August 10, 2003

Feeling Hot Hot Hot

What is with this Heat Wave in the UK (and some other places in Europe).

I am now looking forward to Monday and going into work, so I can enjoy the Air Conditioning. I am also one of those weird people whohate the Summer weather. I can honestly say I prefer the Winter months.

I have restarted my SlimFast diet as I stopped due to some pains in my stomach, but this weekend, I have been enjoying the Banana and Strawberry milkshakes. Maybe I can also make the most of the weather and sweat away a few pounds aswell.

On This Day 2003 - UK hits 100F for first time
The record for the hottest day in Britain is broken as temperatures soar past 37.9C at Heathrow airport.

Posted by Gadget17 at August 10, 2003 04:18 PM | 2003 Entries | TrackBack
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