mosquito wakes up from his nightly death. It's a strange feeling that I'm feeling today. I don't wanna have breakfast. I wanna walk the earth just walk the earth. mosquito starts to wander around the swamp only to end up at the south-eastern corner of the swamp. What am I doing here? *mosquito thinks to himself*

mosquito finds Laura in her veil and what a surprise: her beautiful face shined from behind the veil like a pearl. mosquito suddenly hears one of the ravens putting on one of his favorite songs "Thunder / Love walked In". The song goes:

So tired of waiting
I walked an empty land
I was looking her something to help me understand
The bad luck kept turning my dreams in the sand

I didn't want pity
I had my share of friends
I wanted somebody more special than the rest
I was aching inside like I was approaching the end

Just about that moment the timing was so right
You were there like a vision send down to my life
I thought I was dreaming when I saw you that night

That's when love walked in through my door
That familiar feeling I had once before
Love walked in through my door
And it felt so strange
Like a long lost friend
That haven't change
Giving me hope again
Love walked in

After a short trip to the lakeside Laura returns to the bushveldt. She is eager to see what's been going on here. The powerbook she carries with her has again been repaired and the display re-attached to the laptop ('You should always wait for daylight before you start twisting screens around' Laura reminds herself). She sits down, logs on, and waits...

mosquito appears out of the oblivion thinking to himself *I gotta behave myself now or else I could hurt Laura's feelings again, making her feel that she drove me mad when she made the very slightly inconsiderate insensitive not cool bad hurting tough cruel .... takes breath ... wicked senseless remark :P about me being necessary for the stupid echo system*

mosquito tells himself *of course I don't want her feel any guilt at all*

mosquito being happy that no one can hear his thoughts, walks toward the angel, err, I mean Laura and tries to catch her attention by saying "it's a beautiful day, huh?"

'Yep' she replies with a smile.

mosquito stood still staring in her face for about 5 minutes thinking to himself *I think the whole world just smiled to me now, the trees, the earth, the air, the clouds, the sky*

Posted by Gadget17 at 01:18 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack