February 28, 2024

Forum Nokia Switched On

Forum Nokia are getting everyone to re-register (or they just want everyone to do their nice survey), so away I go to plough through it and come to the choice of development languages. Someone over there is switched on enough to make sure OPL is there! You know if Carlsberg...

OPL & Java Comparison?

Wireless Watch (via The Register) has an interesting quote in an article based around IBM's Request for Java to be Open Sourced... But even with these various changes, it remains difficult to get changes implemented through the Java Community Panel and the process has not encouraged the rapid accumulation of...

February 27, 2024

Eilidh is 19 Months Old Today

From Vikki: Another month closer to being two! And by the time she is, she'll be a big sister too. She's coming out with new words every day - yesterday she put a necklace on and shouted "awwww pretty!" and this morning I was filling the basin with cold water...

February 26, 2024

Bill Hicks Met His Flying Saucer

Quote For The Day
Ten years ago: Bush invaded Iraq, the western world is being subjugated by governments doing their best to keep their population unaware, sanitised comedy rules the media, Jay Leno sold his soul, Non-smokers were dying every day, ... The only thing that's changed is Bill isn't here to tell us...

Being Evil On The Tube

Viral marketing is alive and well on the Victoria Line! I've still got a numbr of the 16mb MMC Demo disks from ETech, which have Vexed and SameGame preinstalled on the (along with the OPL runtime), and I've taken to handing them out to complete strangers. So if you're on...

February 25, 2024

ConConUk - Shall We Try Again?

Personal Thoughts and Messages
So, after the success that was ConConUK, there was enough enthusiasm and enjoyment in the room to float the idea of doing a day long event, almost like a mini-etech. Given the Wiki organisation worked so well for ConConUK, I've set up some Wiki Pages for ConConUK 2 (and the...

February 24, 2024

ConConUK Report

O'Reilly Etech Conference
ConConUK Rocked! Okay I paraphrased Danny O'Brien there, but his contribution to ConConUK shouldn't be ignored. He's blogged the origins of ConConUSA (but as usual, they drop the USA as we'll naturally assume the world defaults to America), and thanks to that, and everyone moaning "why don't we have something...

ConConUK Is Over

O'Reilly Etech Conference
...and it seemed to have gone quite well. More later, like after I sleep....

February 23, 2024

OPL now available for UIQ - P800, P900, et al

It's here! Head on over to the OPL Diary for more details!...

My Lap needs Topped

Personal Thoughts and Messages
OPL for UIQ might be here, but I'm finding it a bit difficult to play along with. The catch is our PC at home. It's taken a bit of twekaing to run the Series 60 OPL, and as I have 4 or 5 apps in various stages over OPL, there's...

February 20, 2024

NTK Plugs ConCon UK

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Just like they promised last week NTK plugs ConConUK... We have no idea how this happened, but it does appear to be happening. After an engagingly shambolic West Coast debut, ETCon catchup CONCON comes to the UK this Monday evening, at the Dover Castle pub in Weymouth Mews, London W1....

Lots of Balls In The Air

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Slight delay in getting some more Etech reports up - from picking up the poisioned chalice of organising ConConUK (big thumbs up to Danny O'Brien for some helpful "here's how I attempted to cock up ConConUSA and failed" email todo.txt files), through getting some (lots!) of code checked out for...

February 19, 2024

Speaking In Sentences

From Vikki: Eilidh said her first "sentence" this morning... "Bye bye daddy" as Ewan was heading out to work (I lost count of how many times she said bye bye, she must have been saying it and waving for about a minute and a few times she said "bye bye...

February 18, 2024

ConConUK Ready To Rock

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Missed Etech? Want to find out what happened? Then ConConUK is for you (if you're in London). Monday 23rd Feb at the Dover Castle (yes, the same places as the All About Symbian meets) for around 6.30pm. Someone had to make a decision on where to go, and I was...

February 17, 2024

O'Reilly - Highlights (Part the Second)

O'Reilly Etech Conference
After having a look at the main Etech highlights, some of the talks and presentations have left me with a lot to think about. So let's look at some of the more specific topics that caught my eye...

February 16, 2024

O'Reilly - Highlights (Part the First)

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Right, back in blighty, wondering why everyone makes a fuss over jet lag (more on that later this week). There's a lot to take in from the Emerging Technology and my brain has switched from Absorb to Digest mode. So here we go....

Blog By Lat and Long and Location

Quote For The Day
Go Russ! Wave Market finally announce the reason they locked Russ in a cupboard for weeks and hosed him down with coffee....

February 15, 2024

The Slide

O'Reilly Etech Conference
The Slide... Nokia know how to make a Powerpoint presentation memorable, but maybe not for all the right reasons. IRC Back Chat can be a cruel battleground for the artistic......
Read "The Slide" | Posted by Ewan at 11:40 AM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2024

O'Reilly Diary - Too Orangey For Crows

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Horror of horrors. Crow has made the flight to San Diego to join me. Isn't that so cute? Here he is on the Veranda catching some rays and getting a tan. Everyone loves him (Follow through for the pictures)....

February 11, 2024

O'Reilly - The IRC Funky Weirdness

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Every conference you go to, you take away something from it, make lots of friends, and have one over-riding image. eTech is no different for me. So let's talk about that over-riding image. Walking into the lounge downstairs and witnessing thirty people having a conversation in such noisy conditions that...

February 09, 2024

O'Reilly Diary - Sunday

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Diary entries continue - here's Sunday. A day of basically walking around, finding things, and meeting a few folk....

February 07, 2024

O'Reilly Diary - Saturday

O'Reilly Etech Conference
So, here's the first of seven days worth of entries from my time at the O'Reilly Emerging Tech Conference. Today... travelling to the USA....

February 06, 2024

Off To San Diego

O'Reilly Etech Conference
Just getting everything together to go to O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference. San Diego bound tomorrow at 5.30 am from the house. There's an obscene amount of mobile phone tech coming with me to demo OPL on 3 (4?) platforms and over various devices. Plus the massive OPL giveaways of Vexed,...

February 05, 2024

Same Game Updated to v1.10

THose of you watching my other sites will have spotted that I've updated my Series 60 puzzler "Same Game." The main update is we now have an OPL Menu in place, and I've added in a choice so you can select 3, 4 or 5 colours of ball. 4 gives...