February 27, 2024

Eilidh is 19 Months Old Today

From Vikki:
Another month closer to being two! And by the time she is, she'll be a big sister too. She's coming out with new words every day - yesterday she put a necklace on and shouted "awwww pretty!" and this morning I was filling the basin with cold water to soak her pyjamas (see the orange juice pictures!) and she had her hand in it and kept saying "cold". She's got about 40 words now, and is starting on the two-word sentences. She's also very in to playdoh, so we're off out today to get some toy baking things like shape cutters and a rolling pin.

The next batch of pictures are here.

Anyway, time to go and get organised for the shops - takes a long time just now because Eilidh keeps running away when I'm trying to dress her, and my back and hips are too sore most of the time to go chasing after her! Persuasion isn't working very well, so it has to be bribery :) (though mostly promises of going to the shops or the park, which at the moment is working fairly well!!)

Posted by Ewan at February 27, 2024 11:20 AM
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