Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

This category contains posts about computing, programming, and development

Saturday, 2005-01-15

Scooped again

Believe it or not, but this post describes my own thoughts a couple of weeks ago.

Basically, it argues that plentiful and cheap bandwidth will make ASP for consumers more and more attractive.

My take on this is that instead of bandwidth providers becoming pure ASPs (i.e., only providing a thin client and access to remote applications hosted at the provider), you could rent a full-featured PC that would be pre-configured with the neccessary applications (anti-virus, firewall, backup) and that would be remotely managed by the provider.

Users that wanted to go their own way would be free to do so, but if a majority of users used managed resources putbreaks of viruses and worm would be easier to spot and have a harder time to propagate.

The flaw in this argument is that such a solution would be Microsoft-based, and I doubt that there’s a cost-effective way to remotely manage thousands of PCs and still make a profit.

Update: this /. comment elaborates further.

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