Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Sunday, 2006-04-30

Links for 2006-04-30

  • User Manual, users guide, operation instruction Tags: gadgets hardware manuals reference resource.

Grabbed from my links.

Thursday, 2006-04-27

Dead ultra5

My trusty Sun Ultra 5 workstation was due for a new OS (OpenBSD 3.8) and some new hardware. But when I started it up I got the following message on the serial console:

RED State Exception on CPU = 0000.0000.0000.0001

This is Bad News(tm) according to Google. So it’s time for the scrap heap for this old machine, and the search for cool hardware continues.

(BTW, if someone needs parts for their Ultra 5, drop me a line. Maybe we can work something out.)

Friday, 2006-04-21

POP into Gmail?

My old email provider is moving to a new platform and are disabling the mail forwarding feature that was in place earlier. This enabled me to just forward all emails sent to that address to my Gmail account and have everything in one place.

Now this is no longer possible. I suspect that the email forwarding feature was a problem for them as they couldn’t display ads in the webmail interface for the users that had that enabled. So I don’t think it’ll be back.

I can access these emails via POP, so this raises the question: how can I enable the “import” of these emails into Gmail via POP? Two possibilities present themselves:

  • use a POP client (like spit Outlook) and create a rule that simply forwards all received emails to my Gmail account

  • code a little script that grabs the emails via POP and sends them on, using cron for example to schedule it.

The second option is the most fun of course, but it would be cool if there already was something like this out there. Any ideas?

Thursday, 2006-04-20

Links for 2006-04-20

  • Coding Horror: Remote Desktop Tips and Tricks Tags: reference remotedesktop windows work.
  • Stevey’s Blog Rants: Software Needs Philosophers Tags: lisp programming rants read-later software.
  • Charlie’s Diary - Conjugate characters, not verbs Tags: charlesstross literature read-later writing.

Grabbed from my links.

Wednesday, 2006-04-19

Links for 2006-04-19

  • lisp is better than perl — saw this twice today. Tags: lisp perl programming rant usenet.
  • Cricket Explained (An American Viewpoint) — interesting from a Swedish standpoint too. Tags: cricket read-later sports.

Grabbed from my links.

Observations for 2006-04-19

Ed Felten:

In the real system, where the secret vectors have forty entries, not four, it takes a conspiracy of about forty devices, with known private vectors, to break HDCP completely. But that is eminently doable, and it’s only a matter of time before someone does it.


Also, more on HDCP at Wikipedia.


Tuesday, 2006-04-18

Links for 2006-04-18

  • Unison for Windows important notes — reference. Tags: gtk howto install unison windows.

Grabbed from my links.

Thursday, 2006-04-13

Blosxom: hiding category and archive pages from search engines

I’ve long been concerned that people finding my weblog via Google or other search engines get directed to my archive or category pages (like instead of the individual entries. A whole year’s postings may contain enough terms to lead people to it, even though the individual posts don’t.

This is annoying for users and wastes bandwidth. I didn’t know how to fix it until I found this article by Fazad Majil. It described my problem exactly and recommended putting the following meta tags in the <head> of the relevant pages:

<meta name="robots"
 content="noarchive,noindex,follow,nocache" />

This will allow the pages to be followed but not indexed or cached.

The problem was how to distinguish chronological archive and category pages from the main page or story pages. The solution was Barijaona Ramaholimihaso’s pagetype plugin. This gives you a variable you can check against with interpolate_fancy.

My head.html template now contains the following code:

<?$pagetype::pagetype like="(category|chrono)">
  <meta name="robots" content="noarchive,noindex,follow,nocache" />

I haven’t noticed a significant slowdown in traffic to the affected pages, but that will take some time.

Next up is getting “Previous” and “Next” links up to each story. Barijaona has a plugin for that too, prevnextstory, but I haven’t had time to implement it yet.

Wednesday, 2006-04-12

Off for Easter

We’re leaving for Halland tomorrow to visit my parents over Easter. I’m looking forward to it, Spring is always a bit further along down South, and my sister + boyfriend will be there too.

Here’s hoping I get everything fixed tomorrow. Luckily I got the day off (in exchange for working a full day on another “half-day” later this year) so I should have enough time for last-minute laundry, dropping off the cats at my sister-in-law’s, packing etc.

Links for 2006-04-12

  • MVC: No Silver Bullet — is the MVC model the be-all and end-all of web apps?. Tags: application criticism design mvc programming web.
  • Argentina On Two Steaks A Day Tags: argentina food maciej read-later travel.
  • American Scientist Online - Gauss’s Day of Reckoning — shouldn’t that be “Gauss’”?. Tags: gauss history math people science.
  • THE FIFTY-NINE-STORY CRISIS, The New Yorker, 5/29/95, pp 45-53 — swaying buildings. Tags: architecture engineering essay nyc.
  • Relativity in the Global Positioning System — cool stuff, some of which I actually grok. Tags: gps physics positioning read-later relativity.

Grabbed from my links.

Monday, 2006-04-10

Links for 2006-04-10

  • How to show respect for your readers — good tips here, especially about web indexers. Tags: blog crawlers howto meta-tags.
  • Three plugins for blosxom users… : TZ=Indian/Antananarivo — 2 plugins I can use. Tags: bloxsom plugins.

Grabbed from my links.

Observations for 2006-04-10

Joe Weisenthal:

Unlike Microsoft, which faces competition from Linux, the music industry has a captive audience — what else would teenagers do for entertainment, read books?  

Sunday, 2006-04-09

Links for 2006-04-09

  • James Bach’s Blog: No Best Practices — devel notes. Tags: devel java management programming rant read-later software testing work.
  • The New Yorker: The Iran Plans — the Bush administration is mental if they imagine this would be a good idea. Tags: bush iran military nuclear plans politics read-later war.
  • DDJ > Podcasts — More geeky podcasts. Tags: DDJ audio devel podcast programming.
  • Open Letter to D-Link about their NTP vandalism — D-Link are idiots, I’ve got another reason not to choose their products now. Tags: abuse clueless ddos dlink hardware ntp time.

Grabbed from my links.

Friday, 2006-04-07

Links for 2006-04-07

  • Land of Fire Tags: argentina blog maciej read-later travel.
  • A tour of Chongqing Tags: blog maciej read-later travel.
  • Emacs font joy — Anti-aliased fonts in Emacs. Tags: emacs fonts howtor linux software xft.
  • Gnome - HOWTO: Install GNU Emacs with antialiasing - Page 3 - Ubuntu Forums — more on anti-aliased fonts in emacs. Tags: emacs fonts howto linux.

Grabbed from my links.

Thursday, 2006-04-06

Links for 2006-04-06

  • The New Yorker: Inside Muzak — interesting article about the infamous company. Tags: audio corporate marketing music.
  • Dark Miracle — a visit to the Trinity site. Tags: atomic-bomb journalism nuclear travelogue trinity.
  • Stupid Comics Tags: comics culture humour media retro.

Grabbed from my links.


Light activity on the blogging front. I’ve been busy as a bee at work (tired, but it’s a good tired). Spring is in the air, and things are looking up at a few places. Some other things just stay the same, but life is about dealing with that situation.

Something that grabbed my attention was a mention in The Economist about Hottxt, which is basically SMS over data. I’ve long wondered when mobile IM will cut into the fat revenue stream that is SMS, but I didn’t see this coming. It makes a whole lot of sense, especially if the receiver of the text doesn’t have to be part of the service.

Wednesday, 2006-04-05

Links for 2006-04-05

  • Terje Sørgjerd — Terje has a blog!. Tags: blog mobitopians photography terje.
  • Edge: THE MAKING OF A PHYSCIST: A TALK WITH MURRAY GELL-MANN — very interesting. Tags: feynman gell-mann interview physics.
  • Digital View Camera — extreme photo nerdery. Tags: digital-photography linhof phase-one photography rodenstock view-camera.

Grabbed from my links.

Monday, 2006-04-03

Links for 2006-04-03

  • OTRS::Email Management::Trouble Ticket System — sounds interesting. Tags: application email linux mysql open-source perl ticket tracking web work.

Grabbed from my links.

Sunday, 2006-04-02

Links for 2006-04-01

  • The Sharp Side: ‘WHAT HAPPENED NEXT’ — Ellis Sharp on the background to Spielberg’s Munich. Tags: history hostage israel movies munich olympics palestine terrorism.

Grabbed from my links.