August 13, 2003

Eilidh's a Leo - Does it show?

Normally I don't pay a lot of attention to star signs, but this one from the regular Baby Centre bulletin that Vikki gets caught my eye...

This child is not afraid to be himself and loves to show others how good she is. Her sheer vitality makes her the eternal performer who thrives in the spotlight. Energetic and generous, with a deep need for recognition, her creative skills are there to be released into the world Leo is a loyal friend and champion - whatever she does she does wholeheartedly.

Anyone who's been around Eilidh the last few weeks is probably nodding their head in recognition. And for thsoe who met her at the joint All About Symbian / Mobitopia pub meet last night, that's her in a nutshell

Posted by Ewan at August 13, 2003 08:00 AM
That's my girl :) Posted by: Jadeviper on August 15, 2003 08:48 PM
Congratulations, you've got a very beautiful daughter.. hope she grows up to be like you both... Take care of your selves, Pete Posted by: Lager Rag on September 8, 2003 10:24 PM
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