Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Wednesday, 2005-12-14

Converted to UTF-8

I was fed up with mixing native ISO-8859-1 content (generated by me) with external content (from etc.) containing UTF-8. So I used this script to translate all the ISO characters into UTF-8.

I’ll be keeping an eye on the content in the future to see if anything slips through.

Also, this post is composed in vi. Because anything is better than nano.

Tuesday, 2005-12-13

Links for 2005-12-13

  • Universal Time — all you ever wanted to know about Universal Time. Tags: standards time.
  • Dupont’s Self-Charging Smoke Alarm - Engadget - — hope to see this over here soon!. Tags: design safety smoke-alarm.
  • Nokia N90 — AAS review. Will reply in my copious free blogging time. Tags: nokia phone photo review.

Grabbed from my links.

Sunday, 2005-12-11

Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson

The second part of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

Saturday, 2005-12-10



I hang on every morsel of humanity that is Dave Winer… both audio and text. It’s a disease, I think… like getting addicted to watching car wreaks or reading biographies of serial killers… you just can’t quite figure out what God is up to with Dave Winer. All that influence and such recklessness and generosity… A living conundrum.

This is so like me it’s scary.  

Links for 2005-12-09

  • Mobile Web Design ~ The Series ~ Authentic Boredom Tags: blogs css design howto mobile resource tutorial xhtml.

Grabbed from my links.

Friday, 2005-12-09

The draw

  1. England
  2. Paraguay
  3. Trinidad and Tobago
  4. Sweden

Phew, this’ll be a tough one. Sweden’s first game is 10 June.

Christmas and winter ales

I grabbed an assortment of seasonal ales at [Systemet] today. I’ll be trying them out during the week, hoping that they’ll be around in two weeks.

  • Shepherd Neame Christmas Ale 11347 — in its own cardboard package, natch
  • St. Peter’s Winter Ale 11306
  • Gouden Carolus Christmas 11371— this was really tasty. Dark and strong
  • Anchor Brewing Co’s Christmas Ale 11375 — this wasn’t so good, I’m skipping it

Update 2005-12-13: added links, opinion on the Gouden.

Thursday, 2005-12-08

Links for 2005-12-08

  • Rory Blyth - Excel as a database — oldie but goldie. Tags: comics excel humor humour microsoft software work.
  • AllAboutSymbian: PC Suite hits 6.7 — must download. Tags: nokia series60 software sync.

Grabbed from my links.

Getting things done with Outlook

Rui posts some tips on how to manage your email more effectively with Outlook.

We’ve been using some of those techniques with the support box. I use “reply to all” for all mails, so we always get a copy of the reply in the same conversation. As we are two working with this, it’s a godsend to have a complete record of the conversation around the issue.

We use the nifty coloured flags to manage workflow. My issues are orange, my coworker’s are blue, issues awaiting answers are purple, escalated issues are green etc. This works pretty well, as you can easily spot issues that haven’t been addressed yet.

We have 2 archives, one based on the year’s quarter, and one where we put all escalated issues. Having mails sorted by conversation makes it easy to archive.

However, Rui’s tip about using a smart mailbox to combine your inbox and Sent items makes a lot of sense. It addresses the shortcomings of having to do a reply to yourself all the time.

We’ve worked around the limitations of Outlook’s default filtering by writing a little perl skript that counts the number of issues and alerts us if they are too old.

Century Rain by Alistair Reynolds

This book rests on a central premise, that an alternate 1959 Earth has been preserved like a fly in amber by some all-powerful aliens. In the far future, two warring factions of humanity stumble upon it and use the artifacts there to complement the forgotten history of the Nanocaust.

Reynolds skilfully weaves together “hard” S-F with a Simenon-like detective story. But if you ignore the technical mastery and the skillful plotting, the story is basically absurd. But it’s an enjoyable read nonetheless. I stayed up until one in the morning yesterday to finish it.