August 04, 2003

What Is It With Carrott?

Settled down to watch another episode of Will And Grace last night, but thanks to NTL not working, we couldn't get Channel 4. So to have something on in the background (while we helped the living room recover from Eilidh) we ended up watching Jasper Carrott doing what he docs best - an empty stage, in front of an audience, and an hour on the BBC.

And it was side splittingly funny. It takes Jasper around 10 minutes to get into his stride in these shows, either that or it takes the audience/viewer 10 minutes to relax enough to follow his train of thought. Let's have more Jasper Carrot... dammit let's have more Stand Up on TV!

The only other comedy on the Council TV Channels is ITV's "The Sketch Show." And while it's great, it just doesn't get over how funny Stand Up can be. There are acts out there who can have me in stiches (Mitch Benn springs to mind), but they're shunted into the realms of Radio 4, while delights such as "My Hero" fill the schedules with bland formula 'fun?'

There is a god in this world, and he's a Radio 4 at 6.30pm and BBC Digital Radio. That' where you'll find the real comedy genius of the UK.

Posted by Ewan at August 4, 2003 12:15 PM
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