Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Thursday, 2005-08-11

Personal project blues

Russ talks about personal devel projects and the need to find time to do them.

I’m in a similar situation. I really need to do more development in my spare time, if only because it’s fun. I also need to learn more programming (especially in the Java space) for professional reasons. The hard part is finding the time to do it.

I have plenty of excuses, first and foremost being three kids from the ages of three to fifteen, and a house built in the 20s, renovated in the 40s and extended in the 60s. I should also be doing some sort of exercise before my belly becomes too noticable.

Maybe moving to Windows at home was a mistake. It’s too easy just to futz around on Windows, to do work you need a Unix laptop with a basic window manager and an instance of Emacs.

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