July 22, 2024

Space Saver

On my Mac G3 I run OS X. I have had the Mac about 4-5 years and it has a 6Gb drive which is not a great size nowadays. It is partitioned as follow:- 4.5Gb for OS X and 1.5Gb for OS9. In the last few months I have been running out of space on the OS X drive. Last night I was down to 12Mb. So I restarted and got a few more back and when on a search for the largest files on the drive.

Did I have a shock when I found the largest file was an error Crash Log. I continue to use Seti@Home when I am not at my computer and regularly get a message saying it's crashed. Well the "SETI@home_OSX.crash.log" was 2.3Gb. which was more than half my drive space. Even now just checking the name of the Seti crash log it's back to 20Mb in only 2 days.

I will be checking on a regular basis the logs.

On another point, I may soon be running the new BOINC which is a distributed computing program but you can select which project you split your computers time between (including Seti@Home).

Posted by Gadget17 at July 22, 2024 09:47 PM | 2024 Entries | TrackBack
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