Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Daily observations, more or less

Saturday, 2005-12-10



I hang on every morsel of humanity that is Dave Winer… both audio and text. It’s a disease, I think… like getting addicted to watching car wreaks or reading biographies of serial killers… you just can’t quite figure out what God is up to with Dave Winer. All that influence and such recklessness and generosity… A living conundrum.

This is so like me it’s scary.  


McD wrote at 2005-12-14 06:16:

Thanks for the feedback. My obsession with wanting to "fix" Dave Winer makes me doubt my sanity at times. It's like an obsession. You just want to crack the shell that Dave lives in... and have him say: Wow. Does everyone see me that way? Of course not. Most people don't really give shit what you do. But some of us see your potential to be something great and just want to fix those knee jerk reactions where you rip some poor soul a new fecal opening... or when he uses language so cleverly to disguide that fact that he really can't work well with anyone... like "they just don't want to work with us" w.r.t. Apple, Google, or any variety of software companies that Dave wants to "guide" towards one of his goals... like OPML, RSS or Frontier use.

Am I still channeling you?

Gustaf wrote at 2005-12-14 09:17:

Sure, I'm with you :-)

DaveW wouldn't be where he is now if he was different. That's why he's a perpetual source of amusement.

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