August 26, 2003

Welcome to the world of MAME

MAME Cabinet
Fancy an entire Arcade at Home? I did, so here's the first of many discussions regarding our MAME Cabinet.

August 20, 2003

Mitch Benn and the Distractions

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Are you in Edinburgh just now? Do you need yet another recommendation to go to a festival show? Then this is it. Go and see Mitch Benn at Teviot / Gilded Balloon. And tell him I sent you. It's been too many festivals since I've been able to see...

August 19, 2003

What Learning Curve?

Pocket Computers and Phones
Remember the days when games were real games, and a hard skill level was a really hard skill level?

August 18, 2003

The White Strikes

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Seven Nation Army was a damm good tune, and a completely freaky video. For a long time I believed the White Stripes were actually a pretty good rock band. Until this weekend, when I saw their second single on Kerrang. It's an incredibly bad cover of the Dusty Springfield Power...

August 15, 2003

Links for the Weekend?

Personal Thoughts and Messages
A few random things from lists and emails to keep you entertained this weekend (and so I have somewher central to find them)....

August 13, 2003

Eilidh's a Leo - Does it show?

Normally I don't pay a lot of attention to star signs, but this one from the regular Baby Centre bulletin that Vikki gets caught my eye......

I'm a B-List Star!

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Jim Hughes thinks I'm worthy of his B-List.

August 12, 2003

MMS Saves Lifes in Fife.

Emergency Services in Fife are testing MMS and Camera Phones to communicate with A and E.

August 11, 2003

100% A Grade Passes

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Why don;t we use Bell Curve Markin in school exams?

August 08, 2003

Getting Around London

Personal Thoughts and Messages
My hints on what to do when the London Underground breaks down.

August 07, 2003

Starting Your Own Blog on Symbian Diaries

Pocket Computers and Phones
Powered by Symbian Diaries? Here's how to get started on your own Diary/Blog (Reprint from Your Symbian issue 11)

Hey Mickey, You're So Fine...

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Can anyone explain why I've got the song "Cuddly Toy" by Roachford going around my head this morning? I don't remember it being on the radio in ages....

August 05, 2003

The New Season Starts

The Blue Brazil
August 2nd saw the first Cowdenbeath FC game in the current campaign. The Challenge Cup first round was on Saturday. Yet again we were drawn against Ross County, and yet again we're eliminated in the first round. You can follow the trials of The Blue Brazil at Brian Fraser's excellent...

Quick Eilidh Update

Some new pictures are up on Eilidh's Website

August 04, 2003

What Is It With Carrott?

Personal Thoughts and Messages
He's like comfort comedy, so why is Jasper Carrott one of the few TV Stand Ups we have in the UK?

Finbar's back!

Personal Thoughts and Messages
Arf, arf, arf!