January 30, 2024

Jim Hacker

Quote For The Day
"I don't want a leak enquiry, I want to find out who did it."...
Read "Jim Hacker" | Posted by Ewan at 07:28 AM | Comments (0)

January 28, 2024

Rikki Fulton Dies

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Rikki Fulton Dies. Can't say any more on the subject, I suspect most of Scotland is waking up and realising we've lost a legend....

January 27, 2024

Contracturally Obligated Laugh at Orkut

Personal Thoughts and Messages
He-heh. Eveyone gets to work on Monday morning, finds out htey've been asked to join Orkut, they join, and the server falls over. Plus all the holes, mass mailing bugs, and the fact that nobody in the UK can post images to the gallery because of copyright reasons... well... Orkut...

January 25, 2024

Contractually Obligated Orkut Mention

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Yes I'm there as well, just like the 6% of the world connected to the Internet. And, just like everyone else, here's my "huh?" moment. I dived into the gallery to put up a few pictures of Eilidh, Vikki and myself to find this phrase right below the upload button:...

January 24, 2024

Headlines That Make Me Stop

Personal Thoughts and Messages
"Water Found on Mars" So went the Evening Standard on the Tube on the way home from work last night. And that'a a pretty momentous announcement (assuming the ESA are 100% sure of the readings). So much better than somehting politial or an announcement of another tube strike. Water on...

January 16, 2024

Round San Diego With A Fridge

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Oh boy. I'm sitting at work reading Tony Hawk's "Beating The Moldovans at Tennis," where he makes a strange bet that he can beat the Moldovan National Football Team at Tennis (individually), and one of the Engineers mentions that "you were looking for somoething to do in San Diego, what...

Shaun of the Dead Trailer Released

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Dire Straits? Yeah! Go and watch this and come back. This will be the movie of the year. Direct Link To Shaun of the Dead Trailer....

JIm's First N-Gage Review

Pocket Computers and Phones
Congrats to Jim on his first N-Gage Review over at All About N-Gage. Rayman 3 is pretty good, so scoot on over to have a read....

January 15, 2024

Christmas Pictures

Vikki Writes... I've finally got around to sorting through all the pictures and updating Eilidh's website. Unfortunately, a lot of the pictures haven't come out at all well, so there's quite a lot missing. There have been a lot of pictures taken on other people's cameras though, so hopefully I'll...

January 06, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen, It's The Muppet Show!

Personal Thoughts and Messages
I had my eye on this box set before Christmas, and thanks to a little bot of Christmas Money, and HMV dropping the price to £25 I was able to pick it up. It's 28 episodes of The Muppet Show. Just look at this list: Roger Moore, Lynda Carter, Christopher...