Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

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No to iTunes

I tried out iTunes (on Win32) today, as I’m interested in adaptive playlists (a thing I’ve been waiting for a long time) and tracking what I listen to when. But a number of things made me go back to Winamp.

  • No ogg support.

  • No “always-on-top” for the miniplayer.

  • Ctrl-M to switch sizes didn’t always work.

  • No obvious way to send a file to a remote host containing info on the song currently playing.

  • Totally random ordering of songs for some albums. Despite having id3 tags in order and track numbers in the filenames, the order was scrambled.

  • Totally confusing id3 integration — you have to choose the precise version from a dropdown containing +6 entries. Granted, this may be because the id3 seems totally fscked, but still…

On the plus side, clean interface, and kudos for being able to remove all mentions of the ITMS.

I think I can gather stats on playing habits with the same Winamp plugin I use to post “now playing” info. Adaptive playlists will have to wait a bit.