Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Time tracking software

I feel a need to keep an eye on what the hell I’m doing at work, and how long time I spend doing it. I know that there are lots of apps around which help you track time spent on projects, but most of them are graphical apps. I wanted a console app that could live in my screen session so that I could work from home and still have a totalitarian view of what I was doing at any given point in time.

A quick trawl through Freshmeat didn’t turn up anything other than the aforementioned graphical apps, so I happily sat down and started work on my own, using my recently acquired knowledge of Perl’s terminal capabilities. I wanted a full-screen app that I would just press a button in and switch tasks.

While writing this, I needed a trivial time conversion that I had forgotten. While googling for it, I discovered a time tracking app written in Perl that used it for its own purposes: tt. Ironic, huh? The app isn’t exactly what I envisioned, but it’s more full-featured than mine, so I’ll give it a try. Otherwise I’ll develop my own app further.