May 20, 2024

May meeting writeup

We met at the Phil pub before leaving in a ragged convoy for the "community flat" at Mark's Sefton Park hi-rise. It's a good space (PROs: kettle, board-room, quiet. CONs: no phone-line for internet access, not in the centre), and we're planning to host future meets there.

We discussed:

  • Gated communities and the myth of security.
  • Michael Moore
  • Software piracy
  • Kill Bill 2 (dissenting opinions. And what will they call the sequel?)
  • Wi-fi networks, and why TelCos should be running scared.
  • why ISPs don't just change your dialup settings but insist on taking over your PC to fill it with all kinds of horrible junk. (Topical example: Suzanne's incredible hanging BT installation CD).
  • Carl's OTA suite of tools to support sales of his Smartphone applications (and more... exciting stuff to write about in detail later)
  • single sign on with 3rd party cookies
  • and for the sucks rules ometer
    • Subversion rocks
    • XML Schema sucks
  • JFreeChart (Open Source Java charting library)
  • building an LJUG PC
In related news, Ian Moss contacted us to let us know that he has set up nJUG, a JUG for the North of UK. Sadly, as Ian mailed us the day before the meet, no-one could make it from nJUG, but we're looking forward to meeting them in the future (our next meet Wed 16th June).
Posted by osfameron at 12:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 19, 2024

May Meeting

This will be held at the "Community Flat" at Buckingham house. We will
  • Meet at Philharmonic Dining Rooms Liverpool 7:00-7:30
  • Leave in convoy for community flat 7:30-7:45
If you want to go to the flat directly, or you are meeting us for the first time please contact us (for example by leaving a message here or posting to the mailing list).

We'll hopefully do some planning on the "Free as in Beer" project, and maybe some real coding too! I'm suggesting we do a Code Kata, for example this one on Anagrams just to get warmed up. Let us know what you think!

Posted by osfameron at 07:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack