Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Sunday, 2024-07-18

Arvika — band and music notes

Random notes about what I can remember right now.

  • Soundtrack of Our Lives — as mentioned previously, greatest set. The finale, where the guitarist in a Who-like frenzy smashed his instrument and then, instead of hurling the deadly pieces out into the audience, climbs down and hands it to some lucky sod, was a classic rock-star sendup.

  • Kraftwerk — amazing show. But these guys are still a relic of the Seventies, and it shows. Tour de France was all about television, how the race is transmitted into the home, but no mention of the Internet at all. If you don’t cound Computerwelt.

  • Echo and the Bunnymen — I enjoyed the show. Fun scuttlebut about them from their driver, who I met over a beer the day after.

  • Olle Ljungström — pity I missed all but the last song.

  • Marit Bergman — ditto.

  • Auf der Maur — heavy stuff, too early in the day.

  • Keane — prompted this.

  • Escobar — boring

  • Weeping Willows — booring.

  • Broder Daniel — I went for a long walk. ‘Nuff said.

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