Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Sunday, 2024-10-03

Debian revisited

I need some way to backup the ailing windows box upstairs, whihc is suffering from an advanced form of WinXP palsy. So I grabbed an old 266Mhz box from the closet, installed a bigger disk, downloaded the sarge iso via Bittorrent and installed Debian for the first time in 2 years.

I’m using OpenBSD for the most part these days, but I couldn’t be bothered to find diskettes and boot from them, then install via the network. So I went the easy route and installed Linux instead.

Debian is still hard to understand. In some ways it’s more limited than OpenBSD — you can’t say that your box will get its network configurations from DHCP if you’re not hooked up to a network already, and the partition program is hard to fathom. The replacement for the infamous dselect, aptitude, is really just more of the same, but a bit less counter-intuitive.

But in general, I know my way around Debian well enough to get going. Now I have to decide whether just to copy everything in the “Documents and Settings” subdirectories over via FTP, or to trust the Migration wizard in Windows.

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