April 28, 2003

Series 60 Runtime (v0.2) Notes

This runtime is an alpha version, and although fully functional and stable, a few features you may be familiar with will only be included in a later release. For programmers who want to get started, here are some techniques you can use in your OPL application.

Those little pop up boxes which contain a few words (such as "Press Any Key To Continue"), which were so informative on previous OPL apps, are being re-worked. This is due (in part) to the fact that the Series 60 interface doesn't have a direct equivalent to giPrint in the same way that the 9200 and UIQ interfaces have.

Series 60 does have the progress bar and pop up warning boxes that will be used by the runtime in place of giPRINT. Or the runtime could just put a similar function back in and ignore the Nokia Style Guide. Opinions on this would be welcome.

For the moment, it is probably best to ignore any giPRINT feedback, or create your own giPRINT style procedure that will display the text for a few seconds, and close the window.

Asynchronus Events
This has caused a few hiccups on the recent ports of OPL, firstly for the 9200 Communicator and now for the Series 60. The opl-dev project are aware of the problem and are in the process of finding a solution. Try to avoid any synchronous calls for the moment.

Menus and Dialogs
While all keys on Series 60 can be recognized, accessing a menu function is first on the list for the next major build of the runtime

As with any application, you should make sure your controls are intuitive. One solution may be some small icons selected by a cursor control (Vexed uses this method). The soft keys themselves can be read as any other key, so you could put in direct commands on the buttons (eg exit) and have the command text printed above them.

In other words, be innovative, and remember any apps might need a slight rework when new functionallity is added to a runtime anyway.

Packaging as an Application
APP... ENDA, the command that would allow an application to be built so it appears on the system screen is not recognised by the system. You will need to launch your compiled .opo file from a File Manager application (such as Domi Hugo's FExplorer).

It is possible to create a small 'wrapper' application in C++ that will launch the .opo, so the end-user simply sees the app launched from the system screen, but this needs to be written on a per app basis (ask nicely and we'll get a tame C++ bod to build it for your release).

Web Links
FExplorer, by Domi Hugo.

Posted by Ewan at April 28, 2003 06:00 PM
Or even better, why dont you post the Source Code of any wrapper application for people to modify themsleves instead of bugging you everythime someone want to release an application? :D Thanx Posted by: MaleBuffy on May 5, 2003 05:21 AM
Fair point - Originally we were hoping that we could get APP-ENDA working inside OPL so this wouldn't be needed, but it now appears (for the short to medium term) that this is going to be needed. Rick, I think this is going to have to go on the CVS at SourceForge Posted by: Ewan on May 5, 2003 01:50 PM
>>>For the moment, it is probably best to ignore any giPRINT feedback, or create your own giPRINT style procedure that will display the text for a few seconds, and close the window.<<< But to do this properly you will need asynchronous event handling, otherwise the application will have to wait until the window is closed. I'd prefer a UIQ version, even on Series 60. Posted by: Martin Harnevie on May 13, 2003 03:38 PM
Your are not the only one. Posted by: whois on August 23, 2003 03:58 AM
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