May 02, 2024

My Photos

Thanks to Ewan's Moblog for inspiring me and Rafe for setting it up, I now have a PhotoBlog.

Gadget17's Photos

Below are the 4 most recently taken images.

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:29 PM | Photography | Comments (0) | TrackBack

February 17, 2024

Mosaic Fun

I've been trying out some software called Mazaika that creates mosaics using smaller images. The smaller images are Beer Bottle labels.

It's just the Trial Version of a program, but seems to work well. Here is my first attempt.

Also available from the site is a program called BG_ASCII (ASCII Image Program) and various libraries of images for Mazaika. These include:-
• Icon collection (1.17 Mb)
• 3500 CD/LP covers
• Collection of 3500+ different actor faces (Note - this collection is very good for mosaic with human faces as a main theme because all images in this collection are photos of human faces itself.)
• Collection of 3000+ amateur cat photos
• The Xmas and New Year cards library of 1500 images (1.5 Mb)
• Video tapes cover library of 950 images
• Beer bottle label library of 1800 images

Posted by Gadget17 at 01:45 AM | Photography | Comments (0) | TrackBack

January 13, 2024

Death of Film Photography?

Is Film Photography on it's last legs?

It may well be according to Kodak who are bailing out of the Traditional Film market in the USA and Europe.

The BBC web site has This Article entitled "Kodak embraces digital revolution". It says that Kodak will be concentrating on the Digital camera market instead.

So it looks like may well be a Farewell to 35mm. R.I.P.

Posted by Gadget17 at 09:14 PM | Photography | Comments (1) | TrackBack

November 02, 2003

ISO Film Speed Guide

I am fed up with always having to search the internet for a film speed guide for when I use a film camera, so have made this guide to help me, but feel free to use yourselves if you find useful.

Types of Film
100 Speed ISO This film has high grain and sharpness qualities. It can be used in sunny outdoor as well flash photos. Good for sunny days and flash. Best used for close-ups, landscapes and posed photographs. Not recommended for action shooting such as sporting events. Can not be used for low existing light situations without a tripod.
200 Speed ISO Similar to 100. Similar to 100. Similar to 100.
400 Speed ISO Very versatile film for existing light and action photography. Can be used effectively in stop action and night photography. Used by the pros in a wide variety of settings. Limited in enlargement because of the grain. However Kodak and Fuji are developing new versions to overcome the limitations.
800/100 Speed ISO Film with a great deal of grain. To be used in very low light situations Good for very low light, such as sporting events. Limited enlargement. Colors are not always true.
1600 Speed ISO Grain is greater than 1000. Good for extremely low light situations Don't even think about enlargements.
Posted by Gadget17 at 04:46 PM | Photography | Comments (3) | TrackBack

November 01, 2003

Chinese Karaoke

Posted some Photos, but will add some text soon!








Posted by Gadget17 at 09:56 PM | Photography | Comments (1) | TrackBack

September 21, 2003

The Number Moblog

I have set up a new Moblog at Textamerica that anyone with a camera phone can join in.

The Number Moblog

It has a simple, but hopefully fun concept. To join in add the next number in sequence. I will start with 0 then go on with and so on! (If a number is entered out of sequence will be deleted as will duplicates).. But the main thing is to have fun finding the next number!

Click Here To Mail Photos To This Page ([email protected])

Posted by Gadget17 at 11:56 PM | Photography | Comments (0) | TrackBack

August 05, 2003

New Photo Blog

Check out my New photo Blog either in top left (textamerica link) or click link below.

Camera Photo Blog

On This Day - 1962: Marilyn Monroe found dead
Film actress Marilyn Monroe is found dead in her bed with an empty bottle of sleeping tablets by her side.

Posted by Gadget17 at 12:11 AM | Photography | Comments (0) | TrackBack