April 30, 2003

Rick's Dev Expo Thoughts (Day 1)

Another long day. Went to Symbian Exposium 03, where I was surprised with the amount of interest in the open source OPL press release that went out yesterday, including interest in a P800 port. Hmmm! Watched Ewan's cracking 'open-sourcing opl' presentation -- someone said that Ewan was the best presenter they'd seen all day.

Got home to find an email from SourceForge saying that the opl-dev web site wasn't in compliance with SF policies, the download files have to be managed thru SF's File Release System, so spent a while sorting that out. And reported the first bug against opl-dev -- "opl.app reports an error when run". First of many I hope! If there are no bug reports, it means there's no testing going on.

Oh yeah, I sorted out that iBook Mail problem too: removed the option to purr for new mail, and added a new rule to purr only after spam has been processed. Result!

Posted by Ewan at April 30, 2003 12:04 AM
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