May 25, 2024

Pet Hates

From room "1---RSM" on eQSO some of the Pet Hates we discussed tonight!

Can you guess what some of our Pet Hate are?
  • Packaging
    • Including:- Shrink-wrap, Large Boxes for Small Items
  • Bats on the Antenna
    • When bats are hanging on the Antenna and you transmit, you can here the bats falling
  • Lunch-Time Queues
    • Why do people who have all the time in the world use shops during 12-2pm when office workers are on breaks?
  • Oranges
    • Having to Peel them to eat them and the feel of the peel on the fingernails.
  • Lottery Ticket Sales
    • Why so some shops have seperate tills for normal items & Lottery tickets?
  • Boy Racers
    • Loud Music, Loud Engines, Showing Off what Daddy brought them for Xmas! (Need I say more?)
  • Shop Orders
    • Shops who have to Order anything you want and never have anything you ned in stock.
  • Screaming Kids
    • Kids who are Screaming when you are trying to have some peace and quiet!
  • Ring-Tones
    • Unrecognisable ring-tones on Mobile Phone
  • AOL CD's
    • I left Compuserve YEARS AGO (8+yrs) and still get AOL CD's from them
  • Weather Madness
    • People who are too hot in summer, too wet in rain, and too cold in winter!
  • You've Won!
    • Offers telling you that you have Won Money But that's until you have read the small print
  • Cold Callers!
    • Enough Said!

(Gadget17 does not hate or suffer from everything on this list. :) )
Posted by Gadget17 at 01:31 AM | Misc | Comments (2) | TrackBack

May 16, 2024

Busy Weekend for Me

What a weekend I have just had, and feel I need to go to work to relax from it. Spent most of Saturday mowing the Front & Back lawns. It took quite a while as was more like a Jungle than a lawn. I believe I found some new species of Flora and Forna. Unfortunately the Back lawn was so bad that I have to finish next weekend but over half is done.

It was also my Mum's birthday, but I have a slight cash-flow problem. Luckily at end of month is PayDay and my sister also has to get her something, so we will mostly likely combine our money.

With regard to my Radio, I made my first HF radio contact on my Kenwood TS50 radio. Was with a guy in Epsom just down the road from my location but further than I have made with my Handheld.

I have also set up my 2m SlimJim antenna, so that is usable, but need to purchase more Co-ax so I can put up outside.

My uncle on Friday has sent me a Computer-Radio (Kenwood TS50) interface and 80m traps for my G5RV jnr. I made an elementry mistake when I installed the interface though. I used the basic settings with checking they were right, and for most of weekend I had 1 digit wrong and wasn't working properly. Thankfully it is now!

Posted by Gadget17 at 10:15 PM | Amateur Radio , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Busy Weekend for Me

What a weekend I have just had, and feel I need to go to work to relax from it. Spent most of Saturday mowing the Front & Back lawns. It took quite a while as was more like a Jungle than a lawn. I believe I found some new species of Flora and Forna. Unfortunately the Back lawn was so bad that I have to finish next weekend but over half is done.

It was also my Mum's birthday, but I have a slight cash-flow problem. Luckily at end of month is PayDay and my sister also has to get her something, so we will mostly likely combine our money.

With regard to my Radio, I made my first HF radio contact on my Kenwood TS50 radio. Was with a guy in Epsom just down the road from my location but further than I have made with my Handheld.

I have also set up my 2m SlimJim antenna, so that is usable, but need to purchase more Co-ax so I can put up outside.

My uncle on Friday has sent me a Computer-Radio (Kenwood TS50) interface and 80m traps for my G5RV jnr. I made an elementry mistake when I installed the interface though. I used the basic settings with checking they were right, and for most of weekend I had 1 digit wrong and wasn't working properly. Thankfully it is now!

Posted by Gadget17 at 10:15 PM | Amateur Radio , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 19, 2024

Dinner Party Guests

At work today whilst I was in the smoking room, an interesting question was posed.

Which Famous people (Dead or Alive) would you invite to a dinner party?

Mine dinner party would have the following guests:-
• Guy Penrose Gibson (Wing Commander) (Well is a namesake)
• Guglielmo Marconi (Inventor)
• Bill Bailey (Comedian)
• Phil Harding (Field Archaeologist)
• Robert Llewellyn (Comedian & TV Presenter)
• Steve Jobs (CEO, Apple CEO, Pixar)
• Thomas Harris (Writer)
• Douglas Adams (Writer)
• Jodie Foster (Actress)
• Jo Brand (Comedienne)

• Leonardo Da Vinvi (Inventor & Artist)
• Micheal Palin (Comedian)
• Nelson Mandela (President)

Well I may add more later, but that enough for now!

Posted by Gadget17 at 12:40 AM | Misc | Comments (1) | TrackBack

February 18, 2024

Union Action

I didn't want to post before the event, but for 2 days (16-17/02/2024) I was on Strike with my Union PCS over pay.

I joined the picket line outside my office for a hour each day and we had at least 50%+ out on Strike or Leave. To continue action will now be "Working to Rule".

Strike fails to shut job centres (BBC)

Driving tests hit as strike grows (BBC)

Due to ongoing action I am not going to post more details for now

Posted by Gadget17 at 12:26 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 13, 2024


Valentine's                           Day came
one day early this                  year when a
at work gave me      a Chocolate Heart. It
meant only as a friendly gesture as 2 other male
colleagues received them and she has a partner. The
funny thing though was not long after we opened another
of my colleagues said she needed a break as was feeling
faint so she could have something to eat as she hadn't
had breakfast. I quickly thought and made the
suggestion that she had a small piece of my
chocolate heart. She felt a little better
after having the chocolate and we
all had a laugh at the
idea of me sharing
my Heart.
Posted by Gadget17 at 11:36 PM | Misc | Comments (1) | TrackBack

January 16, 2024

Do you want Fries with that?

Although I am not the smallest person and know I should try to loose weight, I do enjoy a KFC or Burger King Burger, but I hate the chips and the drinks are little more than water.

So when I order a Zinger Tower Burger I usually ask for it on it's own. I am fed up with the amount of times though that even asking for a "Zinger Burger on it's own Please" is followed up by the person behind the counter with "Do you want Fries with that?".

I am certain that if I had wanted Fries, I would have Not asked for a Burger On It's Own.

Sorry if this seems petty, but needed to get that off my chest!

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:35 AM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 09, 2024

Sisters Birthday

Today is my Sisters Birthday. She is 21 years old and to celebrate will be going out for some (OK a lot) of drinks tonight.

Have purchased using some DVD's, but as ordered so late, will not arrive til next week. The ones I ordered are Labyrinth (loves watching the Video with our Nephew) and Matilda (I was asked to Video it over Christmas, but mucked it up! Oops!).

I have told her I will not tell her what they are, but if she manages (although I doubt it) to read what she is getting here, then fair enough.

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:31 AM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

November 12, 2003

Clarinet Wanted - Swap for QY20

I have a Yamaha QY20 Sequencer but as I haven't used in a while, and would like to learn another instrument, if anyone has a Clarinet or Flute with which to make a Swap, please get in touch by Clicking Here. Please include what make and model of Clarinet/Flute you have and also where you are located as I am in London and would prefer to swap in person, but could use an Escrow service.

The QY20 is a powerful little machine-- it comes equipped with a tone generator, fully polyphonic sequencer, drum machines and a bunch of other cool features. It has 8 tracks (4 for sequenceing and 4 accompaniment tracks (2 chord, bass and drums (8 different drum sets are available))). For the sequencer you can use 100 different voices (guitars, brass, strings and many others) which can be recorded in real time- or in step-mode. The QY20 has an 1 octave keyboard included, but for home use you can plug any MIDI keyboard (even with attack dynamics).

Yamaha QY20 Sequencer

Posted by Gadget17 at 07:30 PM | Misc | Comments (1) | TrackBack

October 31, 2003

Pay Day!

Well another pay day has arrived, but as the unions are still fighting for our pay rise, I haven't had my July pay rise yet.

But as on occasions I do work of the next grade in the office, I have more than I normally get.

On a lighter point, I am off to a "Chinese Karaoke" tonight. What is a "Chinese Karaoke" I hear you ask. Near where I live is a restaurant that serves Chinese food (£9.50 for all you can eat) in a buffet (serve yourself) style and throughout the evening there is Karaoke singing as well (not that you want to hear me sing).

May post some photos tomorrow if I take my camera!

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:44 AM | Food & Drink , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Pay Day!

Well another pay day has arrived, but as the unions are still fighting for our pay rise, I haven't had my July pay rise yet.

But as on occasions I do work of the next grade in the office, I have more than I normally get.

On a lighter point, I am off to a "Chinese Karaoke" tonight. What is a "Chinese Karaoke" I hear you ask. Near where I live is a restaurant that serves Chinese food (£9.50 for all you can eat) in a buffet (serve yourself) style and throughout the evening there is Karaoke singing as well (not that you want to hear me sing).

May post some photos tomorrow if I take my camera!

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:44 AM | Food & Drink , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 10, 2003

Missing Children

I am writing this on the bus. The driver got a message on his radio to all London Bus drivers saying Thank You for your help in looking out for this child, but they have been found.

It's a great idea that when a child goes missing, that the bus drivers can help, and are assisting Emergency Services.

Keep Up The Good Work.

Posted by Gadget17 at 04:42 AM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 01, 2003

Why Change a Name?

Why do corporations feel they have to change Brand Names?

Marathon (Snickers) , Immac (Veet) , Royal Mail (Consignia) , Coco Pops (Coco crispies although changed back) , Kentucky Fried Chicken (Now just KFC) and even was previously called something else.

What prompted me to write this is Cadbury's Camarel is now apparently Cadbury's Dairy Milk Caramel

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:02 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 31, 2003

Easy Week

Well next week (from 1st September 2003) I have a fairly easy week. The Monday and Friday I am on leave (one day is Flexi and one day is Annual leave.

The rest of the week (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) I am on a course as later in the year my office is getting new computers and as the Systems Admin I have to be trained for the new hardware.

And with the Bank Holiday last week, that is 3 long weekends in a row!!

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:00 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 27, 2003

Modern Steam Engine?

I am currently watching a TV programme on BBC1 called "Fred Dibnah's Age of Steam". My crazy thought whilst watching it was the following.

This all our modern knowledge and technology, I can't help but wonder what a Steam Engine would look like if it was designed and built today. How efficient would it be? Would modern material like Carbon Fibre, Kevlar, etc be used? Is there computer systems that could be used to design it? Or is this just too crazy? (Please give me credit if you ever do decide to design/build a modern engine and was inspired by my ramblings)

Posted by Gadget17 at 02:01 AM | Misc | Comments (2) | TrackBack

August 23, 2003

Bank Holiday

Woohoo! It's been a while, but this weekend is a Bank Holiday on Monday. I haven't got anything planned as such, but may on Monday so to a fair/fate in a local park.

I have a problem with my Mac computer at the moment and although miner, I have not found a solution other than a re-installation that works. And the problem is that I am unable to Drag-andDrop. I have read and tried one or two solutions but nothing yet works.

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:58 PM | Computer , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Bank Holiday

Woohoo! It's been a while, but this weekend is a Bank Holiday on Monday. I haven't got anything planned as such, but may on Monday so to a fair/fate in a local park.

I have a problem with my Mac computer at the moment and although miner, I have not found a solution other than a re-installation that works. And the problem is that I am unable to Drag-andDrop. I have read and tried one or two solutions but nothing yet works.

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:58 PM | Computer , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 21, 2003

England v Croatia

I am writing this down the pub (Although will probably publish to my Blog later). A few of us went down as England and Croatia are playing, although I am not keen on football. At this time England are 2-0 up. It's been a good night but as time draws on the numbers are dwinderling.

Myself and other are adding more photos on a regular basis to my photo blog @ please visit and send in photos if you wish. The email address is [email protected]

Posted by Gadget17 at 06:41 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 10, 2003

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

What is with this Heat Wave in the UK (and some other places in Europe).

I am now looking forward to Monday and going into work, so I can enjoy the Air Conditioning. I am also one of those weird people whohate the Summer weather. I can honestly say I prefer the Winter months.

I have restarted my SlimFast diet as I stopped due to some pains in my stomach, but this weekend, I have been enjoying the Banana and Strawberry milkshakes. Maybe I can also make the most of the weather and sweat away a few pounds aswell.

Posted by Gadget17 at 04:18 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 28, 2003

Time Capsules

My mind was wandering (Thanks to a BBC news article) just a few minutes ago back to the time I was going to my After School Play Group.

With the help of some local Police Officers, a number of Wooden Play Structures were built, but what I was thinking about was the Time Capule we buried under one of the Posts.

Have you ever been invovled in a Time Capsule project (reply to Guest Book)?? I remeber we added a Video tape, Music Tape, a Local Newspaper, Some Small toys (I think a Yo-Yo was there in thing then) and some other stuff, possibly a Plan of the Structure.

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:35 AM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 19, 2003

Ice Cream Van

I have gotta have a moan about our local Ice Cream Van. He Sounds his tune miles away and I can bearly hear it.

If I remember he the gets to the end of our road ages later, or I realise when I am staring out of window.

I wish he would sound tune nearer our road, and when he gets to other end where we are, he would wait a few minutes, as I do love my Mint Choc Chip Cornetto!

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:47 PM | Misc | Comments (1) | TrackBack

July 17, 2003

Wonderful Managers

There are good days and bad days. There are days you couldn't imagine a worse place to work. The folowing are tales researched for your entertainment from the Internet and might imply there are still worse corners of the planet for you to work.

1:- "As of tomorrow, employers will only be able to access the building using individual security cards. Pictures will be taken next Wednesday and employees will receive their cards in two weeks."
This quote was from Fred at Microsoft Corp. in Redmond, WA.

2:- "What I need is a list of specific unknown problems we will encounter.
Lykes Lines Shipping

3:- E-mail is not to be used to pass on information or daa. It should be used only for company business."

4:- "This project is so important, we can't let things that are more important interfere with it."
Advertising/Marketing Manager, United Parcel Service.

5:- "Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."

6:- "No one will believe you solved this problem in one day! We've been working on it for months. Now, go act busy for a few weeks and i'll let you know when it's time to tell them."
R&D; Supervisor, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing/3M Corp.

7:- "My boss spent the entire weekend retyping a 25-page proposal that only neede corrections. She claims the disk I gave her was damaged and she couldn't edit it. The disk I gave her was write-protected."
CIO of Dell Computers

8:- Quote from the Boss "Teamwork is a lot of people doing what I say."
Marketing Executive, Citrix Corporation

9:- My siste passed away and her funeral was scheduled for Monday. When i told my boss, he said she died on purpose so that I would have to miss work on the busiest day of the year. He then asked if we could change her burial to Friday. He said, "That would be better for me."
Shipping Executive, FTD Florists

10:- "We know that communication is a problem, but the company is not going to discuss it with the employees."
Switching Supervisor, AT&T; Long Lines Division

11:- We recently received a memo from senior management saying:"This is to inform you that a memo will be issued today regarding the memo mentioned above."
Microsoft, Legal Affairs Division

12:- One day my boss asked me to submit a staus report to him concerning a project I was working on. I asked him if tomorrow would be soon enough. He said, "If I had wanted it tomorrow, I would have waited until tomorrow to ask for it!"
New Business Manager, Hallmark Greeting Cards

Posted by Gadget17 at 07:58 PM | Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack