July 22, 2024

Space Saver

On my Mac G3 I run OS X. I have had the Mac about 4-5 years and it has a 6Gb drive which is not a great size nowadays. It is partitioned as follow:- 4.5Gb for OS X and 1.5Gb for OS9. In the last few months I have been running out of space on the OS X drive. Last night I was down to 12Mb. So I restarted and got a few more back and when on a search for the largest files on the drive.

Did I have a shock when I found the largest file was an error Crash Log. I continue to use Seti@Home when I am not at my computer and regularly get a message saying it's crashed. Well the "SETI@home_OSX.crash.log" was 2.3Gb. which was more than half my drive space. Even now just checking the name of the Seti crash log it's back to 20Mb in only 2 days.

I will be checking on a regular basis the logs.

On another point, I may soon be running the new BOINC which is a distributed computing program but you can select which project you split your computers time between (including Seti@Home).

Posted by Gadget17 at 09:47 PM | Computer | Comments (0) | TrackBack

March 16, 2024

Items for Sale

I have decided to have a clear out of some stuff I no longer use or am only getting limited use out of.

If you wish to purchase any of these items, please e-mail me Via this form first and I will mail you back from my normal e-mail address. No Yahoo or Hotmail Addresses.

Serious offers only. Payment via PayPal or Cheques. Postage & Packing will be extra, depending on where sent.

G3 Mac (B&W;) 350MHz, 128Mb Ram, 6Gb HD, TV card, SCSI card, OS9 (OSX ready)
Dell OptiPlex GXa 233MHz, 96Mb Ram, 3Gb HD, Win 98SE
Mac 6200 75MHz PPC 603, 36Mb Ram, 500Mb HD, Ethernet Card
Yamaha QY20 Small, powerful little machine. Comes equipped with a tone generator, fully polyphonic sequencer, drum machines and a bunch of other cool features.
Also Available Mac LCIII, PowerBook 520 & 145 (Both need attention to screens & new batteries), 2 Small Apple Monitors, 15" PC Monitor, 17"PC Monitor
Posted by Gadget17 at 06:31 PM | Computer | Comments (2) | TrackBack

January 24, 2024

Macky Birthday

Macintosh Computers (made by Apple Computer, Inc.) is 20 Years Old Today.

It was launched by an Advert (edited for 20th birthday) which was made by Alien film Producer/Director (Sir) Ridley Scott whose credits also include Blade Runner, Gladiator, and Hannibal

Posted by Gadget17 at 12:02 AM | Computer | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 23, 2003

Bank Holiday

Woohoo! It's been a while, but this weekend is a Bank Holiday on Monday. I haven't got anything planned as such, but may on Monday so to a fair/fate in a local park.

I have a problem with my Mac computer at the moment and although miner, I have not found a solution other than a re-installation that works. And the problem is that I am unable to Drag-andDrop. I have read and tried one or two solutions but nothing yet works.

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:58 PM | Computer , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

July 26, 2003


What a palaver. And I have lost loads of time. All because I suspected a computer of mine had a potential virus/trojan.

So as the computer had nothing critical, I decided to erase (almost) everything and start again. I say almost everything as the reinstall software was on the Hard Drive as I have no Win98SE CD.

Took me 3 times before I was happy. First time I didn't make a clean install folder so everything was still there. Second time my lovely nephew turned off the PC half way through.

Third time it was almost finished and my nephew had to go to bed. All I had left was Internet Explorer 6 to install.

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:06 PM | Computer | Comments (0) | TrackBack