Dark Swedish plans

Svenska f�rintelsevapen by Wilhelm Agrell.

A history of the Swedish plans to build WMDs, specifically a plutonium bomb and VX and mustard gas.

Never got past the planning stage due to politics and a new sense of the term "international security".

The last chapter has interesting info concerning Iraq's gas and nuclear programmes after Gulf War 1.

Arvika -- band and music notes

Random notes about what I can remember right now.

Arvika 2024 wrapup

Whew, we're back. Although tired and sore all over, I had a lot of fun.

Some things to think about for next time:

I'm sure there's more, I'll update later.

Something wrong

There's something wrong with society when the first thought you have when hearing a new band is "I'm so downloading this."

Arvika day 3

Night even worse than last.

We went into town for a shower and coffee. Personally I can go 3 days without a shower (goes with living in a tent -- cue lumparhistorier, tall tales about Swedish military service), but the girls insisted.

Due to this detour I missed Olle Ljungstr�m, a 90s figure that I liked way when.

The day has been warm, almost oppressively so, but as before, can't complain.

Familiarity breeds, if not contempt, at least contentment. The camp, which presented a disturbing spectacle the first day, now feels like a (smelly) home.

Soundtrack of our Lives really live the rock star life. Their set was the best yet.

Kraftwerk next!

Arvika day 2

Night was pretty grim, cold and damp, but the morning was dry enough. Nearly too hot, in fact, but a Swede can't complain about the heat.

Today I've met lot's of fun people, seen Eskobar, Auf der Maur, and I'm waiting for Echo and the Bunnymen.

Arvika day 1

Arrived after an uneventual journey, and have pitched our tents in a spot that seems suspiciously vacant. Whether this is because the ground is utterly sopping or for some other reason, I don't know. Turf is damp, but passable.

Walked to the festival area, talked to a nice guy who's a functionary. He thinks there should be more hip-hop at the festival, which has a rock/goth leaning.

Representatives for SR wear grey hair streaked with black, aviator Ray-Bans, tight black clothes and Nokia 3310s.