The occasional scrivener

Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Wednesday, 2024-01-28

the lonely espresso machine

We've got an espresso machine on the counter, but I don't use it as much as I'd like. Workdays both J and I want lotsa hot coffee, so it seems a waste to spend precious minutes fiddling with the machine. You never know when Viking needs more sandwiches, so the savouring of the perfect espresso is far away in the mornings.

In the evenings, an espresso is a bit on the strong side for easy sleep. So the machine just stands there, slightly accusing.

I need to add "drink more espresso" to the list of Things To Do each day. "Dagens i-landsproblem", as Tobias would say.

Tuesday, 2024-01-27

Coldplay everywhere, all the time

Sometimes Swedish state television (I love saying that -- it sounds as if I live in a third world dictatorship) has a couple of minutes to spare in their schedule. Every time, without fail, they play a paralysingly boring Coldplay video.

Coldplay must be the most overrated band in the Western hemisphere. Why does my hard-taxed license money go to them? (To be fair, the dough probably goes to some paid-up member of the RIAA, which doesn't make it any better.)

Updated: Patric at work confirms that Coldplay are in the cusp of sellout. First they were underground. Now they are "hip" to people choosing music on state TV channels. Next their music is in commercials.

Monday, 2024-01-26

rude site design

I believe that other people should be able to benefit from my organs if they need it. (Obviously I'd like to be dead first.) So I went to to sign up in the national organ donor registry.

I nearly left in disgust when the site kidnapped my browser and resized it -- for no apparent reason! Just because they felt their site appearance was so important... more important than the time and convenience of the people they're trying to persuade to donate their organs to total strangers.

This antic is so 1990s.

Saturday, 2024-01-24

the anti-Biggles

Goshawk Squadron by Derek Robinson.

This is Robinson's first book about war in the air. The dogfighting over France in 1918 is presented as just as bad as the fighting in the trenches. Powerful stuff.

Friday, 2024-01-23

compiling 3.4 on a sparc64

So I need emacs 21.3 to be able to use ange-ftp to update this blog. I just can't go around ftp:ing by hand, losing all sync, missing one measly comma and having to do it again.

I download the src and run configure -- it can't figure out which arch I'm on. No problem, I get the package from the openbsd server. Hmm, can't run, missing some libc .so file. Huh. Well, the machine should be running 3.4 anyway.

I get the src and ports packages, untar them, run the whole CVS update thing, and start to read the upgrade minifaq. Lot'sa stuff to do, but I follow the steps. Config the kernel and try to compile. Won't even let me run make depend. Seems to be expecting a file swapgeneric.c somewhere -- but that file should be somewhere else entirely.

So now I'm waiting for reply on the sparc64 mailing list. We'll see what happens.

Update: turns out to have been some kind of problems with my CVS update. Works now after a fresh get.

Thursday, 2024-01-22

a modern classic

The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien.

Re-reading this for the n-th time. The final episode of the film trilogy inspired me. I was pleased to find out that my internal movie was still the same. I was also impressed that Jackson was so faithful to the book.

Too bad the Swedish translation is so flawed. I would really like Leo to read this. He's old enough but his English's not good enough for the original. Viking will be old enough when the new translation is ready.

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Original design by Michael Merritt for OSWD
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