Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Wednesday, 2024-11-24

Biting the bullet

Despite the misgivings detailed here I bit the bullet and upgraded from 3.4 to 3.6. I followed the instructions in the upgrade minifaq and added the new users for the privsep services in each step (3.4 to 3.5, 3.5 to 3.6)

I’m a bit vague on how NTP is implemented now, but the machine is simply a terminal and having the correct time is not essential.

The installing and upgrading docs on have much more emphasis on using packages (i.e. pre-compiled binaries) instead of ports (basically, a make skeleton for installing an app from source) than before. This is interesting, as I recently ran across this amusing page lambasting those clueless lusers who insist that compiling everything from source is the be all and end all if Un*x computing. I felt a bit stung by this page, because in the past I have enjoyed cding to /usr/ports and compiling from source. It’s been painfully slow on occasions, but it’s felt more real.

My guess is that the OpenBSD community, in its usual level-headed, no-nonsense way, realised that the docs were leading people astray and simply said “use the packages” more clearly. So from now on, I will.

Next up is the Ultra5, which needs a serial cable. Someone at work borrowed it a while back and now it’s gone, so I have to dig up another one in meatspace. Sigh.

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