This category contains capsule reviews of books I've read

Saturday, 2006-05-27

Three books

I finished three books this long weekend, capsule reviews follow.

  • The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe.

Apparently 2 novels, The Knight and The Wizard, I read this tome in trade paperback and got a sore back for my pains. Only thing wrong with this book, which is vintage Wolfe. Echoes of the Torturer series, this is in a classic fairytale setting with knights and princesses and elfs, but with a few twists. Our hero grows to be a man in a night, battles giants and dragons, dies and goes to Valhalla, returns to claim his queen. Great stuff.

  • The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks.

What it says on the tin. Worried about the plague of undead coming to eat your flesh? This book tells you what to do before, during, and after an outbreak of zombies in your neighborhood. Also contains tips for surviving the apocalypse of an Earth dominated by the living dead.

  • Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett.

Pratchett takes on the military and adds a twist to the “don’t ask, don’t tell” meme.