Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts on noteworthy bloggers

Tuesday, 2005-09-13

Anders Fredriksson

My old university pal Fralle has a blog. We’ve sort of lost contact since he moved back to Örnsköldsvik. Hopefully I’ll get more info now, though the wonders of technology. Nice to see he’s been bitten by the O’Brian bug too.

Wednesday, 2005-01-19

Rui Carmo

A wiki as blog, very nicely done with updated internal links. Rui is a mobitopian of sorts (he hangs out in the channel sometimes). As a resident of Portugal and a telecoms insider, his views are often a contrast to wild-eyed American mobile utopians like Russ.

Of especial note right now is his list of Christmas phones.

Tuesday, 2024-11-09

Maciej Cegłowski

Idle words is a very well written, funny blog.

I think I got this via Dave Winer back in the day.

Tuesday, 2024-11-02

Ned Batchelder

Great blog, very interesting common-sense writings about the nitty-gritty of writing code. Nice design too.

Thanks Jim for the pointer to this one.

Frank Hecker

Interesting approach to text-based design, using blosxom. I’m definitevely going to look closer to this site as it evolves.