Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Saturday, 2005-01-15

Changing machines

Arghh!! Engineering a hardware upgrade suddenly doesn’t seem worth it when you have to contend with re-installing every little damn piece of software that’s needed to make Windows bearable.

My gnus can’t display HTML mail anymore, and trying to fix that leads to installing lots of little packages from cygwin just to compile a program that dumps core.

The Oracle client is the install program from Hell.

The new monitor can only do 85 Hz @ 1200x1024, but then you get weird moving Moiré patterns all over the screen. Higher resolutions don’t have this, but then you only get 75 Hz.

Firefox will export bookmarks, but not the ones in your toolbar — which are all the ones containing the weird internal application URLs that no-one can remember.

Update: all of the four monitors we bought have the same defect. As I generously traded in my previous monitor to a co-worker who was suffering under a execrable Dell 17” “short-neck” (read as “shit-neck”) I now have to put up with an older 17” Dell monitor which is much worse than my previous one.

Also, re-packing monitors suck. They are heavy and hard to fit into the boxes again.

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