March 07, 2024

Event Core for UIQ OPL Released

Ewan Spence and FreEPOC have released Event Core for UIQ OPL. Event Core is a program that does absolutely nothing! It's strength lies in the fact that packed in the zip file is the OPL source code that illustrates how everything works.To go with the new UIQ Release of OPL, we've updated Event Core to run on the UIQ Platform. Is there anything to stop you coding your own apps now?

Posted by Ewan at 06:00 AM | Comments (0)

December 09, 2003

Event Core - A Building Block for OPL

Ewan Spence and FreEPOC have released Event Core for Series 60 OPL. This is an application (with source code supplied) that does nothing. But it does show how to use menus, key inputs, react to events, save changes between instances of the program running, and so on. It's a great place to start learning OPL after your first Hello World application. A version for the Nokia Communicator is available from the same page.

Posted by Ewan at 03:00 PM | Comments (1)

December 04, 2003

OPL Command List Now Available Online

The OPL Wiki now has all the standard OPL Commands and their syntax online. The OPL Commands List is probably one of the key documents for OPL, so a big thank you to Rafe Blandford, Martin Harnevie, Martin Dehler, Matt Croydon and Ewan Spence for getting this in place as quickly as they have.

One advantage to the Wiki is you can post your own comments (or even edit a page online if you spot a glaring error!) If you have code snippets and examples of OPL Commands, feel free to add them to the relevant command to help other OPL Users.

Posted by Ewan at 12:00 PM | Comments (0)

November 05, 2003

OPL Wiki Online

Thanks to some sterling work by Rafe Blandford of All About Symbian, the OPL Wiki is now up and running.

A Wiki is a database running through a normal web browser that allows anyone who registers, to edit and add content. The next few weeks will see the OPL team (and some new volunteers to the team) populate the Wiki with documentation, and an up to date list of commands and their syntax. Hopefully there should be more than enough documentation there when the PC Developers Suite and Series 60 Launcher app are given a pubic launch.

Posted by Ewan at 03:40 PM | Comments (0)

April 28, 2003

Series 60 Runtime (v0.2) Notes

This runtime is an alpha version, and although fully functional and stable, a few features you may be familiar with will only be included in a later release. For programmers who want to get started, here are some techniques you can use in your OPL application.

Continue reading "Series 60 Runtime (v0.2) Notes"
Posted by Ewan at 06:00 PM | Comments (4)

Coding OPL for the Series 60

The OPL Runtime (build 0.20) has been released. Here we look at what tools are available to get your OPL programs running on a Series 60 device.

Continue reading "Coding OPL for the Series 60"
Posted by Ewan at 06:00 PM | Comments (1)

April 14, 2003

Installing the OPL runtime to the 92x0.

For some it can't have escaped their attention that we have a link on the front page to download the OPL runtime for the 92x0. By now many people are feeling that they are missing out already on the experiences others are having by being able to run OPL applications, so heres a how to install, for those who need it.

Continue reading "Installing the OPL runtime to the 92x0."
Posted by Switchblade at 12:21 PM | Comments (5)