Mobile blogging for the oldtimers

Dave Winer is covering the Democratic National Convention in Boston, along with some other accredited bloggers. Good for him.

This post confuses me, however. I'm in Europe, and if I was covering this kind of stuff and could afford the GPRS charges, I'd get a laptop and a mobile to use as a mobile. Any half-competent phone manufactured in the last 5 years can do this. Of course, you have to dick around with cables, infrared, or Bluetooth, but it's definitely doable.

Some bloggers say they're the new journalists. I'd love to see a journalist say: "I can't cover that, there's no Wi-Fi there."

Away to Arvika

Tomorrow I'm going to the Arvika festival with Hanna and her friend.

It's my first rock festival, and while I'm going primarily as a chaperone, I think it'll be fun.

I'll see if I find anything interesting enough to moblog about.