Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Saturday, 2005-08-20

Arvika day 3

Night even worse than last.

We went into town for a shower and coffee. Personally I can go 3 days without a shower (goes with living in a tent — cue lumparhistorier, tall tales about Swedish military service), but the girls insisted.

Due to this detour I missed Olle Ljungström, a 90s figure that I liked way back when.

The day has been warm, almost oppressively so, but as before, can’t complain.

Familiarity breeds, if not contempt, at least contentment. The camp, which presented a disturbing spectacle the first day, now feels like a (smelly) home.

Soundtrack of our Lives really live the rock star life. Their set was the best yet.

Kraftwerk next!

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