The occasional scrivener

Being the thoughts and writings of one Gustaf Erikson; father, homeowner, technologist.

Wednesday, 2024-06-30

Holland out

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Portugal -- Czech Republic in the final, that's my bet. Greece has played well, but the Czechs will win.

Moved (again)

Welcome to my new weblog!

I've given Movable Type a try, and as I've recounted here and here, it's been a mixed experience.

MT is a very polished product. But I'm a command-line kind of guy, and web applications really don't appeal to me. Give me an ssh connection and a remote server anyday. Blosxom is a better match for my style of work.

I have a TODO list up, and will be working on this when I have time from renovating my house. Watch this space.

About the "huset" category

This category has been created to keep a diary over the work we're doing on the house and garden this summer. I've also added a subcategory for the colours used inside the house.

I'm writing it in Swedish, as it's more a personal memory for me and my family, and also a resource for friends. That's why I've excluded it from the main page display, although it's visible in the category tree.

Anyone who doesn't read Swedish and has a burning wish to know more about how I've renovated our bedroom can drop me a line, and I'll provide a translation.

Text mode RSS reader

I've been looking for a textmode syndication aggregator for a while. I tried Raggle but it just core dumped on my platform. Rawdog seems promising, but just didn't seem to fit my needs.

I came upon Snownews via Rootprompt and so far it looks promising. No native support for atom feeds but that's (supposedly) handled by extensions.

So now I can read my feeds from within screen, as Ghod intended.

Update: I've since installed rawdog and must say it's a very good piece of software. Have a look at my feed here.

Copyright © 2024 Gustaf Erikson
Original design by Michael Merritt for OSWD
Powered by Blosxom