Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Monday, 2005-08-22

Screen quickstart

This is quick basic intro to GNU Screen.

If you haven’t installed screen, do so. It rocks.

Starting up

Start screen. You’ll get a splash screen. Hit space to make it go away.

Depending on your flavour of *nix, you’ll get between 1 and n screens. First one is numbered 0. Try to switch to screen 1: Ctrl-a 1. If you get a message, create screen 1 with Ctrl-a c (create). Now you can switch back and forth between 0 and 1 with Ctrl-a 0 and Ctrl-a 1.

Want a “real” Ctrl-a? (If you’re in Emacs, you do.) Type Ctrl-a a.


Start an editor in one screen, load a file and start editing. Detach with Ctrl-a d (detach). Logout of the shell, then login again. Attach to the screen: screen -r (reattach). You should be back where you left. Continue editing.


Screen is perfect for flaky connections, you’ll be back where you left off even if you get a hangup.

You can use screen -r -d to cleanly reattach from another session.

If you want a bunch of screens at startup, edit your ~/.screenrc. Mine looks like this:

shell -$SHELL
screen -t SHELL0  0
screen -t ROOT    1
screen -t SHELL2  2
screen -t SHELL3  3
screen -t SHELL4  4
screen -t SHELL5  5

The first line starts the current $SHELL in login mode. The others set up six windows and gives them titles.

Type man screen for more info.

Happy screening!

Update: here’s a more full-featured tutorial. (Via NTK.)

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