January 26, 2024

LJUG Members' projects

Starting (slowly) from now, we'll use the category "Members' Projects" to feature the work (both technical and non-technical) of our members in and outside Liverpool. So if you're a member in the UK NW area (or a virtual member!) and you've got an exciting software development, play in a band, or work as a volunteer fireman, let us know or leave a comment to this entry!
Posted by osfameron at 02:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

LJUG Project: call for proposals

As mentioned in the writeup for last meeting, we are proposing to do a software project as an activity for the JUG. A good project might:
  • have opportunities for newbies and experienced programmers
  • be useful or fun (or both)
  • not too small to be trivial ("Hello World")
  • ... and not too big to get bogged down (new Operating System)
  • have scope to work on a smartphone/PDA
  • have scope to have some sort of Database/Web backend (for example to share and collaborate)
(any more thoughts?) A successful and interesting project will be a nice way to raise our profile, develop our skills, and have a bit of fun at the same time. We can also tailor our next meetings (talks, workshops etc.) to specific areas of expertise needed for the project. Please feel free to send in a proposal: this could be
  • some sketchy ideas
  • an abandoned project with some documentation or skeleton code
  • a formal project brief
and do pass this on to anyone you think might be interested in getting involved in this sort of project. Depending on the speed of response, we might be able to decide on a project at our next meeting on Wed Feb 18th. Let us know what you think by commenting here, or posting to the discussion list.
Posted by osfameron at 08:50 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 23, 2024

January meeting writeup

At the Philharmonic Pub again (I recommend their current guest ale, Harviestoun's "Bitter & Twisted"). Alexander, Crazywarp Carl, Mark and I met in one of the snugs to talk about subjects such as
  • the Resin application server (highly rated)
  • Java One & conferences in general
  • Donnie Darko
  • the correct pronunciation of Mozilla
  • Mexico
  • Sony Ericsson's P900, and why BenQ has got it right for Java on phones
  • wireless networking
  • sneakily running a webserver from behind your domestic broadband connection using dyndns
  • outsourcing, call centres, accountancy, and McJobs
  • speed dating
  • Britney Spears
  • how to kill a Nokia phone with an SMS of death
  • Kilroy Silk
  • goats
  • serial killers
  • kebabs

The LJUG project

Over a magnificent dinner at Hardman Street's prestigious Pizza Company, we discussed the idea of a software project for the group, to give us focus and provide a way to get the experienced and beginner Java programmers among us working together on something.

This is a really exciting idea, and we're hoping to discuss it some more on the mailing list before choosing a project and getting on with it. Please join the list, or comment to this entry if you're interested.

Posted by osfameron at 08:10 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 21, 2024

January meeting

Happy new year all! The 3rd wednesday of the month algorithm predicts 21st January as our next meeting. The algorithm isn't (yet) sufficiently advanced to determine the venue, time, agenda, dress code, or sobriety of the meeting, so I will suggest, respectively:
  • Philharmonic Dining Rooms, Liverpool
  • meet 7-8pm open ended finish
  • social gathering, events for the year ahead, possible plans for world domination
  • informal
  • low
I'd like to grab a bite to eat at some point, we can pop into the Everyman, Magnet or another nearby eatery.
Posted by osfameron at 07:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 14, 2024

ONJava's review of 2003

ONJava's review of 2003
Posted by osfameron at 11:51 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack