May 20, 2024

May meeting writeup

We met at the Phil pub before leaving in a ragged convoy for the "community flat" at Mark's Sefton Park hi-rise. It's a good space (PROs: kettle, board-room, quiet. CONs: no phone-line for internet access, not in the centre), and we're planning to host future meets there.

We discussed:

  • Gated communities and the myth of security.
  • Michael Moore
  • Software piracy
  • Kill Bill 2 (dissenting opinions. And what will they call the sequel?)
  • Wi-fi networks, and why TelCos should be running scared.
  • why ISPs don't just change your dialup settings but insist on taking over your PC to fill it with all kinds of horrible junk. (Topical example: Suzanne's incredible hanging BT installation CD).
  • Carl's OTA suite of tools to support sales of his Smartphone applications (and more... exciting stuff to write about in detail later)
  • single sign on with 3rd party cookies
  • and for the sucks rules ometer
    • Subversion rocks
    • XML Schema sucks
  • JFreeChart (Open Source Java charting library)
  • building an LJUG PC
In related news, Ian Moss contacted us to let us know that he has set up nJUG, a JUG for the North of UK. Sadly, as Ian mailed us the day before the meet, no-one could make it from nJUG, but we're looking forward to meeting them in the future (our next meet Wed 16th June).
Posted by osfameron at 12:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

May 19, 2024

May Meeting

This will be held at the "Community Flat" at Buckingham house. We will
  • Meet at Philharmonic Dining Rooms Liverpool 7:00-7:30
  • Leave in convoy for community flat 7:30-7:45
If you want to go to the flat directly, or you are meeting us for the first time please contact us (for example by leaving a message here or posting to the mailing list).

We'll hopefully do some planning on the "Free as in Beer" project, and maybe some real coding too! I'm suggesting we do a Code Kata, for example this one on Anagrams just to get warmed up. Let us know what you think!

Posted by osfameron at 07:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

April 21, 2024

April Meeting

Update 20 April: We will now meet at the Philharmonic Pub as usual between 7:00 and 7:30pm. We'll move onto the Community flat at ca. 7:45pm. Mark will send some details on how to get there for anyone that can't muster at the Phil pub first.
We'll meet this time in the salubrious surroundings of the "Community flat" at Buckingham house, at the North of Sefton Park.

As this will be quieter, we'll hopefully be able to sit around a few laptops and maybe even do some coding... (Of course, as it's not in a pub, you may want to bring your own beer.)

Mark will send details/address etc. to the list.

If you aren't on the mailing list and you'd like to come, then please get in touch!

Posted by osfameron at 07:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 23, 2024

March meeting writeup - in brief

  • Java tutorial day for beginners
  • UML and test first as diametrically opposed methodologies
  • SMS aggregation. (Yes, you can make money out of it, but the aggregators themselves will take something like a 50% cut)
  • SVN setup, TortoiseSVN
  • Various colds and ailments.
  • Wikis, Blikis, and why RSS is cool.
  • Carl showed us an SMS service which answers simple FAIBML queries. GSM modem, SIM, and the appropriate Java application server setup. Very cool.
  • We surfed the net from inside the Philharmonic - wireless service providers and their wierd and wonderful range of payment strategies.
  • St Patrick's day considered inappropriate as a date for JUG meetings in a pub.
  • Diagramming tools, collaborative editing thereof (e.g. like version control/diff but by node instead of line of text.)
  • Alternate meeting locations for next meeting.
We moved from the Phil to the Everyman Bistro, a different experience from the usual crisps/beer followed by late-night pizza. Mark is going to check the community flat at his block to see if it is free for next month. (Near Sefton park: rough consensus is that it shouldn't be a problem for anyone, but let us know!)
Posted by osfameron at 11:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 17, 2024

March meeting

The agenda will include
  • Discussion of FAIBML project use cases and structure
  • Opportunities to promote LiveJUG
  • Time: 7:30 pm
  • Venue: Phil pub, Liverpool
If you haven't been before, you might want to get in touch to make sure that we don't miss you!
Posted by osfameron at 07:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)