Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Friday, 2024-01-23

compiling 3.4 on a sparc64

So I need emacs 21.3 to be able to use ange-ftp to update this blog. I just can’t go around ftp:ing by hand, losing all sync, missing one measly comma and having to do it again.

I download the src and run configure — it can’t figure out which arch I’m on. No problem, I get the package from the openbsd server. Hmm, can’t run, missing some libc .so file. Huh. Well, the machine should be running 3.4 anyway.

I get the src and ports packages, untar them, run the whole CVS update thing, and start to read the upgrade minifaq. Lot’sa stuff to do, but I follow the steps. Config the kernel and try to compile. Won’t even let me run make depend. Seems to be expecting a file swapgeneric.c somewhere — but that file should be somewhere else entirely.

So now I’m waiting for reply on the sparc64 mailing list. We’ll see what happens.

Update: turns out to have been some kind of problems with my CVS update. Works now after a fresh get.

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