August 20, 2003

Mitch Benn and the Distractions

Are you in Edinburgh just now? Do you need yet another recommendation to go to a festival show? Then this is it. Go and see Mitch Benn at Teviot / Gilded Balloon. And tell him I sent you. It's been too many festivals since I've been able to see Mitch, so the next best thing is send everyone to him and get you to leave comments here to make Vikki and I jealous.

So go and see him, his new band, buy the CD, get him a Polar Bear, ask if it's really him off the Radio, etc, etc, etc.

There's also a perverse delight in knowing he's having to play Teviot Union of all places. Urgh. CSH forever!

Posted by Ewan at August 20, 2003 07:30 AM
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