May 12, 2024

What's your favourite sweets?

Was looking at the LBC sister web site "Eric talks technology on LBC" and came across a site I may well be using soon.

A Quarter Of is an online sweetshop. (I wonder if they send you the penny sweets in a White Paper Bag?)

Can you guess any of my Favourite Sweets? (Click continue to View)

  • My Favourite Sweets
    • Pear Drops
    • Rhubarb & Custard
    • Fox's Glacier Mints
    • Aniseed Balls
    • Acid Drops
    • Kola Kubes
    • Sweet Peanuts
    • Parma Violets
    • Refreshers
    • Double Lollies
    • Fizzy Cola Bottles
    • Liquorice Comfits
    • Liquorice Torpedoes
    • Liquorice Allsorts
    Posted by Gadget17 at 03:08 AM | Food & Drink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

December 31, 2003

New Years Eve

Firstly I would like to wish any readers (although I doubt there's many), a Happy New Year. I would suggest making the News Years resolution "Not To Make Any New Years Resolutions" and I am sure you will be able to keep it.

I will be off to the Pub on New Years Eve and found out that a band called Roadhouse will be playing. Quote from Roadhouse Website:-
Wednesday December 31st, on a magical New Years Eve why not join us at The Fielder and Firkin, lower High St Sutton, near Burger King. This venue is trying very hard to put the life in Sutton, so come and show your support. Music from 9.45 till the New Year arrives.

Most of the Bands that The Fielder and Firkin get to play are petty good, so I am in no doubt I will be having a good night.

To find some good UK pubs if not in Sutton area, then check out Campaign for Real Ale web site.

And for the Morning after don't forget the Alka-Seltzer. Live from my friend Deb in Canada is another possible hangover cure, which she claims works called a Ceasar. Enjoy!

Posted by Gadget17 at 04:18 AM | Food & Drink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

October 31, 2003

Pay Day!

Well another pay day has arrived, but as the unions are still fighting for our pay rise, I haven't had my July pay rise yet.

But as on occasions I do work of the next grade in the office, I have more than I normally get.

On a lighter point, I am off to a "Chinese Karaoke" tonight. What is a "Chinese Karaoke" I hear you ask. Near where I live is a restaurant that serves Chinese food (£9.50 for all you can eat) in a buffet (serve yourself) style and throughout the evening there is Karaoke singing as well (not that you want to hear me sing).

May post some photos tomorrow if I take my camera!

Posted by Gadget17 at 03:44 AM | Food & Drink , Misc , Misc | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 15, 2003

The 90th Birthday Party

This is not quite as it seems. At the beginning of next month, 2 of my colleagues are both celebrating their birthdays. One wil be 40 years old and one will be 50 years old.

So being the mad bunch we are at work, we are advertising it as their 90th Birthday Party!

We have decided to take them to a Italian Restaurant in our local town. A couple of staff have been there, but most haven't. The ones who have been said they even had a Guitar player who plays an acoustic guitar.

I am sure looking back on other Birthday meals we have gone on, that this will be on hell of a night!

I did suggest that after we go to the local night club/pub that is open until 2am after the meal, but as most of my colleagues are a lot older than me, they said would be a bad idea. But the ones who would go to the club were not present when I made this suggestion. Who Knows?!

Posted by Gadget17 at 02:39 AM | Food & Drink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 09, 2003

Slightly Drunk

Have been out tonight for a drink at my local pub and for a meal. I went with 4 colleagues to the local Indian restaurant. We did as we normally do, and order various Starters and Side dishes to share, and if we want the Main course as well.

I had a Tandoori Mixed Grill, which is served, on a Sizzler dish with vegetables and naan bread! Also on the table we had Pilau, Keema, Garlic rice, Mushroom Bhaaji, Brindal Bhaaji, and various other dishes!

After the meal 2 sat at another table to have a private chat. Whilst they were there, I kept falling asleep at the table, and didn't even realise that the other 2 ordered a coffee!

Eventually the other came back and I was more awake. We paid bill (approx £25 per person) could have been less if we hadn't drunk so much wine!

After the bill was paid 2 people at the table started singing (badly) a T-Rex/Marc Bolan song, at that I decided that I couldn't stand anymore and left as was also very tired! Got a cab home and went online for a while (mainly to write this)!

Posted by Gadget17 at 02:17 AM | Food & Drink | Comments (0) | TrackBack