Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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Links for 2005-04-12

  • Aubrey-Maturin Chronology — Timeline of the series. Tags: aubrey-maturin gunroom patrick-o-brian.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-04-09

  • Someone Else’s Life: SEVEN DAYS in the SOUTH ATLANTIC Tags: system:unfiled.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-04-06

  • Idle Words - Dabblers and Blowhards — calling bullshit on Paul Graham and painting. Tags: art character-assasination devel.
  • 43FoldersWiki — productivity hacks wiki. Tags: getting-things-done productivity.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-04-05

  • Richard Kadrey — Blind Shrike — A free PDF novel by Kadrey, the author of Metrophage. Tags: ebook pdf.
  • Tapestry - Your Favourite Comics by RSS Tags: comics rss.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-04-03

  • — dictionary lookup front-end. Tags: dict dictionary.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-04-01

  • The Believer - Interview With China Miéville Tags: interview s-f.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-30

  • What’s on your keychain? — contains a list of links to USB drive contents. Tags: hardware keychain usb-drive.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-23

  • Urabon Covers — Japanese porn covers in Engrish. Tags: engrish nsfw.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-21

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-19

  • Inventions and Ideas from Science Fiction Books and Movies at Tags: resource s-f tech.
  • Light of Other Days — A short story by Bob Shaw. Tags: s-f short-story.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-18

  • The Tao of Mac - Oasis ahead — Rui’s tips for keeping your corporate sanity. Tags: getting-things-done stress-management work.
  • BOFH and the hydrogen-based explosive device Tags: bofh humour.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-16

  • Russell Beattie Notebook - A9 OpenSearch for My Blog — using A9 search to generate custom RSS feeds. Tags: rss search weblogs.
  • Coding Horror: A developer’s second most important asset — on chairs. Tags: aeron chairs devel seating.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-13

  • Critical Section - The Tyranny of Email — how to avoid being interrupted by email. Tags: devel email productivity.

    I’ve been applying this for a while. I only get mail when I hit ‘g’ in gnus, and I’ve tuned Miranda to be as unobtrusive as I can. Sadly, my job consists of monitoring email and phone calls, so I’m not in the zone as much as I’d like.

    I do take care not to disturb co-workers though, preferring to send an email to a person who’s sitting 2 metres away from me rather than disturbing him.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-14

  • NPR : Donald Knuth, Founding Artist of Computer Science — audio interview with The Man. Tags: audio donald-knuth interview npr.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-10

  • The Tao of Mac - sed — sed one-liners. Tags: sed stream-editor unix.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-12

  • Feature: OpenBSD’s “Out of the Box” Wireless Support — summarises the state of wireless support in the upcoming 3.7 release. Tags: openbsd wi-fi wireless.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-02

  • Tales of Future Past — images of past futuristic visions. Tags: atomic-power popular-culture pulp-magazines s-f.
  • The Sharp Side: Was Arthur Ransome Working for MI6? Tags: conspiracy-theory espionage revolution russia swallows-and-amazons.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-04

  • Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system Tags: crypto privacy.
  • Ned Batchelder: C# and OutputDebugString — C# GUI debugging tips. Tags: devel gui windows.
  • External Editor 0.5.2 — use an external editor with Thunderbird. Tags: editor mail thunderbird.
  • MozEX 1.07 — use external apps in Firefox. Tags: editor firefox.
  • tor chrooted on OpenBSD Tags: crypto openbsd privacy tor.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-24

  • Fontleech: The Free Font Blog Tags: fonts free.
  • Writing serious Perl: The absolute minimum you need to know Tags: devel perl.
  • Europeans see artificial eyes by 2010 Tags: hardware retinitis-pigmentosa.
  • Weird knife stand Tags: hardware humour kitchenware.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-22

  • Strindberg + helium depressing playwright and ecstatic balloon sidekick — “miseryyyyy!”. Tags: flash humour swedish-culture.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-17

  • Coding Horror: The Floppy Drive Must Die tips for booting from a USB drive. Tags: hardware pc.
  • Switched On: Time to write off pen computing - Engadget - death of pen computing predicted, film at 11. Tags: hardware mobile pen-computing.
  • Apache mod_rewrite URLs Also Provide Validation via Erik’s linkblog. Tags: apache url-rewriting.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-03-1

  • Tips to destroy the Earth Tags: humour s-f.
  • Five Questions for brian d foy Tags: devel perl.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-25

  • The Clicker: HDTV buying - Part I, the basics - Engadget - Tags: hardware hdtv tv.
  • FedoraCore2InstallGuide - RT Wiki Tags: fedora install rt.

Grabbed from my links.


Diego: Beginnings.


Jeff: Why is forever. Programming has become a right-brain activity while left-brain work is outsourced.


Carlos: SOAP is Comatose But Not Officially Dead!. RESTful services are succeeding while WS-* are just vaporous documents.

Links for 2005-02-21

  • Bill de hÓra: The Fog of Service There’s no easy way to get a higher level overview of “IT telemetry” data. Tags: devel logging snmp sysadmin.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-20

  • The Infinite Matrix | Cory Doctorow | I, Robot Tags: s-f short-story.
  • Coding Horror: Multiple LCDs 3 LCD monitors under Windows, tips and tricks. Tags: hardware lcd monitors multiple-displays windows.
  • Securing Blosxom on Apache Tags: apache blosxom security weblogs.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-19

  • burnatonce downloads Tags: cd-burn iso-image software windows.
  • DeepBurner - Powerful CD and DVD burning package Tags: cd-burn iso-image software windows.
  • Brushed Mac theme Tags: series60 themes.
  • Arkitek theme Tags: series60 themes.

Grabbed from my links.


China Mieville: Fifty Fantasy & Science Fiction Works That Socialists Should Read. Via BoingBoing.

Nice to see Lucius Shepard’s Life During Wartime on this list.

Links for 2005-02-16

  • Reason: Neal Stephenson’s Past, Present, and Future: The author of the widely praised Baroque Cycle on science, markets, and post-9/11 America Tags: interview.
  • jwz - Hula Tags: devel hula open-source.
  • Publishing Quick Links in blosxom with via xmlstarlet - Archives - Blog - 0xDECAFBAD Blog Tags: bloxsom devel.
  • grab entries for inclusion in blosxom. Tags: bloxsom delicious devel.
  • XMLStarlet Command Line XML Toolkit: Overview I’ve been looking for this. Tags: command-line devel xml.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-14

  • Pattern Share design pattern repository. Tags: devel.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-13

  • Bill de hÓra: programmers’ block Tags: devel.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-12

  • Coding Horror: Gettin’ Greppy Wit It using PowerGREP on Windows. Tags: devel unix-tools windows.

Grabbed from my links.

Links for 2005-02-11

  • F Lock Key Info how to remap “extended” function keys on MS keyboards. Tags: hardware windows.
  • Swap Ctrl and CapsLock registry hacks to swap control and capslock keys on Windows. Tags: hardware windows.

Grabbed from my links.


Chris: WikiPad for Series 60. Must play with this.


ACM Queue: an interview with Alan Kay

If you look at software today, through the lens of the history of engineering, it’s certainly engineering of a sort—but it’s the kind of engineering that people without the concept of the arch did. Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves.


Slashdot: retinitis pigmentosa sufferers get solar chip implants.


Ryan: Coding tips from my brother Theoden. Via Ned.


Darla: Copying bookmarks from one phone to another.


Mike: SymbianOS 9.

Of course the network operators aren’t going to like it very much, and the existing manufacturers view it as a threat. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t the right direction long term. That doesn’t mean it’s not the best outcome for the end users. Everyone is thinking within the framework of the existing business models, and that’s pretty sad.


Ned: Get out of the zeros!. A phenomenon which I have often noticed.


Davezilla: IKEA is for lovers. Via Erik.


Chris: nordic brown. Stattined.


Hendry: Fsck you, SEOs.


Henning: Goodbye TrackBack, I barely knew thee.

Now this is just the latest symptom of an issue I’ve been wondering about for some time. When weblogging became the hip thing to do some years ago, we already had newsgroups, forums and guestbooks burried under truckloads of spam for viagra and animal porn. Even the worst web programming tutorials began with a two page indoctrination about how you should always assume that every user could be satan himself. And yet the way comments and trackbacks have been implemented up to the present day is just crying for abuse. “Not having learned from past mistakes” doesn’t come close to what has happened here.


Ken: The Earth Question. A new idea to me.


Things to say when you’re losing a technical argument. Via Ned. Fav:

52: Um, hello? We’re using VON NEUMANN MACHINES HERE.


Maciej: Postmodern Pancakes

Through the night, I kept waiting for the true blizzard to set in, the part where the air grows fat with flakes, and the wind whips the snow around so that you can’t even see across the street. But instead, the thin trickle kept on, piling up slowly on the street and on the cars parked along it. Sometime towards one in the morning, the accumulated weight of the snow started setting off car alarms, which wailed softly through the thick white blanket, shielded by the snow from any terminating signals from a faraway remote control, until at length the car batteries died, and all was peaceful and quiet.


Arrested for using lynx. Words fail me.


Disturbing Auctions. Once seen, not easily forgotten.


All About N-Gage: Snakes for N-Gage review. “If this is what Nokia can do when the N-Gage is dead, then I’m camping out in Valhalla and bluetoothing this to everyone I can find.”


Matt: Friends don’t let friends use MT.


Steve: Symbian viruses: a plea for sanity. Not that this will stop the hysteria…


Ewan: Symbian’s weakest link. That is so true.

~> Symbian fans defect and sell their souls to Microsoft. Death of Symbian predicted, film at 11.


Tarek: The Sun. We need more of this here.


Martin: Pizza Hut: on crack. Someone is due to be hit by the cluetrain.


Erik: Swedish blogger’s meetup. Hmm. Tempted? Not really.


Engadget: Death of N-gage predicted. Film at 11.


Jeff: Who needs talent when you have intensity?.


Anthony: Tagsurf forum. Tags are the new black.


Darla: Coffee filters work great for cleaning mobiles and glasses.


The Register: Lesbian drag queen confuse intrepid duo Curry+Winer. Hilarious. (via Mobitopia.)


Dilbert: “I need to upgrade my computer”. Classic.


Russ: Online Aggregators and Search Engines: Copyright Thieves?. Found, ironically, on Bloglines.


Dave: hot DC FM radio tip. For Matt.


Jenna Bush: Satanist. Figures.


Big baby. 16.7 lb is 7.6 kg. Heavy! (Via Boing Boing.)


Unofficial Blosxom User Group


Marathon trilogy released. Thanks, Bungie!